A'in Shams science bulletin. Cairo. Nos. 1-15, 1956-71/73. A'in Shams Sci. Bull. ISSN 1110-0397 HI 61315
American Association for the Advancement of Science bulletin. Lancaster, PA, later Washington, DC. Vols. 1-18, 1942-74 [publication suspended 1947-60]. A. A. A. S. Bull. ULS 1-1-1. ISSN 0001-0030 HI 50001
A A S P newsletter; American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. College Station, TX. Vol. 12(4)+, 1979+. A. A. S. P. Newslett. Preceded by: Newsletter, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. College Station, TX. ISSN 0732-6041 HI 60839
A A U reports; Aarhus Universitet. Risskov. Nos. 18-41, 1988-2001. A. A. U. Rep. Preceded by: Reports, Botaniske Institut, Aarhus Universitet. Risskov. ISSN 0904-6453 HI 75967
A B bookman's weekly. Newark, NJ. Vols. 39(23/24)-104(25/26), 1967-99. A. B. Bookman's Weekly. Preceded by: Antiquarian bookman. New York, NY. ISSN 0001-0340 HI 60840
A B R; agropecuaria Brasileira. Resumos. Brasília. No. 00, 1982; no. 1+, 1982+. A. B. R. ISSN 0102-0730 HI 60841
A B R S biologue; Australian Biological Resources Study. Canberra, A.C.T. No. 1+, 1983+. A. B. R. S. Biologue. ISSN 0814-8880, 0814-B8880 HI 75633
A B T; abstracts of bioanalytic technology. San Francisco, CA. Vols. 1(1)-13(2), 1953-65. A. B. T. HI 60842
A C I A R newsletter; a quarterly publication of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Canberra, A.C.T. Nos. 1-44, 1983-2004. A. C. I. A. R. Newslett. Preceded by: I A R C newsletter. Canberra, A.C.T. ISSN 0813-7234 HI 75691
A C I A R proceedings; Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Canberra, A.C.T. No. 11+, 1985+. A. C. I. A. R. Proc. Preceded by: A C I A R proceedings series. Canberra, A.C.T. ISSN 1038-6920 HI 84926
A C I A R proceedings series; Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Canberra, A.C.T. Nos. 1-10, 1984-85. A. C. I. A. R. Proc. Ser. Superseded by: A C I A R proceedings. Canberra, A.C.T. ISSN 0816-4266 HI 62317
A D A S quarterly review; Agricultural Development & Advisory Service. London. Nos. 1-39, 1971-80. A. D. A. S. Quart. Rev. Preceded by: N A A S quarterly review. London. ISSN 0027-5670 HI 60843
A E form, Agricultural Extension Station, Purdue University. Lafayette, IN. Nos. 1-19, 1910-11. A. E. Form, Purdue Univ. Superseded by: Leaflet, Department of Agricultural Extension, Purdue University. Lafayette, IN. ISSN 2373-2814 HI 60844
A E T F A T index; relève des travaux de phanérogamie systématique et des taxons nouveaux concernant l'Afrique au sud du Sahara et Madagascar. Association pour l'Étude Taxonomique de la Flore d'Afrique Tropicale. Brussels. (1953-80), 1954-85; (1984-85), 1985 [publication suspended 1981-83]. A. E. T. F. A. T. Index. ISSN 0066-9784 HI 60845
A F R I miscellaneous report; Applied Forestry Research Institute. Syracuse, NY. Nos. 1-6, 1968-75. A. F. R. I. Misc. Rep. ISSN 0066-5436 HI 60846
A F R I research report; Applied Forestry Research Institute. Syracuse, NY. Nos. 1-44, 1969-79. A. F. R. I. Res. Rep. ISSN 0066-5444 HI 60847
A F Z; Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge. Munich. Vols. 44-50(20), 1989-95. A. F. Z. Preceded by: Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift. Munich. Superseded by: A F Z, Der Wald. Berlin. ISSN 0936-1294 HI 80251
A F Z, Der Wald. Berlin. Vol. 50(21)+, 1995+. A. F. Z. Wald. Preceded by: A F Z; Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge. Munich. ISSN 1430-2713 HI 80252
A G bulletin, Department of Agriculture, New South Wales. Rydalmere, N.S.W. Nos. 1-13, 1976-82. A. G. Bull. Dept. Agric. N. S. W. Superseded by: Advisory bulletin, New South Wales, Department of Agriculture. Sydney, N.S.W. ISSN 0314-786X HI 60848
A G G S news views; American Gloxinia & Gesneriad Society. Magnolia, NJ. Vol. 1+, 1988+. A. G. G. S. News Views. ISSN 1040-449X HI 62914
A G P news; proceedings of the Arabinogalactan Protein Club. Melbourne, Vic. Vols. 1-5, 1977-85. A. G. P. News. ISSN 0314-8734 HI 61191
A G R; University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Lexington, KY. No. 1+, 1972+. A. G. R. ISSN 0095-2486 HI 82537
A G R E P; permanent inventory of agricultural research projects in the European communities. Luxembourg. 1977-91 [complete data not ascertained]. A. G. R. E. P. HI 60849
A H B A S newsletter; Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society. Pittsburgh, PA. Vols. 1-?, 2001-? A. H. B. A. S. Newslett. HI 82794
A H C news; news bulletin of the American Horticultural Council. Ithaca, NY. Nos. 1-30, 1953-59. A. H. C. News. Preceded by: United horticulture. News bulletin. West Grove, PA. HI 60850