Author: Brickell, John, 1710?-1745 // John Brickell
Title: The natural history of North-Carolina. With an account of the trade, manners, and customs of the christian and indian inhabitants. Illustrated with copper-plates, whereon are curiously engraved the map of the country, several strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. Author.
Date: 1737.
Format: 8º.
Printer: James Carson.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: NYBG
Seen / Located: BM; BMNH; LE; MB
Reported: DLC; ICJ; MH; MiU-C; NcD; NcU; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1269; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 317; Sabin 2: 466; Meisel 3: 341-342; Lowndes 1: 269; Jackson 362; Engelmann 147; Desmond 87; TL-2 1: p. 323; Britten, J., J. Bot. 55(4): 118. 1917 [Apr.].
Notes: This work is an almost verbal transcript of Lawson, John, d. 1712: A new voyage to Carolina. London, 1709, and: The history of Carolina. London, 1714; however, no acknowledgement is given in the book itself.
HI Number: \07259\
Title: The natural history of North-Carolina. With an account of the trade, manners, and customs of the christian and indian inhabitants. Illustrated with copper-plates, whereon are curiously engraved the map of the country, several strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. Author.
Date: 1737.
Format: 8º.
Printer: James Carson.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: NYBG
Seen / Located: BM; BMNH; LE; MB
Reported: DLC; ICJ; MH; MiU-C; NcD; NcU; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1269; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 317; Sabin 2: 466; Meisel 3: 341-342; Lowndes 1: 269; Jackson 362; Engelmann 147; Desmond 87; TL-2 1: p. 323; Britten, J., J. Bot. 55(4): 118. 1917 [Apr.].
Notes: This work is an almost verbal transcript of Lawson, John, d. 1712: A new voyage to Carolina. London, 1709, and: The history of Carolina. London, 1714; however, no acknowledgement is given in the book itself.
HI Number: \07259\
Author: Brickell, John, 1710?-1745 // John Brickell
Title: Natural history of North-Carolina. With an account of the trade, manners, and customs, of the christian and indian inhabitants. Strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: Charles Corbett (London).
Date: 1743.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: James Carson.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: CtY-Beinecke
Seen / Located: MB
Reported: BM; MiU-C; NcU; PU; ViU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 466; NUC 75: NB 0790078.
Notes: A new issue; differs from 1737 issue by an added title-page; title-page of 1737 is also present. This is also an almost verbal transcript of Lawson, John, d. 1712: A new voyage to Carolina. London, 1709, and: The history of Carolina. London, 1714.
HI Number: \17481\
Title: Natural history of North-Carolina. With an account of the trade, manners, and customs, of the christian and indian inhabitants. Strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: Charles Corbett (London).
Date: 1743.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: James Carson.
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: CtY-Beinecke
Seen / Located: MB
Reported: BM; MiU-C; NcU; PU; ViU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 466; NUC 75: NB 0790078.
Notes: A new issue; differs from 1737 issue by an added title-page; title-page of 1737 is also present. This is also an almost verbal transcript of Lawson, John, d. 1712: A new voyage to Carolina. London, 1709, and: The history of Carolina. London, 1714.
HI Number: \17481\
Author: Bridel, Philippe Sirice, 1757-1845
Title: Essai statistique sur le canton de Wallais [sic].
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zürich. Orell[,] Füssli et Comp.
Date: 1820
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 5 MIXD plates (including frontisp. and 1 map).
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 6: 107; Kayser 1: 346; Lonchamp 447; Review in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Halle) 1820.IV(61): 481-486. 1820 [June] >>4MLP 3869<<4.
HI Number: \24056\
Title: Essai statistique sur le canton de Wallais [sic].
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zürich. Orell[,] Füssli et Comp.
Date: 1820
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 5 MIXD plates (including frontisp. and 1 map).
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 6: 107; Kayser 1: 346; Lonchamp 447; Review in Allg. Lit.-Zeitung (Halle) 1820.IV(61): 481-486. 1820 [June] >>4MLP 3869<<4.
