Author: Zollikofer, Caspar Tobias, 1774-1843 // C. T. Zollikofer
Title: Tentamen florae alpinae Helvetiae inconibus lapide incisis et descriptionibus illustratae. -- Versuch einer Alpen-Flora der Schweiz in Abbildungen auf Stein, nach der Natur gezeichnet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Gallen.
Additional Publisher Info: Huber und Comp.
Date: s.d.[1828].
Format: 4º in 2's.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Pagination: 12 unnumbered leaves (leaf conjugate with title-page is blank).
Illustrations: 10 BW or 10 COL plates (some copies have 2 sets of plates: 10 BW, 10 COL).
Copies: B-TUG; H-UB
Seen / Located: G; HBL; IRL; LE
Reported: LEOP; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10504; Nissen 2201; Krieg 2: 383; Dierbach 159; Miltitz 180-181; Bradley 1: 433; Jackson 343.
HI Number: \06894\
Title: Tentamen florae alpinae Helvetiae inconibus lapide incisis et descriptionibus illustratae. -- Versuch einer Alpen-Flora der Schweiz in Abbildungen auf Stein, nach der Natur gezeichnet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Gallen.
Additional Publisher Info: Huber und Comp.
Date: s.d.[1828].
Format: 4º in 2's.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Pagination: 12 unnumbered leaves (leaf conjugate with title-page is blank).
Illustrations: 10 BW or 10 COL plates (some copies have 2 sets of plates: 10 BW, 10 COL).
Copies: B-TUG; H-UB
Seen / Located: G; HBL; IRL; LE
Reported: LEOP; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10504; Nissen 2201; Krieg 2: 383; Dierbach 159; Miltitz 180-181; Bradley 1: 433; Jackson 343.
HI Number: \06894\
Author: Zschokke, Johannes Heinrich Daniel, 1771-1848 // Heinrich Zschokke
Title: Die Alpenwälder. Für Naturforscher und Forstmänner.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Tübingin.
Date: 1804.J.G.Cotta("inderJ.G.Cotta'schenBuchhandlung").
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 11465; Bradley 4: 123; Heinsius 4: 530; Kayser 6: 347; Mantell 2: 200.
HI Number: \09686\
Title: Die Alpenwälder. Für Naturforscher und Forstmänner.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Tübingin.
Date: 1804.J.G.Cotta("inderJ.G.Cotta'schenBuchhandlung").
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 11465; Bradley 4: 123; Heinsius 4: 530; Kayser 6: 347; Mantell 2: 200.
HI Number: \09686\
Author: Zuccarini, Joseph Gerhard, 1797-1848 // J. G. Zuccarini
Title: Flora der Gegend um München.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München (= Munich). Jos. Lindauer ("Jos. Lindauer'schen Buchhandlung") <C. T. Fr. Sauer>.
Date: 1829.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: Erster Theil.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; LE; P-BC
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10517; Bradley 1: 378; Dierbach 156; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Review in Litt.-Ber. Linnaea 1830: 66. 1830 >>4MLP 2638<<4.
HI Number: \06905\
Title: Flora der Gegend um München.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München (= Munich). Jos. Lindauer ("Jos. Lindauer'schen Buchhandlung") <C. T. Fr. Sauer>.
Date: 1829.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: Erster Theil.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; LE; P-BC
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10517; Bradley 1: 378; Dierbach 156; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Review in Litt.-Ber. Linnaea 1830: 66. 1830 >>4MLP 2638<<4.
HI Number: \06905\
Author: Zuccarini, Joseph Gerhard, 1797-1848 // J. G. Zuccarini
Title: Ueber die Vegetationsgruppen in Bayern. Eine Rede, gehalten in der öffentlichen Sitzung der königl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften am 24. August 1833.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München.
Date: 1833.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Matthäus Pössenbacher.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10519; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Kayser 8: 576; Bradley 1: 378.
HI Number: \06907\
Title: Ueber die Vegetationsgruppen in Bayern. Eine Rede, gehalten in der öffentlichen Sitzung der königl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften am 24. August 1833.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München.
Date: 1833.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Matthäus Pössenbacher.
