Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Potamogeton lucens 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton marinum 127 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton natans 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton pectinatum 127 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton perfoliatum 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton pusillum 127 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton serratum 126 View this page at BHL
Potamogeton setaceum 127 View this page at BHL
Potentilla acaulis 500 View this page at BHL
Potentilla alba 498 View this page at BHL
Potentilla anserina 495 View this page at BHL
Potentilla argentea 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla bifurca 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla canadensis 498 View this page at BHL
Potentilla fragarioides 496 View this page at BHL
Potentilla fruticosa 495 View this page at BHL
Potentilla grandiflora 499 View this page at BHL
Potentilla hirta 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla monspeliensis 499 View this page at BHL
Potentilla multifida 496 View this page at BHL
Potentilla nivea 499 View this page at BHL
Potentilla norvegica 499 View this page at BHL
Potentilla pimpinelloides 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla recta 497 View this page at BHL
Potentilla reptans 499 View this page at BHL
