A P H I S 82 - U. S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Hyattsville, MD. Nos. 1-14, 1972-88. A. P. H. I. S. 82. Preceded by: A R S 82 - U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Springfield, VA. ISSN 0092-6825 HI 80254
A P M I S; Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Copenhagen. Vol. 96+, 1988+. A. P. M. I. S. Preceded by: Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Section A, pathology. Copenhagen [not entered]; Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Section B, microbiology. Copenhagen; and Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Section C, immunology. Copenhagen [not entered]. ISSN 0903-4641 HI 80311
A P M I S. Supplementum; Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Copenhagen. No. 1+, 1988+. A. P. M. I. S., Suppl. Preceded by: Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Supplement. Copenhagen. ISSN 0903-465X HI 80312
A P N; Mitteilungsblatt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pilzkunde Niederrhein. Krefeld. Vols. 1-15, 1983-95. A. P. N. ISSN 0933-890X HI 83904
A Q I S bulletin; Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service. Canberra, A.C.T. Vols. 1-?, 1989-2010. A. Q. I. S. Bull. Superseded by: Biosecurity bulletin. Canberra, A.C.T. ISSN 1033-9280 HI 75807
A R C research review; Agricultural Research Council. London. Vols. 1-5(2), 1975-79. A. R. C. Res. Rev. ISSN 0307-1588 HI 60866
A R I newsletter; Agricultural Research Institute. Washington, DC. 1951+. A. R. I. Newslett. HI 60867
A R S 82 - U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Springfield, VA. Nos. 1-4, 1967-71. A. R. S. 82. Superseded by: A P H I S 82 - U. S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Hyattsville, MD. HI 80255
A S A special publications; American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI. No. 1+, 1963+. A. S. A. Special Publ. ISSN 0066-0566 (Print), 2165-9710 (Online) HI 80257
A S B bulletin; Association of the Southeastern Biologists. Chapel Hill, NC. Vols. 1-47, 1954-2000. A. S. B. Bull. Superseded by: Southeastern biology. Burlington, NC. ISSN 0001-2386 HI 60868
A S B P communication; Association of Systematic Biologists of the Phillipines. Manila. Vol. 1(1-3), 1984-91. A. S. B. P. Commun. Superseded by: Philippine journal of systematic biology. Manila. HI 60869
A S C newsletter; Association of Systematics Collections. Lawrence, KS, Washington, DC. Vols. 1-29(4), 1973-2001. A. S. C. Newslett. Superseded by: Alliance news. Washington, DC. ISSN 0147-7889 HI 60871
A S C Washington initiative; Association of Systematics Collections. Washington, DC. Vols. 1-10(7), 1987-96. A. S. C. Washington Init. Superseded by: The Washington initiative. Washington, DC. HI 75703
A S F A marine biotechnology abstracts. Bethesda, MD. Vol. 2+, 1990+. A. S. F. A. Mar. Biotechnol. Abstr. Preceded by: Marine biotechnology abstracts. Bethesda, MD. ISSN 1054-2027 (Print), 1555-6182 (Online) HI 75273
A S H S newsletter; American Society for Horticultural Science. Alexandria, VA. Vol. 1+, 1985+. A. S. H. S. Newslett. Preceded by: Newsletter, American Society for Horticultural Science. St. Joseph, MI. ISSN 0882-8024 HI 60872
A S L I B book guide. London. Vols. 57-66, 1992-2001. A. S. L. I. B. Book Guide. Preceded by: A S L I B book list. London. Incorporated in: Reference reviews. Taunton. ISSN 1368-2067 HI 85132
A S L I B book list; Association of Special Libraries & Information Bureaux. London. Vols. 1-56, 1935-91. A. S. L. I. B. Book List. Superseded by: A S L I B book guide. London. ISSN 0001-2521 HI 60873
A S L I B information. London. Vols. 1-21, 1973-93. A. S. L. I. B. Inform. Preceded by: A S L I B proceedings. London. Superseded by: Managing information. London. ISSN 0305-0033 HI 85135
A S L I B journal of information management. Bingley. Vol. 66+, 2014+. A. S. L. I. B. J. Inform. Managem. Preceded by: A S L I B proceedings. London. ISSN 2050-3806 (Print), 2050-3814 (Online) HI 85134
A S L I B proceedings; Association of Special Libraries & Information Bureaux. London. Vols. 1-65, 1949-2013. A. S. L. I. B. Proc. Superseded by: A S L I B journal of information management. Bingley and A S L I B information. London. ULS 1-507-1. ISSN 0001-253X (Print), 1758-3748 (Online) HI 60874
A S M news; American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. Vols. 29-71, 1963-2005. A. S. M. News. Preceded by: Bacteriological news. Baltimore, MD. Superseded by: Microbe. Washington, DC. ISSN 0044-7897 HI 60875
A S P B news; the newsletter of the American Society of Plant Biologists. Rockville, MD. Vol. 28(3)+, 2001+. A. S. P. B. News (Rockville). Preceded by: A S P P news. Rockville, MD. ISSN 1535-5489 (Print), 1544-9149 (Online) HI 85141
A S P B news; American Society of Professional Biologists. College Park, MD. Vols. 1-?, 1947-? A. S. P. B. News. HI 60876
A S P news. Herndon, VA. Vol. 24(152)+, 1995+. A. S. P. News. Preceded by: A S P newsletter. Bethesda, MD, later McLean, VA. HI 85139
A S P newsletter; American Society for Photobiology. Bethesda, MD, later McLean, VA. Nos. 1-151, 1972-94. A. S. P. Newslett. Superseded by: A S P news. Herndon, VA. HI 60877