Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Potentilla rupestris 496 View this page at BHL
Potentilla sericea 495 View this page at BHL
Potentilla stipularis 498 View this page at BHL
Potentilla supina 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla verna 498 View this page at BHL
Poterium hybridum 994 View this page at BHL
Poterium sanguisorba 994 View this page at BHL
Poterium spinosum 994 View this page at BHL
Pothos scandens 968 View this page at BHL
Prasium majus 601 View this page at BHL
Prasium minus 601 View this page at BHL
Prenanthes alba 798 View this page at BHL
Prenanthes altissima 797, err. View this page at BHL
Prenanthes muralis 797 View this page at BHL
Prenanthes purpurea 797 View this page at BHL
Prenanthes repens err. View this page at BHL
Prenanthes tenuifolia 797 View this page at BHL
Prenanthes viminea 797 View this page at BHL
Primula auricula 143 View this page at BHL
Primula cortusoides 144 View this page at BHL
Primula farinosa 143 View this page at BHL
Primula integrifolia 144 View this page at BHL
Primula minima 143 View this page at BHL
Primula veris 142 View this page at BHL
Primula vitaliana 143 View this page at BHL