Copies: WU
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10519; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Kayser 8: 576; Bradley 1: 378.
HI Number: \06907\
Author: Zuccarini, Joseph Gerhard, 1797-1848 // Jos. Gerh. Zuccarini
Title: Charakteristik der deutschen Holzgewächse im blattlosen Zustande.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München. Literarisch-Artistische Anstalt.
Date: 1829-1831.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 fasc.
Illustrations: 18 COL plates.
Copies: MH-Hl; Pruh.
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; H; LE; O2NB; P-BC (1 fasc. only); WU
Reported: Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10518; Bradley 1: 294; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Kayser 6: 347; Mantel 1: 230.
HI Number: \06906\
Title: Charakteristik der deutschen Holzgewächse im blattlosen Zustande.
Place of Publication / Publisher: München. Literarisch-Artistische Anstalt.
Date: 1829-1831.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 fasc.
Illustrations: 18 COL plates.
Copies: MH-Hl; Pruh.
Seen / Located: B-SB; G; H; LE; O2NB; P-BC (1 fasc. only); WU
Reported: Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10518; Bradley 1: 294; Heinsius 8(2): 447; Kayser 6: 347; Mantel 1: 230.
HI Number: \06906\
Author: Zuccarini, Joseph Gerhard, 1797-1848 // Jos. Gerh. Zuccarini
Title: Monographie der amerikanischen Oxalis-Arten.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Müchen].
Date: 1825.
Format: 4º.
Printer: I. E. v. Seidel.
Pagination: 1-60.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; H; H-UB; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10516; Bradley 2: 392; Dierbach 118; Review in Flora 9.I(22): 337-343. 1826 [14 June] >>4MLP 0534<<4.
HI Number: \06903\
Title: Monographie der amerikanischen Oxalis-Arten.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Müchen].
Date: 1825.
Format: 4º.
Printer: I. E. v. Seidel.
Pagination: 1-60.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; H; H-UB; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10516; Bradley 2: 392; Dierbach 118; Review in Flora 9.I(22): 337-343. 1826 [14 June] >>4MLP 0534<<4.
HI Number: \06903\
Author: Blume, Carl Ludwig, 1796-1862 // C. F. [sic] Blume
Title: Pugillus plantarum javanicarum, e cryptogamicarum variis ordinibus selectus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Bonnae] (= Bonn).
Date: s.d. [1823].
Format: 4$.
Copies: Doc.: MH-FH
Reported: NBV
Coauthor(s): Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel, 1776-1858 // C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. Pugillus plantarum javanicarum, e cryptogamicarum variis ordinibus selectus.
Notes: Descriptions by Nees von Esenbeck, but Blume is coauthor of most new taxa.
HI Number: \19832\
Title: Pugillus plantarum javanicarum, e cryptogamicarum variis ordinibus selectus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Bonnae] (= Bonn).
Date: s.d. [1823].
Format: 4$.
Copies: Doc.: MH-FH
Reported: NBV
Coauthor(s): Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel, 1776-1858 // C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. Pugillus plantarum javanicarum, e cryptogamicarum variis ordinibus selectus.
Notes: Descriptions by Nees von Esenbeck, but Blume is coauthor of most new taxa.
HI Number: \19832\
Author: Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 1729-1811 (vols. 1-2)
Title: Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi La Boudeuse, et la flûte L'Étoile; en 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769.
Edition: Nouvelle édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Saillant & Nyon.
Date: 1793.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols. (2 vols. main text + 1 vol. supplement).
Illustrations: BW plates (maps).
Translator: Fréville, -- de (Translated from the English of: A journal of a voyage around the world, in His Majesty's ship Endeavour, in the years 1768-1771. London, 1771 (Supplément).
Copies: Rep.: CtY; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 347; Engelmann 147.
Notes: Reference in the title is to the contents of the supplement. It was originally published separately under the title: Supplément au voyage de. M. de Bougainville, ou, journal d'un voyage autour du monde, fait par MM. Banks & Solander, en 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. Paris, 1772. Both this version in French and the original in English (see above under Translator) were published anonymously.
HI Number: 24161
Title: Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi La Boudeuse, et la flûte L'Étoile; en 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769.
