Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Rubia peregrina 109 View this page at BHL
Rubia tinctorum 109 View this page at BHL
Rubus arcticus 494 View this page at BHL
Rubus caesius 493 View this page at BHL
Rubus canadensis 494 View this page at BHL
Rubus chamaemorus 494, 1200, add. View this page at BHL
Rubus fruticosus 493 View this page at BHL
Rubus hispidus 493 View this page at BHL
Rubus idaeus 492 View this page at BHL
Rubus moluccanus 1197 View this page at BHL
Rubus occidentalis 493 View this page at BHL
Rubus odoratus 494 View this page at BHL
Rubus parvifolius 1197 View this page at BHL
Rubus saxatilis 494 View this page at BHL
Rudbeckia hirta 907 View this page at BHL
Rudbeckia laciniata 906 View this page at BHL
Rudbeckia oppositifolia 907 View this page at BHL
Rudbeckia purpurea 907 View this page at BHL
Rudbeckia triloba 907 View this page at BHL
Ruellia antipoda 635 View this page at BHL
Ruellia biflora 635 View this page at BHL
Ruellia clandestina 634 View this page at BHL
Ruellia crispa 635 View this page at BHL
Ruellia paniculata 635 View this page at BHL
Ruellia ringens 635 View this page at BHL
