Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Ruellia strepens 634 View this page at BHL
Ruellia tuberosa 635 View this page at BHL
Rumex acetosa 337 View this page at BHL
Rumex acetosella 338 View this page at BHL
Rumex acutus 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex aegyptiacus 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex alpinus 334 View this page at BHL
Rumex aquaticus 336 View this page at BHL
Rumex britannica 334 View this page at BHL
Rumex bucephalophorus 336 View this page at BHL
Rumex crispus 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex digynus 337 View this page at BHL
Rumex lunaria 336 View this page at BHL
Rumex maritimus 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex obtusifolius 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex patientia 333 View this page at BHL
Rumex persicarioides 335 View this page at BHL
Rumex pulcher 336 View this page at BHL
Rumex roseus 337 View this page at BHL
Rumex sanguineus 334 View this page at BHL
Rumex scutatus 337 View this page at BHL
Rumex spinosus 337 View this page at BHL
Rumex verticillatus 334 View this page at BHL
Rumex vesicarius 336 View this page at BHL
Rumphia amboinensis 1193 View this page at BHL
