Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Panicum filiforme 57, err. View this page at BHL
Panicum glaucum 56 View this page at BHL
Panicum italicum 56 View this page at BHL
Panicum latifolium 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum miliaceum 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum patens 58 View this page at BHL
Panicum sanguinale 57 View this page at BHL
Panicum virgatum 59 View this page at BHL
Papaver alpinum 507 View this page at BHL
Papaver argemone 506 View this page at BHL
Papaver cambricum 508 View this page at BHL
Papaver dubium 1196 View this page at BHL
Papaver hybridum 506 View this page at BHL
Papaver nudicaule 507 View this page at BHL
Papaver orientale 508 View this page at BHL
Papaver rhoeas 507 View this page at BHL
Papaver somniferum 508 View this page at BHL
Parietaria cretica 1052 View this page at BHL
Parietaria lusitanica 1052 View this page at BHL
Parietaria officinalis 1052 View this page at BHL
Parietaria zeylanica 1052 View this page at BHL
Paris quadrifolia 367 View this page at BHL
Parkinsonia aculeata 375 View this page at BHL
Parnassia palustris 273 View this page at BHL
Parthenium hysterophorus 988 View this page at BHL
