Abstracts of papers, Utah Academy of Sciences. Salt Lake City, UT. 1926-29. Abstr. Pap. Utah Acad. Sci. Incorporated in: Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences (Arts and Letters). Salt Lake City, UT. HI 79965
Abstracts of papers presented at annual meetings, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. Dallas, TX. 1968+. Abstr. Pap., Amer. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynologists. HI 60930
Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science. Lawrence, Hays, KS. Vol. 1+, 1982+. Abstr. Pap., Kansas Acad. Sci. HI 60931
Abstracts of the proceedings of the Ashmolean Society. Oxford. Vols. 1(1)-3(36), (1832-58) 1844-58 [no. 30 was not published]. Abstr. Proc. Ashmolean Soc. Superseded by: Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society. Oxford. ULS 1-503-3. HI 79528
Abstract of the proceedings of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. Boston, MA. Vols. 4-6, 1843-45. Abstr. Proc. Assoc. Amer. Geol. Naturalists. Preceded by: Reports of the ... Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. Boston, MA. Superseded by: Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Philadelphia, PA, etc. ULS 1-526-1. HI 60932
Abstract of proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. Sydney, N.S.W. 1882-1909; no. 280+, 1909+. Abstr. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales. ULS 3-2430-2. HI 50122
Abstract of the proceedings of the Plinian Society. Edinburgh. Vols. [1](1/4-6), (1823-26), 1826-28. Abstr. Proc. Plinian Soc. Superseded by: Transactions of the Plinian Society. Edinburgh. HI 78574
Abstract of proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, N.S.W. 1897-1904? Abstr. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales. ULS 4-3730-1. HI 50123
Abstracts of the proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. London. 1885-96. Abstr. Proc. S. London Entomol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Preceded by: Report of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Superseded by: Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. HI 60933
Abstracts of proceedings, Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists. Reading. 1938-44. Abstr. Proc. Soc. Agric. Bacteriologists. Preceded by: Papers of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists. Reading. Superseded by: Abstracts of proceedings, Society for Applied Bacteriology. Reading. HI 79797
Abstracts of proceedings, Society for Applied Bacteriology. Reading. 1945+. Abstr. Proc. Soc. Appl. Bacteriol. Preceded by: Abstracts of proceedings, Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists. Reading. HI 79798
Abstracts of published papers and list of translations, C S I R O, Australia. East Melbourne, Vic. Vols. 1-4, 1952-56. Abstr. Published Pap. List Transl., C. S. I. R. O. Superseded by: C S I R O science index. HI 60934
Abstracts of recent publications, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Orono, ME. 1948+. Abstr. Recent Publ. Maine Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 56070
Abstracts of reports of the British Pteridological Society. Kendal. 1894-1905? Abstr. Rep. Brit. Pteridol. Soc. ULS 1-791-2. HI 50124
Abstracts of Romanian scientific and technical literature. Bucharest. Vol. 7+, 1971+. Abstr. Romanian Sci. Techn. Lit. Preceded by: Abstracts of Rumanian technical literature. HI 60935
Abstracts of Rumanian technical literature. Bucharest. Vols. 1-6, 1965-70. Abstr. Rumanian Techn. Lit. Superseded by: Abstracts of Romanian scientific and technical literature. HI 60936
Abstracts on rural development in the tropics. Amsterdam. Vol. 0(0),1+, 1985; vol. 1+, 1986+. Abstr. Rural Developm. Tropics. HI 60937
Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt, and papers received from [other Middle east countries]. Dokki-Cairo. Vols. 1-4, 1955-59. Abstr. Sci. Techn. Pap. Published Egypt. Forms part of: Documentation bulletin of the National Research Centre. Part 2. Superseded by: Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in U A R. HI 60938
Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in U A R [United Arab Republic], and papers received from [other Middle east countries]. Dokki-Cairo. Vol. 5+, 1959+. Abstr. Sci. Techn. Pap. Published UAR. Preceded by: Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt. HI 60939
Abstracts on tropical agriculture. Amsterdam. Vol. 1+, 1975+. Abstr. Trop. Agric. Preceded by: Tropical abstracts. HI 60940
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy. Stockholm. ?-1975+. Abstr. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Pharm. Forms part of: Acta Universitatis Upsalienses. HI 60942
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science. Stockholm. Vols. 1-?, 1961-? Abstr. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Sci. Forms part of: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Superseded by: Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science. HI 60941
Abstracts, Weed Science Society of America. Champaign, IL. 1968+. Abstr. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Preceded by: Abstracts, Weed Society of America. HI 60943
Abstracts, Weed Society of America. Champaign, IL. 1956-67. Abstr. Weed Soc. Amer. Superseded by: Abstracts, Weed Science Society of America. HI 60944
Abstracts, Conference on Great Lakes Research. 18th+, 1975+. Abstr., Conf. Great Lakes Res. Preceded by: Proceedings, Conference on Great Lakes Research. HI 60920