Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Passiflora serratodigitata 960 View this page at BHL
Passiflora suberosa 958 View this page at BHL
Passiflora tiliaefolia 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora vespertilio 957 View this page at BHL
Pastinaca opopanax 262 View this page at BHL
Pastinaca sativa 262 View this page at BHL
Patagonula americana 149 View this page at BHL
Paullinia asiatica 365 View this page at BHL
Paullinia curassavica 366 View this page at BHL
Paullinia cururu 365 View this page at BHL
Paullinia mexicana 366 View this page at BHL
Paullinia pinnata 366 View this page at BHL
Paullinia polyphylla 366 View this page at BHL
Paullinia seriana 365 View this page at BHL
Pavetta indica 110 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis comosa 609 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis flammea 609 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis hirsuta 609 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis incarnata 609 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis lapponica 609 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis palustris 607 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis recutita 608, err. View this page at BHL
Pedicularis resupinata 608 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis rostrata 607 View this page at BHL
Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum 608 View this page at BHL
