Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Raphanus sibiricus 669 View this page at BHL
Rauvolfia tetraphylla 208 View this page at BHL
Renealmia monostachia 287 View this page at BHL
Renealmia paniculata 286 View this page at BHL
Renealmia polystachia 286 View this page at BHL
Renealmia recurvata 287 View this page at BHL
Renealmia usneoides 287 View this page at BHL
Reseda alba 449 View this page at BHL
Reseda canescens 448 View this page at BHL
Reseda glauca 449 View this page at BHL
Reseda lutea 449 View this page at BHL
Reseda luteola 448 View this page at BHL
Reseda phyteuma 449 View this page at BHL
Reseda purpurascens 449 View this page at BHL
Reseda sesamoides 449 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus alaternus 193 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus alpinus 193 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus catharticus 193 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus frangula 193 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus jujuba 194 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus lotus 194 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus napeca 194 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus oenopolia 194 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus paliurus 194 View this page at BHL
Rhamnus spina-christi 195 View this page at BHL
