Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Ruppia maritima 127 View this page at BHL
Ruscus aculeatus 1041 View this page at BHL
Ruscus androgynus 1041 View this page at BHL
Ruscus hypoglossum 1041 View this page at BHL
Ruscus hypophyllum 1041 View this page at BHL
Ruscus racemosus 1041 View this page at BHL
Ruta graveolens 383 View this page at BHL
Ruta linifolia 384 View this page at BHL
Ruta patavina 384 View this page at BHL
Saccharum officinarum 54 View this page at BHL
Saccharum spicatum 54 View this page at BHL
Sagina erecta 128 View this page at BHL
Sagina procumbens 128 View this page at BHL
Sagina virginica 128 View this page at BHL
Sagittaria obtusifolia 993 View this page at BHL
Sagittaria sagittifolia 993 View this page at BHL
Sagittaria trifolia 993 View this page at BHL
Salicornia arabica 3 View this page at BHL
Salicornia caspica 4 View this page at BHL
Salicornia europaea 3 View this page at BHL
Salicornia virginica 4, err. View this page at BHL
Salix alba 1021 View this page at BHL
Salix amygdalina 1016 View this page at BHL
Salix arbuscula 1018 View this page at BHL
Salix arenaria 1019 View this page at BHL
