Author: Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826 // Brocchi
Title: Osservazioni naturali fatte al Promontorio Argentaro ed all' isola del Giglio. Lettere del ... al signor Conte Bardi ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano. La Direzione del' Giornale [Biblioteca italiana].
Date: s.d.[1818].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), 1-50.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Reference in title is to: Bardi, Girolamo.
HI Number: \24275\
Title: Osservazioni naturali fatte al Promontorio Argentaro ed all' isola del Giglio. Lettere del ... al signor Conte Bardi ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano. La Direzione del' Giornale [Biblioteca italiana].
Date: s.d.[1818].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), 1-50.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Reference in title is to: Bardi, Girolamo.
HI Number: \24275\
Author: Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826 // G. Brocchi
Title: Memoria mineralogica sulla Valle di Fassa in Tirolo.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano. Giovanni Silvestri.
Date: 1811.
Format: 8º.
Copies: CU
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1298; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 439; Saccardo 2: 24.
HI Number: \07267\
Title: Memoria mineralogica sulla Valle di Fassa in Tirolo.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Milano. Giovanni Silvestri.
Date: 1811.
Format: 8º.
Copies: CU
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1298; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 439; Saccardo 2: 24.
HI Number: \07267\
Author: Bromfield, William 1712-1792 // William Bromfeild
Title: An account of the english nightshades, and their effects. With ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. R. Baldwin; G. Woodfall.
Date: 1757.
Format: 12º.
Pagination: 1st-22nd unnumb. p., i-viii, 1-94.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: BMNH
Reported: BM; DNLM; E-UL; K; MBAt; NN; PPC; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1310; Haller 2: 464; Miltitz 437; DNB 2: 1306
Notes: Dedication (5th unnumb. p.) dated 29 Nov. 1757.
HI Number: \07272\
Title: An account of the english nightshades, and their effects. With ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. R. Baldwin; G. Woodfall.
Date: 1757.
Format: 12º.
Pagination: 1st-22nd unnumb. p., i-viii, 1-94.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: BMNH
Reported: BM; DNLM; E-UL; K; MBAt; NN; PPC; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1310; Haller 2: 464; Miltitz 437; DNB 2: 1306
Notes: Dedication (5th unnumb. p.) dated 29 Nov. 1757.
HI Number: \07272\
Author: Bromfield, William Arnold, 1801-1851 //
Title: A list of plants likely to be found growing wild in the Isle of Wight, but not discovered or reported to be indigenous to it, up to the present date, November, 1840.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ryde, Isle of Wight.
Date: 1840.
Format: 12º.
Printer: E. Hartnall.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Jackson 254; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 399; Desmond 91.
HI Number: \10172\
Title: A list of plants likely to be found growing wild in the Isle of Wight, but not discovered or reported to be indigenous to it, up to the present date, November, 1840.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ryde, Isle of Wight.
Date: 1840.
Format: 12º.
Printer: E. Hartnall.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Jackson 254; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 399; Desmond 91.
HI Number: \10172\
Author: Bromfield, William, 1712-1792 // Bromfeild Pere
Title: Observations sur les vertus des differentes especes de Solanum, qui croissent en Angleterre, avec des remarques sur l'usage de la salsepareille, du mercure & de ses préparations.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. P. Alex. Le Prieur.
Date: 1761.
Format: 12º in 8's + 4's.
Pagination: I-XXXVIII, 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-128.
Translator: Bromfield, -- (son of William Bromfield) (Translated from the English, HI 07272).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; DNAL
Reference / Citation: Haller 2: 464; Miltitz 437-438; Debure 644.
HI Number: \07273\
Title: Observations sur les vertus des differentes especes de Solanum, qui croissent en Angleterre, avec des remarques sur l'usage de la salsepareille, du mercure & de ses préparations.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. P. Alex. Le Prieur.
Date: 1761.
Format: 12º in 8's + 4's.
Pagination: I-XXXVIII, 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-128.
Translator: Bromfield, -- (son of William Bromfield) (Translated from the English, HI 07272).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; DNAL
Reference / Citation: Haller 2: 464; Miltitz 437-438; Debure 644.
HI Number: \07273\
Author: Bronn, Heinrich Georg, 1800-1862 // Heinr. G. Bronn
Title: Ergebnisse meiner naturhistorisch-öconomischen Reisen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg u. Leipzig. Karl Groos (Neue Akademische Buchhandlung).
Date: s.d.-s.d.[1826-1831].
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweyter Theil).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), I-XX, 1-652, 3rd-6th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 2]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), I-XVIII, 1-652. 5 folded tables.
Illustrations: 12 MIXD plates.
