Author: Otte, Friedrich Wilhelm
Title: Oekonomisch-statistische Beschreibung der Insel Fehmern [sic].
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig. Röhss.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM; CtY; MiU
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 109; Kayser 4: 283; review in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Jena) 1797.I(3): 17-26. 1797 [4 Jan.] >>4MLP 0074<<4.
HI Number: \24208\
Title: Oekonomisch-statistische Beschreibung der Insel Fehmern [sic].
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig. Röhss.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM; CtY; MiU
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 109; Kayser 4: 283; review in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Jena) 1797.I(3): 17-26. 1797 [4 Jan.] >>4MLP 0074<<4.
HI Number: \24208\
Author: Otto, Karl // Otto
Title: Die vorzüglichsten, in Thüringen wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf ihren Standort im Fürstenthume Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, zur Selbstbelehrung der Jugend und zum Schulgebrauche dargestellt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Rudolstadt. Fröbel ("Druck und Verlag der Fröbelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Date: 1834.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fröbel ("Druck und Verlag der Fröbelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Illustrations: 16 BW or 16 COL plates.
Copies: JE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6877; Bradley 3: 73; Kayser 8: 170.
HI Number: \04213\
Title: Die vorzüglichsten, in Thüringen wildwachsenden Giftpflanzen, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf ihren Standort im Fürstenthume Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, zur Selbstbelehrung der Jugend und zum Schulgebrauche dargestellt.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Rudolstadt. Fröbel ("Druck und Verlag der Fröbelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Date: 1834.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fröbel ("Druck und Verlag der Fröbelschen Hofbuchdruckerei").
Illustrations: 16 BW or 16 COL plates.
Copies: JE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6877; Bradley 3: 73; Kayser 8: 170.
HI Number: \04213\
Author: Owen, William Fitzwilliam, 1774-1857 // W. F. W. Owen
Title: Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H. M. Ships Leven and Barracouta, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Richard Bentley.
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 14 BW plates (including frontisps. vols. 1 and 2, and 4 maps).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; MH; PPL; PU
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 1062; DNB 14: 1352.
Editor/Contributor: Robinson, Heaton Bowsted.
HI Number: \19404\
Title: Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H. M. Ships Leven and Barracouta, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Richard Bentley.
Date: 1833.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 14 BW plates (including frontisps. vols. 1 and 2, and 4 maps).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; MH; PPL; PU
Reference / Citation: Brunet 6: 1062; DNB 14: 1352.
Editor/Contributor: Robinson, Heaton Bowsted.
HI Number: \19404\
Author: Oxley, John Joseph William Molesworth, 1783-1828
Title: Reizen in de binnenlanden van Australie, in de jaren 1817 en 1818.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dordrecht. Blussé en van Braam.
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: BW plates (including maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 22316).
Reported: NN
Reference / Citation: NUC 436: NO 0188046; Review in Boekzaal Gel. Wereld 1822.[I](6): 678-684. 18 22 [June] >>4MLP 2658<<4.
HI Number: \31774\
Title: Reizen in de binnenlanden van Australie, in de jaren 1817 en 1818.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dordrecht. Blussé en van Braam.
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: BW plates (including maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 22316).
Reported: NN
Reference / Citation: NUC 436: NO 0188046; Review in Boekzaal Gel. Wereld 1822.[I](6): 678-684. 18 22 [June] >>4MLP 2658<<4.
HI Number: \31774\
Author: Oxley, John Joseph William Molesworth, 1783-1828
Title: Neueste Forschungsreisen, im Innern und an der Küste von Neu-Südwallis auf Befehl der Brittischen Regierung in den Jahren 1817, 1818 und 1819 unternommen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Bran ("Bran'sche Buchhandlung").
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-128.
Translator: (Extract in German, translated from the English, HI 22316).
Reported: ICJ
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 153; Kayser 4: 289; Heinsius 6: 619.
HI Number: \34136\
Title: Neueste Forschungsreisen, im Innern und an der Küste von Neu-Südwallis auf Befehl der Brittischen Regierung in den Jahren 1817, 1818 und 1819 unternommen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Bran ("Bran'sche Buchhandlung").
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-128.
Translator: (Extract in German, translated from the English, HI 22316).
Reported: ICJ
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 153; Kayser 4: 289; Heinsius 6: 619.
HI Number: \34136\
Author: Ozereckovskij, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827
Title: Putešestvie po ozeram, Ladožskomu i Onežskomu.
Edition: Vtoroe tisnenic.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija.
Date: 1812.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Kreijsberg 1: 592.
HI Number: \34073\
Title: Putešestvie po ozeram, Ladožskomu i Onežskomu.
Edition: Vtoroe tisnenic.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija.
Date: 1812.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Kreijsberg 1: 592.
HI Number: \34073\
Author: Ozereckovskij, Nikolaj Jakovlevic, 1750-1827 // Nikolaj Ozereckovskij
Title: Putešestvie po ozeram, Ladožskomu i Onežskomu, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 13 BW plates.
Copies: H-UB
Reference / Citation: Kreijsberg 1: 592.
