Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Parthenium integrifolium 988 View this page at BHL
Passerina ciliata 559 View this page at BHL
Passerina filiformis 559 View this page at BHL
Passerina hirsuta 559 View this page at BHL
Passerina uniflora 560 View this page at BHL
Passiflora caerulea 959 View this page at BHL
Passiflora capsularis 957 View this page at BHL
Passiflora cuprea 955 View this page at BHL
Passiflora foetida 959 View this page at BHL
Passiflora hirsuta 958 View this page at BHL
Passiflora holosericea 958 View this page at BHL
Passiflora incarnata 959 View this page at BHL
Passiflora laurifolia 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora lutea 958 View this page at BHL
Passiflora maliformis 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora minima 959 View this page at BHL
Passiflora multiflora 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora murucuja 957 View this page at BHL
Passiflora pallida 955 View this page at BHL
Passiflora pedata 960 View this page at BHL
Passiflora perfoliata 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora punctata 957 View this page at BHL
Passiflora rotundifolia 957 View this page at BHL
Passiflora rubra 956 View this page at BHL
Passiflora serratifolia 955 View this page at BHL
