Original Linnaean Dissertations

Respondent: Isaac Nilsson Palmér (1735–1787)

Title: ... Oves breviter adumbrans, ...

Date of Defense: 30 October 1754

Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-24

Lidén Title: Ovis.

Soulsby Title: Oves

Drake Title: Oves.

Note: P. 12 misnumbered 13.

Abstract: A dissertation on the domestic sheep (Ovis aires L.), its relatives, the breeds known to Linnaeus, their diseases (including the liver fluke) and alleged remedies, and an enumeration of some 140 species of plants which sheep will not eat, plus those that are poisonous when eaten.

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Respondent: Johan Justus Nauman (1735–1778)

Title: ... de Mure Indico ...

Date of Defense: 20 {18} November {December} 1754

Paginations: [ii], [1], 2-23, [1], 1 plate

Lidén Title: Mus indicus.

Soulsby Title: Mus ind.

Drake Title: Mure Indico.

Note: Of three copies, one has the date corrected in

Abstract: A zoological account of the guinea pig, Cavea porcellus, of the Guianas and Brazil. Linnaeus first placed it in the genus Mus and later in Cavea as C. cobaga in Systema naturae (ed. 13, 1767).

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Respondent: Johan Gustaf Wollrath (1736–1791)

Title: ... de Horticultura academica, ...

Date of Defense: 18 December 1754

Paginations: [viii], [1], 2-21, [3]

Lidén Title: Horticultura academica.

Soulsby Title: Hort. acad.

Drake Title: Horticultura Academica.


Abstract: A discussion of the status of horticultural education in Sweden and on gardening as an art.

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Respondent: Johan Lorens Odhelius (1737–1816)

Title: ... s[i]stens Chinensia Lagerströmiana, ...

Date of Defense: {23} December 1754

Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-36, 1 plate

Lidén Title: Chinensia Lagerströmiana.

Soulsby Title: Chin. Lagerstr.

Drake Title: Chinensia Lagerströmiana.

Note: All three copies have day supplied in manuscript.

Abstract: An account of collections from China made by Linnaeus' pupils Pehr Osbeck (1723-1805), Christopher Tärnström (1711-1746) and Olof Torén (1718-1753) while attached as naturalists to ships of the Swedish East India Company.

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Respondent: Abrahamus Danielis Juslenius (1732–1803)

Title: Centuria I. Plantarum, ...

Date of Defense: 19 February 1755

Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-35, [1]

Lidén Title: Centuria plantarum I.

Soulsby Title: Cent. I. pl.

Drake Title: Centuria I. Plantarum.


Abstract: This dissertation and another, Centuria II, Plantarum, include descriptions of rare or previously undescribed plants sent to Linnaeus from various parts of the world.

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Respondent: Eric Torner (1731–1767)

Title: Centuria II. Plantarum, ...

Date of Defense: 2 June 1756 {1755}

Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-33, [1]

Lidén Title: Centuria plantarum II.

Soulsby Title: Cent. II. pl.

Drake Title: Centuria II. Plantarum.

Note: Both copies dated 1756 [Soulsby gives date as 1755].

Abstract: This dissertation and another, Centuria I, Plantarum, include descriptions of rare or previously undescribed plants sent to Linnaeus from various parts of the world.

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Respondent: Nils Ericsson Dahlberg (1736–1820)

Title: ... Metamorphoses Plantarum sistens ...

Date of Defense: {3} June {July} 1755

Paginations: [iv], [1], 6-26

Lidén Title: Metamorphis [sic] plantarum.

Soulsby Title: Metam. pl.

Drake Title: Metamorphoses Plantarum.

Note: All three copies have day supplied in manuscript and the month has been corrected to Julii in two copies. All three copies also have the name of the auditorium and the time of day supplied in manuscript.

Abstract: This is Linnaeus' exposition on plant physiology and morphology in which he held the calyx of the flower to be an extension of the epidermis or outer bark; the corolla to be an extension of the inner bark; the androecium to be that of the wood or xylem and the gynoecium to be that of the pith. It is proposed that variations in these structures are due to differences in soil, climate and other environmental factors.

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Respondent: Peter Petersson Bremer (1731–1765)

Title: Somnus Plantarum ...

Date of Defense: 10 December 1755

Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-22, 1 plate

Lidén Title: Somnus plantarum.

Soulsby Title: Somn. pl.

Drake Title: Somnus Plantarum.


Abstract: This account of the "sleep of plants," treating and classifying those flowering plants whose flowers opened or closed in relation to daylight or darkness, or the time of day, attracted great interest to the subject.

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Respondent: Johan Pfeiffer (1731–1806)

Title: ... Fungus melitensis ...

Date of Defense: 20 December 1755

Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-16, 1 plate

Lidén Title: Fungus melitensis.

Soulsby Title: Fung. melit.

Drake Title: Fungus Melitensis.


Abstract: A monograph of the "Maltese fungus" (Cynomorium coccineum L., Balanophoraceae), a parasitic flowering plant of the southern Mediterranean. It reports the results of medical studies of this and related plants, particularly for use as astringents and antiseptics.

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Respondent: Bengt Johan Strand (1738–1790)

Title: Flora Palaestina, ...

Date of Defense: {10} March 1756

Paginations: [v], [1], 7-32, [2]

Lidén Title: Flora palaestina.

Soulsby Title: Fl. Palaest.

Drake Title: Flora Palaestina.

Note: Three of the four copies have day supplied in manuscript. One copy lacks day.

Abstract: The work is an enumeration of the plants of Palestine, based largely on the collections of Frederik Hasselquist (1722-1752).

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