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; MiU; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CU; DSI; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1327; Dierbach 148; Engelmann 79; Heinsius 7([1]): 113; 8(1): 116; Kayser 1: 362; ADB 3: 356; LGN 1: 556.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Ergebnisse meiner naturhistorischen-ökonomischen Reisen. Lithographed title-pages for vols. 1-2. Preface to vol. 2 dates vol. 1 as of 1826; preface to vol. 2, p. X, dated Heidelberg, Dec. 1831.
HI Number: \07279\
Title: Ergebnisse meiner naturhistorisch-öconomischen Reisen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg u. Leipzig. Karl Groos (Neue Akademische Buchhandlung).
Date: s.d.-s.d.[1826-1831].
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweyter Theil).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), I-XX, 1-652, 3rd-6th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 2]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank), I-XVIII, 1-652. 5 folded tables.
Illustrations: 12 MIXD plates.
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; MiU; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CU; DSI; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1327; Dierbach 148; Engelmann 79; Heinsius 7([1]): 113; 8(1): 116; Kayser 1: 362; ADB 3: 356; LGN 1: 556.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Ergebnisse meiner naturhistorischen-ökonomischen Reisen. Lithographed title-pages for vols. 1-2. Preface to vol. 2 dates vol. 1 as of 1826; preface to vol. 2, p. X, dated Heidelberg, Dec. 1831.
HI Number: \07279\
Author: Bronn, Valentinus, 1796-1834 // V. Bronn
Title: Mémoire sur l'utilisation des terrains incultes de l'Ardenne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége.
Date: Xbre.1829.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. Desoer.
Copies: MiU
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BR-BR
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 4: 161; Biblioth. Hulth. 1: 6000.
HI Number: \17507\
Title: Mémoire sur l'utilisation des terrains incultes de l'Ardenne.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Liége.
Date: Xbre.1829.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. Desoer.
Copies: MiU
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BR-BR
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 4: 161; Biblioth. Hulth. 1: 6000.
HI Number: \17507\
Author: Brotero, Felix de Avellar, 1744-1828 // Felix Avellar Brotero
Title: Phitographia Lusitaniae selectior, seu novarum et aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, descriptiones.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olissipone (= Lisbon).
Date: 1801.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Typographia Domus Chalcographicae, Typoplasticae, ac Litterariae.
Volumation: 1 part only: Fascic. I.us.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; WUB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; MA
Reported: BMNH; LINN; PO
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1196; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 535; Colmeiro sub 676; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Sayre 8; Nissen 247; TL-2 1: 810.
Notes: Unfinished work, withdrawn by the author. For an extract see Römer, Johann Jakob (Ed.): Collectanea ad omnen rem botanicam sectantia. Turici, pp. 181-183. 1809 (HI 00473). A later edition was published under the title: Phytographia Lusitaniae selectior. 2 Vols. Olisipone, 1816-1827 (HI 00756).
HI Number: \00757\
Title: Phitographia Lusitaniae selectior, seu novarum et aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, descriptiones.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olissipone (= Lisbon).
Date: 1801.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Typographia Domus Chalcographicae, Typoplasticae, ac Litterariae.
Volumation: 1 part only: Fascic. I.us.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; WUB
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; LE; MA
Reported: BMNH; LINN; PO
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1196; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 535; Colmeiro sub 676; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Sayre 8; Nissen 247; TL-2 1: 810.
Notes: Unfinished work, withdrawn by the author. For an extract see Römer, Johann Jakob (Ed.): Collectanea ad omnen rem botanicam sectantia. Turici, pp. 181-183. 1809 (HI 00473). A later edition was published under the title: Phytographia Lusitaniae selectior. 2 Vols. Olisipone, 1816-1827 (HI 00756).
HI Number: \00757\
Author: Brotero, Felix de Avellar, 1744-1828 // Felix Avellar Brotero
Title: Phytographia Lusitaniae selectior(,) seu novarum, rariorum, et aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, ejusdemque floram spectant, descriptiones iconibus illustratae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olisipone (= Lisbon).
Additional Publisher Info: Typographia regia (Olisip.); Petr. et Georg. Rey (Olisip.); Barrois jun. (Paris.); Rey et Gravier (Paris.); Bossange (Londin.) (all vol. 1 only).
Date: 1816-1827.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Typographia Regia.
Volumation: 2 vols. (in fasc.): Tom. I (- Tom. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: 1st-8th unnumb. p. (2nd and 8th p. blank), 1-236; [Vol. 2]: 1-264.
