Author: Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph, 1752-1820 // A. M. F. J. Palisot-Beauvois
Title: Flore d'Oware et de Benin, en Afrique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: AnXII.1804-1807[1805-1820].
Format: 2º.
Printer: Fain jeune et Compagnie (vol. 1); Fain et Compagnie (vol. 2).
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 20 fasc.): [Tome premier] (- Tome second).
Illustrations: 120 COL or 120 BW plates.
Copies: K; MH-HL; W
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; MH-FH; MiU-R; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: BM; CtY; DNAL; D-UL; LINN; MBH; MiU; PPL; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6896; Jackson 351; Stafleu 940; Nissen 1481; Dunthorne 220; Sayre 28-29, 58; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 490; Brunet 4: 318; Graesse 5: 107; Miltitz 198-199; Krüger 183; Lindau & Sydow 2: 19720; Marshall, H. S., Kew Bull. 6(1): 43-49. 1951; Heine, H., Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 119, 122-123, 125, 133-134. 1967.
Notes: For dates of publication of fascicles see Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. Males. Bull. 4(19): 1143-1144. 1944 [Dec.] and Stafleu. For an earlier edition of fasc. 1, Jan. 1805, see: Flore d’ Oware et Benin. Paris, Vendémiaire an XII (= Sept./Oct. 1803) (HI 24250). For an earlier edition of pl. LXXVIII, 1810, see: Napoléone impériale. – Napoleonaea imperialis. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1804] (HI 19413).
HI Number: \04216\
Title: Flore d'Oware et de Benin, en Afrique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: AnXII.1804-1807[1805-1820].
Format: 2º.
Printer: Fain jeune et Compagnie (vol. 1); Fain et Compagnie (vol. 2).
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 20 fasc.): [Tome premier] (- Tome second).
Illustrations: 120 COL or 120 BW plates.
Copies: K; MH-HL; W
Seen / Located: BMNH; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; MH-FH; MiU-R; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: BM; CtY; DNAL; D-UL; LINN; MBH; MiU; PPL; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6896; Jackson 351; Stafleu 940; Nissen 1481; Dunthorne 220; Sayre 28-29, 58; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 490; Brunet 4: 318; Graesse 5: 107; Miltitz 198-199; Krüger 183; Lindau & Sydow 2: 19720; Marshall, H. S., Kew Bull. 6(1): 43-49. 1951; Heine, H., Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 119, 122-123, 125, 133-134. 1967.
Notes: For dates of publication of fascicles see Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. Males. Bull. 4(19): 1143-1144. 1944 [Dec.] and Stafleu. For an earlier edition of fasc. 1, Jan. 1805, see: Flore d’ Oware et Benin. Paris, Vendémiaire an XII (= Sept./Oct. 1803) (HI 24250). For an earlier edition of pl. LXXVIII, 1810, see: Napoléone impériale. – Napoleonaea imperialis. s.l. [Paris], s.d. [1804] (HI 19413).
HI Number: \04216\
Author: Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph, 1752-1820 // A. M. F. J. Palisot-Beauvois
Title: Flore d'Oware et de Benin.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Bleuet.
Date: VendémiaireanXII(=Sept./Oct.1803).
Format: 4º.
Printer: B. Duchesne.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only in this edition: Première livraison.
Pagination: 1st-6th unnumb. p., I-VI (p. VI blank), 1-10.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: K; P; P-BN
Reference / Citation: Cat. Gén. BN 39: 411; Heine, H., Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 130-136. 1967.
Notes: Text and plates differ from those of the first fascicle of the later edition in folio: Flore d’Oware et de Benin en Afrique. Paris. Vol. 1(1): I-XII, 1-8. pls. 1-6 An XII. 1804 [Jan. 1805].
HI Number: \24250\
Title: Flore d'Oware et de Benin.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Bleuet.
Date: VendémiaireanXII(=Sept./Oct.1803).
Format: 4º.
Printer: B. Duchesne.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only in this edition: Première livraison.
