Author: Pampuch, Albert // Albert Pampuch
Title: Flora tremesnensis, oder systematische Aufstellung der in der Umgegend von Trzemessno bis jetzt entdeckten wildwachsenden Pflanzen, so wie auch vieler veredelten und exotischen, welche des Nutzens oder der Schönheit und Seltenheit wegen als Feld-, Garten- und Treibhausgewächse gehegt werden, als Wegweiser bei Anlegung von Herbarien für seine Schüler entworfen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Trzemessno. Gustav Olawski.
Date: 1840.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gustav Olawski.
Copies: W
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6914; Bradley 1: 380; BMNH 4: 1507.
HI Number: \04236\
Title: Flora tremesnensis, oder systematische Aufstellung der in der Umgegend von Trzemessno bis jetzt entdeckten wildwachsenden Pflanzen, so wie auch vieler veredelten und exotischen, welche des Nutzens oder der Schönheit und Seltenheit wegen als Feld-, Garten- und Treibhausgewächse gehegt werden, als Wegweiser bei Anlegung von Herbarien für seine Schüler entworfen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Trzemessno. Gustav Olawski.
Date: 1840.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gustav Olawski.
Copies: W
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6914; Bradley 1: 380; BMNH 4: 1507.
HI Number: \04236\
Author: Papon, Abbé Jean Pierre, 1734-1803 //
Title: Histoire générale de Provence dediée aux Etats.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Moutard.
Date: 1777-1786.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Moutard.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BM plates.
Reported: CtY; ICN; ICU; PU
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 354; NUC 440: NP 0070283; review in Zugabe Gött. Anz. Gel. Sachen 1780.I(7): 1780 [12 Feb.] >>4MLP 3780<<4.
HI Number: \19443\
Title: Histoire générale de Provence dediée aux Etats.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Moutard.
Date: 1777-1786.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Moutard.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BM plates.
Reported: CtY; ICN; ICU; PU
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 354; NUC 440: NP 0070283; review in Zugabe Gött. Anz. Gel. Sachen 1780.I(7): 1780 [12 Feb.] >>4MLP 3780<<4.
HI Number: \19443\
Author: Papon, Jean Pierre, 1734-1803 // P., D. L.
Title: Voyage litteraire de Provence, contenant tout ce qui peut donner une idée de l'état ancien et moderne des villes, les cyriosités qu'elles renferments, la position de ancien peuples, quelques anecdotes literaires, l'histoire naturelle, les plantes, le climat et cinq letteres ssr les trouvéres et les troubadours.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Barrois l'âiné.
Date: 1780.
Format: 12º.
Reported: IU; MH; NIC; NN
Reference / Citation: Review in Phys.-O2kon. Biblioth. 12(3): 346-349. 1782 >>4MLP 1184<<4; Brunet 6: 20137; NUC 440: NP 0070289.
HI Number: \19444\
Title: Voyage litteraire de Provence, contenant tout ce qui peut donner une idée de l'état ancien et moderne des villes, les cyriosités qu'elles renferments, la position de ancien peuples, quelques anecdotes literaires, l'histoire naturelle, les plantes, le climat et cinq letteres ssr les trouvéres et les troubadours.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Barrois l'âiné.
Date: 1780.
Format: 12º.
Reported: IU; MH; NIC; NN
Reference / Citation: Review in Phys.-O2kon. Biblioth. 12(3): 346-349. 1782 >>4MLP 1184<<4; Brunet 6: 20137; NUC 440: NP 0070289.
HI Number: \19444\
Author: Pappe, Carl Wilhelm Ludwig, 1803-1862 // Carol. Guilielm. Ludov. Pappe
Title: Synopsis plantarum phaenogamarum agro lipsiensi indigenarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Leopoldus Vossius.
Date: 1828.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: III-XX, 1-85.
Copies: MH-HL; W
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; LE; P
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6926; Kayser 4: 299; Dierbach 167; Bradley 1: 378; Heinsius 8(2): 95.
Notes: Includes (pp. V-XX, 1-42) the author’s earlier work: Enumerationis plantarum phaenogamarum lipsiensium specimen. Lipsiae, 1827 (HI 04241).
HI Number: \04242\
Title: Synopsis plantarum phaenogamarum agro lipsiensi indigenarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig). Leopoldus Vossius.
Date: 1828.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: III-XX, 1-85.
Copies: MH-HL; W
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; LE; P
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6926; Kayser 4: 299; Dierbach 167; Bradley 1: 378; Heinsius 8(2): 95.
Notes: Includes (pp. V-XX, 1-42) the author’s earlier work: Enumerationis plantarum phaenogamarum lipsiensium specimen. Lipsiae, 1827 (HI 04241).
HI Number: \04242\
Author: Pappe, Carl Wilhelm Ludwig, 1803-1862 // Carolus Guilielmus Ludovicus Pappe
Title: Enumerationis plantarum phaenogamarum lipsiensium specimen. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig).
