Author: Park, John James, 1795-1833
Title: The topography and natural history of Hampstead, in the county of Middlesex. With an appendix of original records.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. White, Cochrane, and Co.
Date: 1814.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including frontisp., portrait, map).
Reported: BMNH; CtY; DLC; NIC
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 3: 1774; Desmond 330; NUC 442: NP 0096823.
HI Number: \19456\
Title: The topography and natural history of Hampstead, in the county of Middlesex. With an appendix of original records.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. White, Cochrane, and Co.
Date: 1814.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including frontisp., portrait, map).
Reported: BMNH; CtY; DLC; NIC
Reference / Citation: Lowndes 3: 1774; Desmond 330; NUC 442: NP 0096823.
HI Number: \19456\
Author: Parker, Samuel, 1779-1866
Title: Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains in the years 1835, '36, and '37 ...
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ithaca. Author.
Date: 1840.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Mack, Andrus and Woodruff
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp. map).
Reported: CU; DLC; IU; MB; NIC; NN
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 425; Sabin 14: 191; NUC 442: NP 0103086.
HI Number: \31812\
Title: Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains in the years 1835, '36, and '37 ...
Edition: Second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ithaca. Author.
Date: 1840.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Mack, Andrus and Woodruff
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp. map).
Reported: CU; DLC; IU; MB; NIC; NN
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 425; Sabin 14: 191; NUC 442: NP 0103086.
HI Number: \31812\
Author: Parker, Samuel, 1779-1866 // Rev. Samuel Parker
Title: Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. performed in the years 1835, '36, and '37; containing a description of the geography, geology, climate, and productions; and the number, manners, and customs of the natives. With a map of the Oregon Territory.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ithaca. Author.
Date: 1838.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Mack, Andrus, & Woodruff.
Pagination: 1-xii, 13-371.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp. map).
Copies: ViU (lacks map).
Reported: BM; CtY-D; DLC; MB; MiU; NIC; NN; TxU
Reference / Citation: Appleton 4: 654; Meisel 3: 425; Sabin 14: 191; DAB 14: 237.
HI Number: \31811\
Title: Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. performed in the years 1835, '36, and '37; containing a description of the geography, geology, climate, and productions; and the number, manners, and customs of the natives. With a map of the Oregon Territory.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ithaca. Author.
Date: 1838.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Mack, Andrus, & Woodruff.
Pagination: 1-xii, 13-371.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp. map).
Copies: ViU (lacks map).
Reported: BM; CtY-D; DLC; MB; MiU; NIC; NN; TxU
Reference / Citation: Appleton 4: 654; Meisel 3: 425; Sabin 14: 191; DAB 14: 237.
HI Number: \31811\
Author: Parkinson, Sydney, 1745-1771 // Sidney Parkinson
Title: Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de Sa Majesté Britannique l'Ende avour, ...; précéde d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précéde l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des deux derniers voyages du Capitaine Cook.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. [Guillaume; Gide; Berthe].
Date: Ancinquième.1797.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Guillaume.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome second).
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Translator: Henry, Pierre François, 1759-1833 (Translated from the English, HI 19472).
Copies: O-UB
Reference / Citation: Du Rietz 946; Brunet 4: 378.
Notes: Posthumously published translation. Reference in the title is to: Cook, James, 1728-1779. Publisher’s names given on the verso of the half-titles of vols. 1-2. According to Du Rietz, this edition in 4° was published after that in 8° (HI 19473).
HI Number: \24203\
Title: Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de Sa Majesté Britannique l'Ende avour, ...; précéde d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précéde l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des deux derniers voyages du Capitaine Cook.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. [Guillaume; Gide; Berthe].
Date: Ancinquième.1797.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Guillaume.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome second).
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Translator: Henry, Pierre François, 1759-1833 (Translated from the English, HI 19472).
Copies: O-UB
Reference / Citation: Du Rietz 946; Brunet 4: 378.
Notes: Posthumously published translation. Reference in the title is to: Cook, James, 1728-1779. Publisher’s names given on the verso of the half-titles of vols. 1-2. According to Du Rietz, this edition in 4° was published after that in 8° (HI 19473).
