Original Linnaean Dissertations

Respondent: Anders Boström (1724–1769)

Title: Febris Upsaliensis, ...

Date of Defense: 21 May 1757

Paginations: [ii], [1], 2-12

Lidén Title: Febris upsaliensis.

Soulsby Title: Febr. Upsal.

Drake Title: Febris Upsaliensis.


Abstract: A discussion of the causes, symptoms and cures of an epidemic in Uppsala in 1756 of a tertian form of malaria, attributed to moist and foul air, from the closeness of the city’s streets and its stagnating canals and waters.

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Respondent: Jørgen Tyge Holm (1726–1759)

Title: Prodromus Florae Danicae, ...

Date of Defense: 2 June 1757

Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-26, [2]

Lidén Title: Flora danica.

Soulsby Title: Prodr. fl. Dan.

Drake Title: Prodromus Florae Danicae.


Abstract: Basil Soulsby (1864-1933) reported this work to have been based mainly on Peder Kylling's (1640-1696) Viridarium danicum (1688), which accounts for about 1,100 species of plants native to Denmark.

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Respondent: Isaac Svensson (1726–1795)

Title: ... de Pane Diaetetico, ...

Date of Defense: 8 June 1757

Paginations: [iv], [1], 6-20

Lidén Title: Panis diaeteticus.

Soulsby Title: Pane diaet.

Drake Title: Pane Diaetetico.


Abstract: An essay on bread, including the kinds of grain from which it may be made (including substitutes such as rice, millet, sago flour, yams, sea-rush, etc.). Details of flour grinding, dough preparation and baking, as well as nutritional value of various kinds of bread are given. The merits and faults of leavened, unleavened and fermented breads are discussed. The eating of hot, freshly made bread is considered unwholesome.

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Respondent: Johan Henrik Hager (d. 1770)

Title: Natura Pelagi, ...

Date of Defense: 18 June 1757

Paginations: [iv], [1], 6-15, [1]

Lidén Title: Natura pelagi.

Soulsby Title: Nat. pelagi

Drake Title: Natura Pelagi.


Abstract: An essay on the biological life of the oceans, including maritime birds. Describes the Sargasso Sea and its Fucus, birds, invertebrate marine life, marine fish and amphibia, and marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals).

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Respondent: Anton Rolandsson Martin (1729–1785)

Title: Buxbaumia, ...

Date of Defense: 22 June 1757

Paginations: [iv], [1], 6-16, title page figure

Lidén Title: Buxbaumia.

Soulsby Title: Buxbaumia

Drake Title: Buxbaumia.


Abstract: Buxbaumia is a genus of mosses whose leaves fall off before capsule maturity, named for Johannes Christian Buxbaum (1694-1730), German botanist, who first discovered it near Astrakhan.

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Respondent: Johan Carl Nyander (1734–1814)

Title: Exanthemata Viva, ...

Date of Defense: 23 June 1757

Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-16

Lidén Title: Exanthemata viva.

Soulsby Title: Exanth. viva

Drake Title: Exanthemata Viva.


Abstract: An essay on the origins of contagious diseases of man.

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Respondent: Bogislaus Hornborg (1739–1789)

Title: ... de Transmutatione Frumentorum, ...

Date of Defense: 28 September 1757

Paginations: [vi], [1], 2-16, [2]

Lidén Title: Transmutatio frumentorum.

Soulsby Title: Transm. frum.

Drake Title: Transmutatione Frumentorum.


Abstract: An attempt by Linnaeus to refute the then popular notion that one kind of cereal crop could be transformed to another by edaphic factors, such as soil or soil nutrients.

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Respondent: Magnus Gabriel Österman (1730–1794)

Title: Culina mutata, ...

Date of Defense: 16 November 1757

Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-12

Lidén Title: Culina mutata.

Soulsby Title: Cul. mut.

Drake Title: Culina Mutata.


Abstract: This essay deals with the superiority of modern vegetable foodstuffs over those used by the ancients.

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Respondent: Johan Georg Colliander (1728–1796)

Title: ... de Spigelia anthelmia, ...

Date of Defense: 22 {30} March 1758

Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-16, 1 plate

Lidén Title: Spigelia anthelmia.

Soulsby Title: Spigelia

Drake Title: Spigelia Anthelmia.

Note: Three copies have date as 22 March 1758.

Abstract: On the Indian pink and its use to expell worms from the human body. Includes discussion of various worms that invade the human body and the symptoms which indicate their presence. The history of the plant is taken mainly from contemporary accounts of Patrick Browne (1720-1790) and Alexander Garden (1730-1791).

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Respondent: Johan Christian Peter Petersen (1739–1774)

Title: ... de Cortice Peruviano, ...

Date of Defense: {10} May 1758

Paginations: [ii], [1], 2-38

Lidén Title: Cortex peruvianus.

Soulsby Title: Cort. peruv.

Drake Title: Cortice Peruviano.

Note: Two copies have day supplied in manuscript; two copies lack day.

Abstract: A discourse on the medicinal value of quinine from cinchona bark (Cinchona sp.) in the treatment of malaria and other fevers.

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