HI Number: \23765\
Title: Putešestvie po ozeram, Ladožskomu i Onežskomu, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge. Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk.
Date: 1792.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 13 BW plates.
Copies: H-UB
Reference / Citation: Kreijsberg 1: 592.
HI Number: \23765\
Author: Pálsson, Bjarni, 1719-1779 // Biarno Pauli ([Pr.])
Title: Specimen observationum, qvas circa plantarum qvarundam Maris islandici, et speciatim Algae sacchariferae dictae originem, partes et usus collegit, atqve ... submittit ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Havniae (= Copenhagen). Ernest. Henr. Berling.
Date: 1749.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Officina Sacr. Reg. Maj. Aulica.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-KB; C-UB; GOET-UB
Reported: BM; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7293; Christensen 2: 43.
Notes: Respondent: Markusson (or: markussen), Bjørn. Date of defense of dissertation: 31 Oct. 1749 (day inserted by hand in ink).
HI Number: \04454\
Title: Specimen observationum, qvas circa plantarum qvarundam Maris islandici, et speciatim Algae sacchariferae dictae originem, partes et usus collegit, atqve ... submittit ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Havniae (= Copenhagen). Ernest. Henr. Berling.
Date: 1749.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Officina Sacr. Reg. Maj. Aulica.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-KB; C-UB; GOET-UB
Reported: BM; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 7293; Christensen 2: 43.
Notes: Respondent: Markusson (or: markussen), Bjørn. Date of defense of dissertation: 31 Oct. 1749 (day inserted by hand in ink).
HI Number: \04454\
Author: Palassou, Pierre Bernard, 1745-1830 //
Title: Essai sur la minéralogie des Monts-Pyrénées; suivi d'un catalogue des plantes observées dans cette chaîne de montagnes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Didot jeune; Alex. Jombert jeune; Esprit.
Date: 1781.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 22 BW plates (including 10 maps).
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BM; BR-BR
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 7704; Bradley 1: 535; Brunet 6: 4720 (date erroneously as 1786).
Notes: Includes: Voyage de Paris a’ Perpignan (pp. 329-346).
HI Number: \08931\
Title: Essai sur la minéralogie des Monts-Pyrénées; suivi d'un catalogue des plantes observées dans cette chaîne de montagnes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Didot jeune; Alex. Jombert jeune; Esprit.
Date: 1781.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 22 BW plates (including 10 maps).
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BM; BR-BR
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 7704; Bradley 1: 535; Brunet 6: 4720 (date erroneously as 1786).
Notes: Includes: Voyage de Paris a’ Perpignan (pp. 329-346).
HI Number: \08931\
Author: Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph, 1752-1820 //
Title: Napoléone impériale. -- Napoleonaea imperialis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1804].
Format: 1$.
Printer: Fournier, fils.
Pagination: 1 unnumbered leaf only (printed on recto only).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Seen / Located: P-BC; P-BN
Reference / Citation: Heine, H. "Ave Caesar, botanici te salutant". Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 115-140. 1967; announcement in Procès-Verbaux Séances Acad. Sci. 3: 169. 1913 (copy received on 24 Dec. 1804).
Notes: Headline title; continues in the following additional words: Premier genre d’un nouvel ordre de plantes. Les Napoléonées. Author’s name given on plate only, as: Palisot-Bauvois. Extract of a memoir read on 8 Oct. 1804 at the Class of physical and mathematical sciences at the National Institute (which was published in full, under the title: Mémoire sur une nouvelle plante recueillie a’ Oware, en Afrique, in Rev. Philos. 1804/05.II(13): 198-205. 1804/05 [30 Jan. 1805] (MLP 1263). Date of publication, according to Heine, later than 8 Oct. 1804 and before 24 Dec. 1804. For a later edition see: Flore d’Oware et de Benin en Afrique. Paris. Vol. 2(13): 30 pl. LXXVIII. 1807 [1810] (HI 04216).
HI Number: \19413\
Title: Napoléone impériale. -- Napoleonaea imperialis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1804].
Format: 1$.
Printer: Fournier, fils.
Pagination: 1 unnumbered leaf only (printed on recto only).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Seen / Located: P-BC; P-BN
Reference / Citation: Heine, H. "Ave Caesar, botanici te salutant". Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 115-140. 1967; announcement in Procès-Verbaux Séances Acad. Sci. 3: 169. 1913 (copy received on 24 Dec. 1804).
Notes: Headline title; continues in the following additional words: Premier genre d’un nouvel ordre de plantes. Les Napoléonées. Author’s name given on plate only, as: Palisot-Bauvois. Extract of a memoir read on 8 Oct. 1804 at the Class of physical and mathematical sciences at the National Institute (which was published in full, under the title: Mémoire sur une nouvelle plante recueillie a’ Oware, en Afrique, in Rev. Philos. 1804/05.II(13): 198-205. 1804/05 [30 Jan. 1805] (MLP 1263). Date of publication, according to Heine, later than 8 Oct. 1804 and before 24 Dec. 1804. For a later edition see: Flore d’Oware et de Benin en Afrique. Paris. Vol. 2(13): 30 pl. LXXVIII. 1807 [1810] (HI 04216).
HI Number: \19413\