Pagination: 1st-6th unnumb. p., I-VI (p. VI blank), 1-10.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: K; P; P-BN
Reference / Citation: Cat. Gén. BN 39: 411; Heine, H., Adansonia sér. 2, 7(2): 130-136. 1967.
Notes: Text and plates differ from those of the first fascicle of the later edition in folio: Flore d’Oware et de Benin en Afrique. Paris. Vol. 1(1): I-XII, 1-8. pls. 1-6 An XII. 1804 [Jan. 1805].
HI Number: \24250\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: ... Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs.
Edition: Zweite Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Petersburg.
Date: 1801.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Kayserliche Academie der Wissenschaften.
Volumation: 1 vol. only in this edition: Erster Theil.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including 6 maps).
Seen / Located: H-UB; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6903; Bradley 1: 359.
Notes: Includes natural history appendix.
HI Number: \04224\
Title: ... Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs.
Edition: Zweite Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Petersburg.
Date: 1801.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Kayserliche Academie der Wissenschaften.
Volumation: 1 vol. only in this edition: Erster Theil.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including 6 maps).
Seen / Located: H-UB; LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6903; Bradley 1: 359.
Notes: Includes natural history appendix.
HI Number: \04224\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Opisanija rastenij Rossijskago Gosudarstva s ih izobraženijami, po Vysocajšemu pvoeleniju i na iždivenii Eja Imperatorskago Velicestva izdannoe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: S.-Peterburg.
Date: 1786.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 part only: Cast' I.
Illustrations: 50 COL plates.
Translator: Zuev, Vasilij (Translated from the Latin, HI 04227, Vol. 1, part 1).
Seen / Located: H-UB; LE
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 1054; Lipschitz, Fontes 90; Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6905.
Notes: Engraved title-page reads: Opisanija I izobraženie rossijskih proizrastěnij … V Sanktpeterburgě. 1784. Reference in the title is to: Catherine II., Empress of Russia, 1729, 1796.
HI Number: \04228\
Title: Opisanija rastenij Rossijskago Gosudarstva s ih izobraženijami, po Vysocajšemu pvoeleniju i na iždivenii Eja Imperatorskago Velicestva izdannoe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: S.-Peterburg.
Date: 1786.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 part only: Cast' I.
Illustrations: 50 COL plates.
Translator: Zuev, Vasilij (Translated from the Latin, HI 04227, Vol. 1, part 1).
Seen / Located: H-UB; LE
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 1054; Lipschitz, Fontes 90; Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6905.
Notes: Engraved title-page reads: Opisanija I izobraženie rossijskih proizrastěnij … V Sanktpeterburgě. 1784. Reference in the title is to: Catherine II., Empress of Russia, 1729, 1796.
HI Number: \04228\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Tableau physique et topographique de la Tauride, suivi d'Observations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivés à notre globe, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gide.
Date: AnVI[1798].
Format: 4º.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 325.
Editor/Contributor: Gueffier jeune, Maradan.
Notes: For earlier editions of the second section of the present work referred to in the title, see: Obserations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivées a’ notre globe. Paris, 1779 and 1782. Not botanical.
HI Number: \19424\
Title: Tableau physique et topographique de la Tauride, suivi d'Observations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivés à notre globe, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gide.
Date: AnVI[1798].
Format: 4º.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 325.
Editor/Contributor: Gueffier jeune, Maradan.
Notes: For earlier editions of the second section of the present work referred to in the title, see: Obserations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivées a’ notre globe. Paris, 1779 and 1782. Not botanical.
HI Number: \19424\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Tableau physique et topographique de la Tauride, suivi d'observations sur la formation des montagnes, et les changements arrivès à notre globe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: AnVII[1799].
Format: 8º.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Editor/Contributor: Gide, Guillaume.
Notes: For earlier editions of the second section of the present work referred to in the title, see: Observations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivés a’ notre globe. Paris, 1779 and 1782. Not botanical.
HI Number: \19425\
Title: Tableau physique et topographique de la Tauride, suivi d'observations sur la formation des montagnes, et les changements arrivès à notre globe.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: AnVII[1799].