Edition: Nouvelle édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Saillant & Nyon.
Date: 1793.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols. (2 vols. main text + 1 vol. supplement).
Illustrations: BW plates (maps).
Translator: Fréville, -- de (Translated from the English of: A journal of a voyage around the world, in His Majesty's ship Endeavour, in the years 1768-1771. London, 1771 (Supplément).
Copies: Rep.: CtY; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 347; Engelmann 147.
Notes: Reference in the title is to the contents of the supplement. It was originally published separately under the title: Supplément au voyage de. M. de Bougainville, ou, journal d'un voyage autour du monde, fait par MM. Banks & Solander, en 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. Paris, 1772. Both this version in French and the original in English (see above under Translator) were published anonymously.
HI Number: 24161
Author: Brongniart, Aldophe Théodore, 1801-1876 // Ad. Brongniart
Title: Mémoire sur l'organisation et le mode de reproduction des Caulerpées et en particulier du Caulerpa webbiana, espe'ce nouvelle des Canaries; par M. Montagne. <Extrait>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d. [1837].
Format: 4°
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Copies: Doc.: G; MH-HL; NNC
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: K
Coauthor(s): Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Genevie’ve Marcellin, 1778-1846 // Bory de Saint-Vincent.
Notes: Report about a memoir by Montagne prior to publication in one of the journals of the Academy of Sciences in Paris. For the memoir referred to see: Montagne, Jean François Camille: De l'organisatoin et du mode de reproduction des Caulerpées. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1838] (HI 08741). For a later report, by Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Genevie've Marcellin & Brongniart, Adolphe Théodore, see: Rapport sur un mémoire de M. le docteur Montagne, sur l'organisation et le mode de reproduction des Caulerpées. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1838] (HI 13056).
HI Number: 11956
Title: Mémoire sur l'organisation et le mode de reproduction des Caulerpées et en particulier du Caulerpa webbiana, espe'ce nouvelle des Canaries; par M. Montagne. <Extrait>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d. [1837].
Format: 4°
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Copies: Doc.: G; MH-HL; NNC
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: K
Coauthor(s): Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Genevie’ve Marcellin, 1778-1846 // Bory de Saint-Vincent.
Notes: Report about a memoir by Montagne prior to publication in one of the journals of the Academy of Sciences in Paris. For the memoir referred to see: Montagne, Jean François Camille: De l'organisatoin et du mode de reproduction des Caulerpées. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1838] (HI 08741). For a later report, by Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Genevie've Marcellin & Brongniart, Adolphe Théodore, see: Rapport sur un mémoire de M. le docteur Montagne, sur l'organisation et le mode de reproduction des Caulerpées. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1838] (HI 13056).
HI Number: 11956
Author: Buc'hoz, Pierre Joseph, 1731-1807 // P. J. Buc'hoz
Title: Tournefourtius Lotharingiae, ou catalogue des plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine et les Trois Évechés; rangés suivant le syste^me de Tournefort, avec les endroits ou' on les trouve le plus communément.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Durand, Neveu. Nancy. Babin.
Date: s.d. [1764].
Format: 8º.
Printer: C. S. Lamort (Nancy).
Copies: Doc.: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; P; P-BC
Reported: B; BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1320; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Haller 2: 505; Miltitz 124; Krüger 140; Michaud 6: 98; Miltitz 124; TL-2 1: 873.
Notes: Most sources report date as 1764, but Haller gives 1766, and Miltitz and Krüger report both dates.
HI Number: /00849/
Title: Tournefourtius Lotharingiae, ou catalogue des plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine et les Trois Évechés; rangés suivant le syste^me de Tournefort, avec les endroits ou' on les trouve le plus communément.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Durand, Neveu. Nancy. Babin.
Date: s.d. [1764].
Format: 8º.
Printer: C. S. Lamort (Nancy).
Copies: Doc.: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; P; P-BC
Reported: B; BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1320; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Haller 2: 505; Miltitz 124; Krüger 140; Michaud 6: 98; Miltitz 124; TL-2 1: 873.
Notes: Most sources report date as 1764, but Haller gives 1766, and Miltitz and Krüger report both dates.
HI Number: /00849/