Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Robinia caragana 722 View this page at BHL
Robinia frutex 723 View this page at BHL
Robinia grandiflora 722 View this page at BHL
Robinia pseudo-acacia 722 View this page at BHL
Robinia pygmaea 723 View this page at BHL
Roella ciliata 170 View this page at BHL
Roella reticulata 170 View this page at BHL
Rondeletia americana 172 View this page at BHL
Rondeletia asiatica 172 View this page at BHL
Rosa alba 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa canina 491 View this page at BHL
Rosa carolina 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa centifolia 491 View this page at BHL
Rosa cinnamomea 491 View this page at BHL
Rosa eglanteria 491 View this page at BHL
Rosa gallica 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa indica 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa pendulina 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa sempervirens 492 View this page at BHL
Rosa spinosissima 491 View this page at BHL
Rosa villosa 491 View this page at BHL
Rosmarinus officinalis 23 View this page at BHL
Royena glabra 397 View this page at BHL
Royena hirsuta 397 View this page at BHL
Royena lucida 397 View this page at BHL
