Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Pulmonaria officinalis 135 View this page at BHL
Pulmonaria sibirica 135 View this page at BHL
Pulmonaria virginica 135 View this page at BHL
Punica granatum 472 View this page at BHL
Pyrola maculata 396 View this page at BHL
Pyrola minor 396 View this page at BHL
Pyrola rotundifolia 396 View this page at BHL
Pyrola secunda 396 View this page at BHL
Pyrola umbellata 396 View this page at BHL
Pyrola uniflora 397 View this page at BHL
Pyrus communis 479, 1200, add. View this page at BHL
Pyrus coronaria 480 View this page at BHL
Pyrus cydonia 480 View this page at BHL
Pyrus malus 479, 1200, add. View this page at BHL
Quercus aegilops 996 View this page at BHL
Quercus alba 996 View this page at BHL
Quercus cerris 997 View this page at BHL
Quercus coccifera 995 View this page at BHL
Quercus esculus 996 View this page at BHL
Quercus gramuntia 995 View this page at BHL
Quercus ilex 995 View this page at BHL
Quercus molucca 1199 View this page at BHL
Quercus nigra 995 View this page at BHL
Quercus phellos 994 View this page at BHL
Quercus prinus 995 View this page at BHL