HI Number: \24056\
Author: Briganti, Vincenzio, 1766-1836
Title: De fungis rarioribus regni neapolitani historia picturis ad naturam ductis illustrata.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Neapoli] (= Naples).
Date: [1824].
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: Plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1277; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3944-3945; Review in Linnaea 2(4): 626. 1827 >>4MLP 0772<<4; Announcement in Atti Real Ist. Incorrag. Sci. Nat. Napoli 5: xxxii. 1834 >>4MLP 0263<<4.
HI Number: \07260\
Title: De fungis rarioribus regni neapolitani historia picturis ad naturam ductis illustrata.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Neapoli] (= Naples).
Date: [1824].
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: Plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1277; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3944-3945; Review in Linnaea 2(4): 626. 1827 >>4MLP 0772<<4; Announcement in Atti Real Ist. Incorrag. Sci. Nat. Napoli 5: xxxii. 1834 >>4MLP 0263<<4.
HI Number: \07260\
Author: Briganti, Vincenzio, 1766-1836 // Vincentius Briganti
Title: Stirpes rariores sive novae aut minus cognitae species quae in regno neapolitano aut sponte veniunt aut hospitantur descriptionibus et iconibus illustratae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Neapoli (= Naples).
Date: 1816.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Angeus Coda.
Volumation: 1 part only: Pemptas prima.
Pagination: 1st-10th unnumb. p. (2nd, 4th, 6th, 10th p. blank), 1-14, 11th-12th unnumb. p. (12th p. blank).
Illustrations: 5 BW plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1149; Jackson 319; Saccardo [1]: 38; TL-2 1: 759.
Notes: Wrapper title and half-title (1st unnumb. p) read: (...) Stirpes rariores regni neapolitani. Section title for plates (11th unnumb. p.) reads: Icones stirpium rariorum regni neapolitani. Unfinished work (announcement of the five species to be treated in part 2 on 9th unnumbered p., with diagnoses).
HI Number: \00731\
Title: Stirpes rariores sive novae aut minus cognitae species quae in regno neapolitano aut sponte veniunt aut hospitantur descriptionibus et iconibus illustratae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Neapoli (= Naples).
Date: 1816.
Format: 2º.
Printer: Angeus Coda.
Volumation: 1 part only: Pemptas prima.
Pagination: 1st-10th unnumb. p. (2nd, 4th, 6th, 10th p. blank), 1-14, 11th-12th unnumb. p. (12th p. blank).
Illustrations: 5 BW plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1149; Jackson 319; Saccardo [1]: 38; TL-2 1: 759.
Notes: Wrapper title and half-title (1st unnumb. p) read: (...) Stirpes rariores regni neapolitani. Section title for plates (11th unnumb. p.) reads: Icones stirpium rariorum regni neapolitani. Unfinished work (announcement of the five species to be treated in part 2 on 9th unnumbered p., with diagnoses).
HI Number: \00731\
Author: Briganti, Vincenzio, 1766-1836 // Vincentius Briganti
Title: Historia fungorum regni neapolitani picturis ad naturam ductis illustrata.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Neapoli (= Naples).
Date: 1848[1837-1848].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Regia Typographia.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 5 fasc.).
Pagination: I-XVI, 1-140
Illustrations: 46 COL plates.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: TL-2 1: 758; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3947; Jackson 319; Saccardo [1]: 38; Nissen 234.
Editor/Contributor: Briganti, Francesco, 1802-1865.
Coauthor(s): Briganti, Francesco 1802-1865 // Franciscus ejus filius
Notes: Fascicle titles read: ... De fungis regni neapolitani historia. Specimen primum (- Specimen quintum). Half-title for fasc. 1-3 reads: ... De fungis regni neapolitani historia. Specimen I, II et III. Publication of the work started after the death of the senior author. Authorship given on fascicle titles: Vincentius Briganti (fasc. 1-3); Franciscus Briganti (fasc. 4-5). For dates of publication of fascicles see TL-2.
