Abstracts of published papers and list of translations, C S I R O, Australia. East Melbourne, Vic. Vols. 1-4, 1952-56. Abstr. Published Pap. List Transl., C. S. I. R. O. Superseded by: C S I R O science index. HI 60934
Abstracts of recent publications, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Orono, ME. 1948+. Abstr. Recent Publ. Maine Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 56070
Abstracts of reports of the British Pteridological Society. Kendal. 1894-1905? Abstr. Rep. Brit. Pteridol. Soc. ULS 1-791-2. HI 50124
Abstracts of Romanian scientific and technical literature. Bucharest. Vol. 7+, 1971+. Abstr. Romanian Sci. Techn. Lit. Preceded by: Abstracts of Rumanian technical literature. HI 60935
Abstracts of Rumanian technical literature. Bucharest. Vols. 1-6, 1965-70. Abstr. Rumanian Techn. Lit. Superseded by: Abstracts of Romanian scientific and technical literature. HI 60936
Abstracts on rural development in the tropics. Amsterdam. Vol. 0(0),1+, 1985; vol. 1+, 1986+. Abstr. Rural Developm. Tropics. HI 60937
Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt, and papers received from [other Middle east countries]. Dokki-Cairo. Vols. 1-4, 1955-59. Abstr. Sci. Techn. Pap. Published Egypt. Forms part of: Documentation bulletin of the National Research Centre. Part 2. Superseded by: Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in U A R. HI 60938
Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in U A R [United Arab Republic], and papers received from [other Middle east countries]. Dokki-Cairo. Vol. 5+, 1959+. Abstr. Sci. Techn. Pap. Published UAR. Preceded by: Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt. HI 60939
Abstracts on tropical agriculture. Amsterdam. Vol. 1+, 1975+. Abstr. Trop. Agric. Preceded by: Tropical abstracts. HI 60940
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy. Stockholm. ?-1975+. Abstr. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Pharm. Forms part of: Acta Universitatis Upsalienses. HI 60942
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science. Stockholm. Vols. 1-?, 1961-? Abstr. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Sci. Forms part of: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Superseded by: Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science. HI 60941
Abstracts, Weed Science Society of America. Champaign, IL. 1968+. Abstr. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Preceded by: Abstracts, Weed Society of America. HI 60943
Abstracts, Weed Society of America. Champaign, IL. 1956-67. Abstr. Weed Soc. Amer. Superseded by: Abstracts, Weed Science Society of America. HI 60944
Abstracts, Conference on Great Lakes Research. 18th+, 1975+. Abstr., Conf. Great Lakes Res. Preceded by: Proceedings, Conference on Great Lakes Research. HI 60920
Abstracta; research abstracts series. a Bio tár. Szombathely. No. 1+, 1992+. Abstracta. Preceded by: Bio tár: ethnobotanika és etnobiodiverzitás sorozat. Szombathely. ULS reference. ISSN 1216-2280 HI 75666
ABStracts; forum for members. Arlington, MA, etc. Vol. 1+, 1973+. ABStracts. HI 60912
Abteilung für Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Mitteilungsblatt. Graz. Vols. 1-3, 1953-54. Abt. Zool. Bot. Landesmus. Joanneum Graz Mitteilungsbl. Superseded by: Abteilung für Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Mitteilungsheft. Graz. HI 50125
Abteilung für Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Mitteilungsheft. Graz. Vols. 4-6, 1955-56. Abt. Zool. Bot. Landesmus. Joanneum Graz Mitteilungsh. Preceded by: Abteilung für Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Mitteilungsblatt. Graz. Superseded by: Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Graz. HI 50127
Abysses. Monaco. No. 1+, 1989+. Abysses. ULS reference. ISSN 1017-4907 HI 83064
Acta pedologica Sinica [T’u jang hsüeh hsüeh p’ao]. Peiping (Beijing). Vol. 1+, 1953+. Acad Pedol. Sin. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Soil Science Society of China. HI 50252
Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Naturae Curiosorum ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum [etc.]. Frankfurt am Main & Leipzig. Vol. 1/2, 1712. Acad. Caes-Leop. Nat. Cur. Ephem. Preceded by: Miscellanea curiosa sive ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germanicarum Academiae Caesarea-Leopoldinae Naturae-Curiosorum. Leipzig & Frankfurt am Main. Superseded by: Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum [etc.]. Nuremberg. HI 50129
Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum [etc.]. Nuremberg. Vols. 3/4-9/10, 1715-22. Acad. Caes.-Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. Ephem. Preceded by: Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Naturae Curiosorum ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum [etc.]. Frankfurt am Main & Leipzig. Superseded by: Acta physico-medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum exhibentia ephemerides, sive observationes historias et experimenta [etc.]. Nuremberg. ULS 2-1294-1. HI 50128
Academia journal of biology; A J B. Hanoi. Vol. 42+, 2020+. Acad. J. Biol. Preceded by: Tạp chí sinh học. Hanoi. ISSN 2615-9023 (Print), 2815-5920 (Online) HI 84922
Academic journal of Jiangsu Agricultural College. Yangzhou. Vols. 1-2, 1980-82. Acad. J. Jiangsu Agric. Coll. Superseded by: Journal of Jiangsu Agricultural College. Yangzhou. HI 76444
Academic journal of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Jinan. 1980(2-4). Acad. J. Shandong Coll. Tradit. Chin. Med. Preceded by: Learned journal of Shandong Chinese Medical College. Superseded by: Journal of the Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. HI 76445