Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Oxalis stricta 435 View this page at BHL
Oxalis versicolor 434 View this page at BHL
Oxalis violacea 434 View this page at BHL
Paeonia officinalis 530 View this page at BHL
Panax quinquefolium 1058 View this page at BHL
Panax trifolium 1059 View this page at BHL
Pancratium amboinense 291 View this page at BHL
Pancratium caribaeum 291 View this page at BHL
Pancratium carolinianum 291 View this page at BHL
Pancratium illyricum 291 View this page at BHL
Pancratium maritimum 291 View this page at BHL
Pancratium mexicanum 290 View this page at BHL
Pancratium zeylanicum 290 View this page at BHL
Panicum alopecuroides 55 View this page at BHL
Panicum americanum 56 View this page at BHL
Panicum arborescens 59 View this page at BHL
Panicum brevifolium 59 View this page at BHL
Panicum capillare 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum clandestinum 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum compositum 57 View this page at BHL
Panicum crusgalli 56 View this page at BHL
Panicum dactylon 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum dichotomum 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum dimidiatum 57 View this page at BHL
Panicum dissectum 57 View this page at BHL