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Hirschfeld.
Pagination: III-XX, 1-42, 1st unnumb. p. (Theses).
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; HBL; P
Reported: BMNH; DNLM; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6925; Bradley 1: 377; 5: xix; Mundt 2: 204.
Notes: Date of defense of dissertation: 20 Nov. 1827. For a re-issue see: Synopsis plantarum phaenogamarum agro lipsiensi indigenarum. Lipsiae, 1828 (HI 04242).
HI Number: \04241\
Title: Enumerationis plantarum phaenogamarum lipsiensium specimen. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig).
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Hirschfeld.
Pagination: III-XX, 1-42, 1st unnumb. p. (Theses).
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; HBL; P
Reported: BMNH; DNLM; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6925; Bradley 1: 377; 5: xix; Mundt 2: 204.
Notes: Date of defense of dissertation: 20 Nov. 1827. For a re-issue see: Synopsis plantarum phaenogamarum agro lipsiensi indigenarum. Lipsiae, 1828 (HI 04242).
HI Number: \04241\
Author: Parizek, Alexius Vincenz, 1748-1822 // Alexius Parizek
Title: Kurzgefasste Naturgeschichte Böhmens, zum Gebrauche der Jugend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1784.
Format: 8º.
Printer: K. K. Normalschulbuchdruckerey.
Copies: GOET-UB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Engelmann 115; Kayser 4: 302; Wurzbach 21: 315.
Notes: Preface dated Klattau, 1 Apr. 1784.
HI Number: \19455\
Title: Kurzgefasste Naturgeschichte Böhmens, zum Gebrauche der Jugend.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1784.
Format: 8º.
Printer: K. K. Normalschulbuchdruckerey.
Copies: GOET-UB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Engelmann 115; Kayser 4: 302; Wurzbach 21: 315.
Notes: Preface dated Klattau, 1 Apr. 1784.
HI Number: \19455\
Author: Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856 // A physician
Title: A guide to the Mount's Bay and Land's End, comprehending the topography, botany, agriculture, fisheries, antiquities, mining, mineralogy and geology of Western Cornwall.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Penzance. T. Vigurs.
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Reference / Citation: Halkett & Laing 2: 419; BMNH 4: 1571; NUC 441: NP 0082786.
HI Number: \19448\
Title: A guide to the Mount's Bay and Land's End, comprehending the topography, botany, agriculture, fisheries, antiquities, mining, mineralogy and geology of Western Cornwall.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Penzance. T. Vigurs.
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Reference / Citation: Halkett & Laing 2: 419; BMNH 4: 1571; NUC 441: NP 0082786.
HI Number: \19448\
Author: Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856 // A physician
Title: A guide to the Mount's Bay and the Land's End, comprehending to topography, botany, agriculture, fisheries, antiquities, mining, mineralogy and geology of Western Cornwall.
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. W. Phillips.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; DLC
Reference / Citation: Halkett & Laing 2: 419; BMNH 2: 1571; NUC 441: NP 0082797.
Notes: There is an additional, engraved title-page.
HI Number: \19449\
Title: A guide to the Mount's Bay and the Land's End, comprehending to topography, botany, agriculture, fisheries, antiquities, mining, mineralogy and geology of Western Cornwall.
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. W. Phillips.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; DLC
Reference / Citation: Halkett & Laing 2: 419; BMNH 2: 1571; NUC 441: NP 0082797.
Notes: There is an additional, engraved title-page.
HI Number: \19449\
Author: Parish, Woodbine, 1796-1882
Title: Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata: their present state, trade, and debt; with some account from original docu ments of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Clowes and Sons.
Illustrations: 6 MIXD plates (including map) [3 BW plates and 3 COL plates].
Seen / Located: BM
Reported: CtY; NN
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 19: 447; NUC 442: NP 0095577.
HI Number: \33796\
Title: Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata: their present state, trade, and debt; with some account from original docu ments of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Clowes and Sons.
Illustrations: 6 MIXD plates (including map) [3 BW plates and 3 COL plates].
Seen / Located: BM
Reported: CtY; NN
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 19: 447; NUC 442: NP 0095577.
HI Number: \33796\
Author: Parish, Woodbine, 1796-1882 // Sir Woodbine Parish
Title: Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata: their present state, trade, and debt; with some account from original documents of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Clowes and Sons.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including frontisp. + 2 maps).
Copies: ViU-R
Reported: BMNH; CU; DLC; MH; NcD; NN; PPL; TxU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 14: 177; NUC 442: NP 0095578.
HI Number: \24163\
Title: Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata: their present state, trade, and debt; with some account from original documents of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Clowes and Sons.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including frontisp. + 2 maps).
Copies: ViU-R
Reported: BMNH; CU; DLC; MH; NcD; NN; PPL; TxU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 14: 177; NUC 442: NP 0095578.
HI Number: \24163\