HI Number: \24038\
Title: Historia fungorum regni neapolitani picturis ad naturam ductis illustrata.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Neapoli (= Naples).
Date: 1848[1837-1848].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Regia Typographia.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 5 fasc.).
Pagination: I-XVI, 1-140
Illustrations: 46 COL plates.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: TL-2 1: 758; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3947; Jackson 319; Saccardo [1]: 38; Nissen 234.
Editor/Contributor: Briganti, Francesco, 1802-1865.
Coauthor(s): Briganti, Francesco 1802-1865 // Franciscus ejus filius
Notes: Fascicle titles read: ... De fungis regni neapolitani historia. Specimen primum (- Specimen quintum). Half-title for fasc. 1-3 reads: ... De fungis regni neapolitani historia. Specimen I, II et III. Publication of the work started after the death of the senior author. Authorship given on fascicle titles: Vincentius Briganti (fasc. 1-3); Franciscus Briganti (fasc. 4-5). For dates of publication of fascicles see TL-2.
HI Number: \24038\
Author: Brignoli di Brunnhoff, Giovanni de, 1774-1857 // Joannes Brignoli
Title: Fasciculus rariorum plantarum forojuliensium.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Urbini (= Urbino). Vincentius Guerrini.
Date: 1810.
Format: 4º.
Printer: \k\
Pagination: 1-32.
Copies: G; HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-UB; P-BC; WU
Reported: HAL-L; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1151; Miltitz 185; Krüger 136; TL-2 1: 761.
HI Number: \00732\
Title: Fasciculus rariorum plantarum forojuliensium.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Urbini (= Urbino). Vincentius Guerrini.
Date: 1810.
Format: 4º.
Printer: \k\
Pagination: 1-32.
Copies: G; HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; GOET-UB; P-BC; WU
Reported: HAL-L; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1151; Miltitz 185; Krüger 136; TL-2 1: 761.
HI Number: \00732\
Author: Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826 // Brocchi
Title: Dell' aspetto della vegetazione ne' contorni di Reggio in Calabria. Memoria del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1822].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-12.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58; Saccardo [1]: 38.
Notes: Headline title only.
HI Number: \24259\
Title: Dell' aspetto della vegetazione ne' contorni di Reggio in Calabria. Memoria del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1822].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-12.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58; Saccardo [1]: 38.
Notes: Headline title only.
HI Number: \24259\
Author: Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826 // Brocchi
Title: De' colli Iblei in Sicilia. Memoria del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1822].
Format: 8º.
Printer: I. R. Stamperia.
Pagination: 1-19 (20 blank).
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Headline title only. Place of publication given at end of text (p. 19).
HI Number: \24261\
Title: De' colli Iblei in Sicilia. Memoria del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1822].
Format: 8º.
Printer: I. R. Stamperia.
Pagination: 1-19 (20 blank).
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Headline title only. Place of publication given at end of text (p. 19).
HI Number: \24261\
Author: Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826 // Brocchi
Title: Osservazioni naturali fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini degli Abruzzi< <1. Memoria <inedita> del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1823].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-30, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Headline title only. Following the author's name, it continues: Vedi Biblioteca Italiana tom. 14.$, pag. 363. This reference is to an article published under the title: Osservazioni naturali fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini nell' Abruzzo ulteriore in Bibliot. Ital. (Milano) 14(6): 363-377. 1819 [June] MLP 0335
HI Number: \24260\
Title: Osservazioni naturali fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini degli Abruzzi< <1. Memoria <inedita> del ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Milano].
Date: s.d.[1823].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-30, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Müllerott 58.
Notes: Headline title only. Following the author's name, it continues: Vedi Biblioteca Italiana tom. 14.$, pag. 363. This reference is to an article published under the title: Osservazioni naturali fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini nell' Abruzzo ulteriore in Bibliot. Ital. (Milano) 14(6): 363-377. 1819 [June] MLP 0335
HI Number: \24260\