HI Number: \24203\
Author: Parkinson, Sydney, 1745?-1711 // Sydney Parkinson
Title: A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's ship the Endeavour: ...; and embellished with twenty-nine views and designs, ... To which is now added, ... an appendix, containing an account of the voyages of Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, Monsieur Bougainville, Captain Cook, and Captain Clerke.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Charles Dilly; James Phillips.
Date: 1784.
Notes: Posthumously published new issue, differing mainly in the inclusion of some additional material (Fothergill’s Explanatory remarks … and the appendix, [second set of pagination] i-lxii, 213-354); for details and cancelled leaves see Du Rietz. References in the title are to: Byron, John, 1723-1786; Wallis, Samuel, 1728-1795; Carteret, Philip, d. 1796; Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 1729-1811; Cook, James, 1728-1779; and to: Clerke, Charles, 1741-1779.
HI Number: \19472\
Title: A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's ship the Endeavour: ...; and embellished with twenty-nine views and designs, ... To which is now added, ... an appendix, containing an account of the voyages of Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, Monsieur Bougainville, Captain Cook, and Captain Clerke.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Charles Dilly; James Phillips.
Date: 1784.
Notes: Posthumously published new issue, differing mainly in the inclusion of some additional material (Fothergill’s Explanatory remarks … and the appendix, [second set of pagination] i-lxii, 213-354); for details and cancelled leaves see Du Rietz. References in the title are to: Byron, John, 1723-1786; Wallis, Samuel, 1728-1795; Carteret, Philip, d. 1796; Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 1729-1811; Cook, James, 1728-1779; and to: Clerke, Charles, 1741-1779.
HI Number: \19472\
Author: Parkinson, Sydney, 1745?-1771 // Sidney Parkinson
Title: Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de Sa Majesté Brittanique l'Endeavour ...; précédé d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précédé l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des derniers voyages du Capitaine Cook.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: Ancinquième.1797.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Guillaume.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Translator: Henry, Pierre François, 1759-1833 (Translated from the English, HI 19472).
Seen / Located: H-UB; P
Reported: BR-BR; NN; O-UB; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 378; Sabin 14: 199-200; Du Rietz sub 946; Graesse 5: 137; Cox 1: 58.
Notes: Posthumously published translation. Reference in title is to: Cook, James, 1728-1779. Cox reports date as 1795, but this is very probably an error.
HI Number: \19473\
Title: Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de Sa Majesté Brittanique l'Endeavour ...; précédé d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précédé l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des derniers voyages du Capitaine Cook.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris.
Date: Ancinquième.1797.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Guillaume.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates.
Translator: Henry, Pierre François, 1759-1833 (Translated from the English, HI 19472).
Seen / Located: H-UB; P
Reported: BR-BR; NN; O-UB; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Brunet 4: 378; Sabin 14: 199-200; Du Rietz sub 946; Graesse 5: 137; Cox 1: 58.
Notes: Posthumously published translation. Reference in title is to: Cook, James, 1728-1779. Cox reports date as 1795, but this is very probably an error.
HI Number: \19473\
Author: Parkinson, Sydney, 1745?-1771 // Sydney Parkinson
Title: A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's ship, the Endeavour. ... Embellished with views and designs, delineated by the author, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Stanfield Parkinson.
Additional Publisher Info: Richardson and Urquhart; Evans; Hooper; Murray; Leacroft; Riley.
Date: 1773.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 28 BW or 28 MIXD plates (including frontisp.: portrait of Sydney Parkinson).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; H-UB; O2NB; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6935; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 283; Stafleu 948; Sabin 14: 199; Jackson 22 3; Cox 1: 58; Brunet 4: 378; Desmond 480; Dandy, J. E., Regnum Veg. 51: 17-18. Nov. 1967; Merrill, E. D., Chron. Bot. 14: 326-363. 1954; Merrill 236; Du Rietz, Bibliotheca Polynes. 944; Beaglehole 1: ccliii-cclv.
Editor/Contributor: Parkinson, Stanfield, d. 1773.
Notes: Posthumously published work, giving an account of the first voyage of Captain Cook, James, 1728-1779. Work includes also an anonymous contribution: Continuation of A journal of the voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty’s ship the Endeavor (pp. 209-212). Although the preface is headed “By the editor” (p. v) and signed “Stanfield Parkinson” (p. xxiii), its text was written by William Kenrick; see Beaglehole, J. C. (Ed.): The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. I. The voyage of the Endeavor 1768-1771. Cambridge, 1968, pp. ccliii-ccliv.