Format: 8º.
Seen / Located: P-BC
Editor/Contributor: Gide, Guillaume.
Notes: For earlier editions of the second section of the present work referred to in the title, see: Observations sur la formation des montagnes et les changemens arrivés a’ notre globe. Paris, 1779 and 1782. Not botanical.
HI Number: \19425\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Voyages entrepris dans les gouvernements méridionaux de l'empire de Russie, pendant les années 1793 et 1794.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Guillaume.
Date: 1811.
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (atlas).
Volumation: 5 vols. (4 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas).
Illustrations: 55 BW plates (including maps).
Translator: LaBoullaye-Marillac, Pierre Charles Madeleine de, 1771-1824 et Tonnelier (Translated from the German, HI 08935).
Reported: NcU (lacks atlas).
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 325; Engelmann 187; NUC 438: NP 0036809.
HI Number: \19427\
Title: Voyages entrepris dans les gouvernements méridionaux de l'empire de Russie, pendant les années 1793 et 1794.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Guillaume.
Date: 1811.
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (atlas).
Volumation: 5 vols. (4 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas).
Illustrations: 55 BW plates (including maps).
Translator: LaBoullaye-Marillac, Pierre Charles Madeleine de, 1771-1824 et Tonnelier (Translated from the German, HI 08935).
Reported: NcU (lacks atlas).
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 325; Engelmann 187; NUC 438: NP 0036809.
HI Number: \19427\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Observations faites dans un voyage entrepris dans les gouvernements méridionaux de l'empire de Russie dans les années 1793 et 1794.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. G. Martini.
Date: 1799-1801.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 54 MIXD plates (including 3 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 08935).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 123; Kayser 4: 293; Brunet 4: 325; Engelmann 115.
Notes: Brunet and Engelmann report separate atlas vol. in 2°, but BM and DLC copies have plates bound with text vols.
HI Number: \34177\
Title: Observations faites dans un voyage entrepris dans les gouvernements méridionaux de l'empire de Russie dans les années 1793 et 1794.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leipzig. G. Martini.
Date: 1799-1801.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 54 MIXD plates (including 3 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 08935).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 123; Kayser 4: 293; Brunet 4: 325; Engelmann 115.
Notes: Brunet and Engelmann report separate atlas vol. in 2°, but BM and DLC copies have plates bound with text vols.
HI Number: \34177\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811
Title: Kratkoe fiziceskoe i topograficeskoe opisanie Tavriceskoj oblasti.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge.
Date: 1795.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Imp. Tip.
Translator: Rižsok (?), Ivan (Translated from the French, HI 08934).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 1058; Krejsberg 2: 539; NUC 438: NP 0036776.
HI Number: \34176\
Title: Kratkoe fiziceskoe i topograficeskoe opisanie Tavriceskoj oblasti.
Place of Publication / Publisher: V Sanktpeterburge.
Date: 1795.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Imp. Tip.
Translator: Rižsok (?), Ivan (Translated from the French, HI 08934).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Trautvetter 1058; Krejsberg 2: 539; NUC 438: NP 0036776.
HI Number: \34176\
Author: Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811 //
Title: Tagebuch einer Reise, die im Jahre 1781 von der Gränzfestung Mosdok nach dem innern Caucasus unternommen worden.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Petersburg und Leipzig.
Date: 1797.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 4: 11; Kayser 5: 390; Holzmann & Bohatta 4: 4542; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 19: 256; review in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 49.I(4): 227-228. 1800 (MLP 1740).
HI Number: \31788\
Title: Tagebuch einer Reise, die im Jahre 1781 von der Gränzfestung Mosdok nach dem innern Caucasus unternommen worden.
Place of Publication / Publisher: St. Petersburg und Leipzig.
Date: 1797.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 4: 11; Kayser 5: 390; Holzmann & Bohatta 4: 4542; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 19: 256; review in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 49.I(4): 227-228. 1800 (MLP 1740).
HI Number: \31788\