Academy news letter of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, CA. Vol. 1+, 1940+. Acad. News Lett. Calif. Acad. Sci. ULS 2-881-2. HI 50131
Academy news, Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia, PA. 1978+. Acad. News, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. HI 60945
Academic report of Northwest University. Xian. Nov. 1943-Aug. 1957. Acad. Rep. N. W Univ. Preceded by: Journal of Northwest University, Xian. Superseded by: Journal of Northwest University, Xian. Natural science. HI 76704
Academic review. [Hsüeh shu chi-k'an.] Taipei. Vol. 1-?, 1952-58? Acad. Rev. HI 50132
Academia Româna. Memoriile sectiunei stiintifice. Bucharest. Ser. 3, vols. 1-23, 1923-48. Acad. Româna, Mem. Sect. Sti. Superseded by: Analele Academiei Republicii Populare Române (Romîne). Bucharest. ULS 1-23-3. HI 50133
Académie Royale du Gard. Nîmes. (1832-33), 1832-34. Acad. Roy. Gard. Preceded by: Notice ou aperçu analitique des travaux les plus remarquables de l'Académie Royale du Gard. Nîmes. Superseded by: Mémoires de l'Académie Royale du Gard. Nîmes. ULS 1-26-3. HI 50134
Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, de Besançon. Séance(s) publique. Besançon. 1814-58; 1866-75. Acad. Sci. Besançon, Séance Publique. Preceded by: Séances publiques de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Besançon. Besançon. For 1859-65, see: Mémoires et documents de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Besançon. Besançon. Superseded by: Années de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, de Besançon. Besançon. ULS 1-29-3. HI 50136
Acadian naturalist; bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. Fredericton, N. B. Vols. 1-2(8), 1943-47. Acadian Naturalist. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. St. John, N.B. ULS 1-38-2. HI 50140
Acadian scientist. Wolfville, NS. Vols. 1-2(2) 1883-84. Acadian Sci. Superseded by: Canadian science monthly. Wolfville, NS. ULS 2-917-3. HI 50141
Acanthus; an international newsletter to encourage interest in the acanthaceae. San Francisco, CA. No. 1+, 1987+. Acanthus. HI 60946
Acarologia. Abbeville, Paris. Vol. 1+, 1959+. Acarologia. HI 82963
Accession bulletin, International Coffee Organization. Leiden. Vol. 1+, 1972+. Accession Bull. Int. Coffee Organ. HI 60947
Accessions to the library, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. 1898, 1902-09. Accessions Libr. U.S.D.A. Superseded by: Monthly bulletin, United States Department of Agriculture Library. Washington, DC. HI 77278
Acción agraria. Cuzco. Vol. 1+, 1949+. Acción Agrar. (Cuzco). HI 50144
Acción agraria. Mexico City. Vol. 1+, 1947+. Acción Agrar. (Mexico City). HI 50145
L’Acclimatation des animaux et des plantes; journal (des agriculteurs), des éleveurs (et des chasseurs). Paris. Vols. 1+, 1874+. Acclim. Anim. Pl. HI 50146
Acclimatation; journal des éleveurs. Paris. Vol. 1+, 1874+. Acclimatation. ULS 1-46-2. HI 50147
Achievements … Queensland Herbarium. Brisbane, Qld. (1991/92+), 1993+. Achievem. Queensland Herb. Preceded by: Botany focus. HI 75981
Acid rain abstracts annual. New York, NY. (1988+), 1989+. Acid Rain Abstr. Annual. HI 60948
Acker- und Gartenbauzeitung. New York, NY. Vols. 1-47(22), 1870-1917. Acker- Gartenbauzeitung. ULS 1-49-1. HI 50148
Açoreana; revista de estudos Açorianos: Boletim da Sociedade Afonso Chaves. Angra do Heroísmo. Vol. 1+, (1934+), 1935+. Açoreana. ULS 1-49-1. HI 79721
Acqua ed aria, ecologia. Milan. Vol. 4, 1974. Acqua Aria, Ecol. Preceded by: Ecologia. Milan. Superseded by: Ecologia, acqua, aria, suolo. HI 60949
Aquarium bulletin of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society. Brooklyn, NY. Vols. 4-5, 1918-19. Acquar. Bull. Brooklyn Aquar. Soc. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society. Brooklyn, NY. ULS 1-420-2. HI 79801
Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Agricultura. Olsztyn. Vol. 41+, 1985+. Acta Acad. Agric. Techn. Olsten., Agric. Preceded by: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie. Rolnictwo. HI 60950
Acta Academiae Electoralis Moguntinae Scientiarum Utilium quae Erfordiae est. Erfurt, Gotha. Vols. 1-2, 1757-61. Acta Acad. Elect. Mogunt. Sci. Util. Erfordiae. Superseded by: Acta Academiae Electoralis Moguntinae Scientiarum Utilium quae Erfurti est. Erfurt. ULS 1-107-3. HI 50149