HI Number: \04244\
Title: A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's ship, the Endeavour. ... Embellished with views and designs, delineated by the author, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Stanfield Parkinson.
Additional Publisher Info: Richardson and Urquhart; Evans; Hooper; Murray; Leacroft; Riley.
Date: 1773.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 28 BW or 28 MIXD plates (including frontisp.: portrait of Sydney Parkinson).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; H-UB; O2NB; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6935; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 283; Stafleu 948; Sabin 14: 199; Jackson 22 3; Cox 1: 58; Brunet 4: 378; Desmond 480; Dandy, J. E., Regnum Veg. 51: 17-18. Nov. 1967; Merrill, E. D., Chron. Bot. 14: 326-363. 1954; Merrill 236; Du Rietz, Bibliotheca Polynes. 944; Beaglehole 1: ccliii-cclv.
Editor/Contributor: Parkinson, Stanfield, d. 1773.
Notes: Posthumously published work, giving an account of the first voyage of Captain Cook, James, 1728-1779. Work includes also an anonymous contribution: Continuation of A journal of the voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty’s ship the Endeavor (pp. 209-212). Although the preface is headed “By the editor” (p. v) and signed “Stanfield Parkinson” (p. xxiii), its text was written by William Kenrick; see Beaglehole, J. C. (Ed.): The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. I. The voyage of the Endeavor 1768-1771. Cambridge, 1968, pp. ccliii-ccliv.
HI Number: \04244\
Author: Parlatore, Filippo, 1816-1877
Title: Icones plantarum rariorum et haud cognitarum. Florae panormitanae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1839.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Lao.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Seen / Located: B-SB; P
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6939.
HI Number: \04247\
Title: Icones plantarum rariorum et haud cognitarum. Florae panormitanae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1839.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Lao.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Seen / Located: B-SB; P
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6939.
HI Number: \04247\
Author: Parlatore, Filippo, 1816-1877 // Philippe Parlatore
Title: Flora panormitana, sive plantarum prope panormum sponte nascentium enumeratio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: \PA. Pensante.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 2 fasc.).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: W (incomplete)
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6938; Bradley 1: 426.
HI Number: \04246\
Title: Flora panormitana, sive plantarum prope panormum sponte nascentium enumeratio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: \PA. Pensante.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 2 fasc.).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: W (incomplete)
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6938; Bradley 1: 426.
HI Number: \04246\
Author: Parlatore, Filippo, 1816-1877 // Philippus Parlatore
Title: Rariorum plantarum et haud cognitarum in Sicilia sponte provenientium fasciculus I (- fasciculus II).
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1838-1840.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typographeum Diarii Literarii (fasc. I); Oretea (fasc. II).
Volumation: 2 parts.
Pagination: Fasc. I: 1-16; Fasc. II: 1-2, 5-21 (error for: 3-19).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P (fasc. II only)
Reported: K (fasc. II only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6937.
Notes: Fasc. I is extremely rare; it includes the description of the new genus Gussonea Parl. non A. Rich. (Leguminosae) on pp. 5-6; (fasc. II deals with grasses and includes the description of the new genus Serrafalcus Parl. on p. 14 (error for 12).
HI Number: \04245\
Title: Rariorum plantarum et haud cognitarum in Sicilia sponte provenientium fasciculus I (- fasciculus II).
Place of Publication / Publisher: Panormi (= Palermo).
Date: 1838-1840.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typographeum Diarii Literarii (fasc. I); Oretea (fasc. II).
Volumation: 2 parts.
Pagination: Fasc. I: 1-16; Fasc. II: 1-2, 5-21 (error for: 3-19).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: P (fasc. II only)
Reported: K (fasc. II only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6937.
Notes: Fasc. I is extremely rare; it includes the description of the new genus Gussonea Parl. non A. Rich. (Leguminosae) on pp. 5-6; (fasc. II deals with grasses and includes the description of the new genus Serrafalcus Parl. on p. 14 (error for 12).
HI Number: \04245\