Illustrations: 181 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; K
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; DNAL; G; GOET-UB (vol. 1 only); HBL (vol. 1 only); LE; MA; MA-CB; MH-JP; NIC; P; P-BC; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; LINN; MiU; NNHor; OCl; PPAN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1196; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 420; Colmeiro 676; Brunet 1: 1278; Graesse 1: 548; Heinsius 6: 112; Kayser 1: 363; Gourry 159; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Lindau & Sydow 1: 4157; Sayre 51; Nissen 248; LGN 1: 559; TL-2 1: 811.
Notes: According to TL-2, this work was published in fascicles, the contents and dates of which are unknown. Vol. 1 includes a corrected version of fasc. 1; an earlier edition of this fasc. was published under the title: Phitographia Lusitaniae selectior. Fascic. I.us. Olissipone, 1801 (HI 00757).
HI Number: \00756\
Title: Phytographia Lusitaniae selectior(,) seu novarum, rariorum, et aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, ejusdemque floram spectant, descriptiones iconibus illustratae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olisipone (= Lisbon).
Additional Publisher Info: Typographia regia (Olisip.); Petr. et Georg. Rey (Olisip.); Barrois jun. (Paris.); Rey et Gravier (Paris.); Bossange (Londin.) (all vol. 1 only).
Date: 1816-1827.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Typographia Regia.
Volumation: 2 vols. (in fasc.): Tom. I (- Tom. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: 1st-8th unnumb. p. (2nd and 8th p. blank), 1-236; [Vol. 2]: 1-264.
Illustrations: 181 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL; K
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; DNAL; G; GOET-UB (vol. 1 only); HBL (vol. 1 only); LE; MA; MA-CB; MH-JP; NIC; P; P-BC; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; LINN; MiU; NNHor; OCl; PPAN; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1196; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 420; Colmeiro 676; Brunet 1: 1278; Graesse 1: 548; Heinsius 6: 112; Kayser 1: 363; Gourry 159; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Lindau & Sydow 1: 4157; Sayre 51; Nissen 248; LGN 1: 559; TL-2 1: 811.
Notes: According to TL-2, this work was published in fascicles, the contents and dates of which are unknown. Vol. 1 includes a corrected version of fasc. 1; an earlier edition of this fasc. was published under the title: Phitographia Lusitaniae selectior. Fascic. I.us. Olissipone, 1801 (HI 00757).
HI Number: \00756\
Author: Brotero, Felix de Avellar, 1744-1828 // Felix Avellar Broterus
Title: ... Flora lusitanica, seu plantarum, quae in Lusitania vel sponte crescunt, vel frequentius coluntur, ex florum praesertim sexubus systematice distributarum, synopsis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olissipone (= Lisbon).
Additional Publisher Info: Typographia Regia ("In eadem Typographia") (Olissipone); Franc. Tavares (Olissipone); Petr. Jos. Rey (Olissipone); Petr. Theoph. Barrois (Paris) (all vol. 1 only).
Date: 1804[1804-1805].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Typographia Regia.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Pars I (- Pars II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: I-XVIII, 1-607 (608 blank); [Vol. 2]: 1-558.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BP-BM; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; MH-HL; NIC-A; P; P-BC; Pruhonice; WUB
Reported: BM; BMNH; DNAL; K; LINN; NN; NNHor; PPAN; PPAP; RHS; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1194; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 420; Colmeiro 654; Brunet 1: 1278; Graesse 1: 547-548; Jackson 341; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Lindau & Sydow 1: 4156; Sayre 18; LGN 1: 559; TL-2 1: 182
HI Number: \00754\
Title: ... Flora lusitanica, seu plantarum, quae in Lusitania vel sponte crescunt, vel frequentius coluntur, ex florum praesertim sexubus systematice distributarum, synopsis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Olissipone (= Lisbon).
Additional Publisher Info: Typographia Regia ("In eadem Typographia") (Olissipone); Franc. Tavares (Olissipone); Petr. Jos. Rey (Olissipone); Petr. Theoph. Barrois (Paris) (all vol. 1 only).
Date: 1804[1804-1805].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Typographia Regia.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Pars I (- Pars II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: I-XVIII, 1-607 (608 blank); [Vol. 2]: 1-558.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BP-BM; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MA; MH-HL; NIC-A; P; P-BC; Pruhonice; WUB
Reported: BM; BMNH; DNAL; K; LINN; NN; NNHor; PPAN; PPAP; RHS; Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1194; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 420; Colmeiro 654; Brunet 1: 1278; Graesse 1: 547-548; Jackson 341; Miltitz 120; Krüger 132; Lindau & Sydow 1: 4156; Sayre 18; LGN 1: 559; TL-2 1: 182
HI Number: \00754\