Original Linnaean Dissertations
Respondent: Lars Balk, filius (1726–1790)
Title: Museum Adolpho-Fridericianum, ...
Date of Defense: 31 May 1746
Paginations: [viii], [1], 2-48, [2], 2 plates
Lidén Title: Museum Adolpho-Fridericianum.
Soulsby Title: Mus. Ad.-Frid.
Drake Title: Museum Adolpho-Fridericianum.
Abstract: An account of 65 of the rarer kinds of animals, chiefly amphibia and fishes, in the collection of the Crown Prince Adolf Fredrik, which he presented to the Museum of the University of Uppsala.
Respondent: Johan Gustaf Wahlbom (1724–1808)
Title: Sponsalia Plantarum, ...
Date of Defense: {11} June 1746
Paginations: [xii], [1], 8-60, [2], 1 plate
Lidén Title: Sponsalia plantarum.
Soulsby Title: Spons. pl.
Drake Title: Sponsalia Plantarum.
Note: Both copies have day supplied in manuscript.
Abstract: A commentary on chapter 5 of Linnaeus' Fundamenta botanica (1736), defending his views on the sexuality of plants.
Respondent: Fredrik Hasselquist (1722–1752)
Title: Vires Plantarum, ...
Date of Defense: {20} June 1747
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-37, [3]
Lidén Title: Vires plantarum.
Soulsby Title: Vir. pl.
Drake Title: Vires Plantarum.
Note: Two copies have day left blank; one copy has day supplied in manuscript as {25} or {29}, partly illegible.
Abstract: An essay on the strength and energy of growing plants, with an account of 43 new genera reported later in Genera plantarum (ed. 5, 1754).
Respondent: Carl Magnus Dassow (1719–1751)
Title: Nova Plantarum Genera, ...
Date of Defense: {15} June 1747
Paginations: [vi], 1-32, [2]
Lidén Title: Nova plantarum genera 1747.
Soulsby Title: Nova pl. gen. 1747
Drake Title: Nova Plantarum Genera.
Note: Day supplied in manuscript on both copies.
Abstract: An account of 43 new genera of plants later included in Genera plantarum (ed. 5, 1754). Includes "Corollarium continens nova, in morbis specifica dicta medicamenta, ex Tr. de Plantis Coldinghamensibus in Provincia Noveboracensi Americes conscr. 1742 a Codwald Colden. [by Cadwallader Colden]", a commentary on chapter 12 of Linnaeus' Fundamenta botanica (1736).
Respondent: Mårten Kähler (1727–1773)
Title: ... de Crystallorum generatione ...
Date of Defense: 22 December 1747
Paginations: [viii], [1], 2-30, [2], 1 plate
Lidén Title: Crystallorum generatio.
Soulsby Title: Cryst. gen.
Drake Title: Crystallorum Generatione.
Note: P. 3 unnumbered; p. 26 misnumbered 29.
Abstract: An essay on the formation of crystals and crystalline substances.
Respondent: Peter Sundius (1725–1786)
Title: Surinamensia Grilliana ...
Date of Defense: 18 June 1748
Paginations: [vi], 1-34, 1 plate
Lidén Title: Surinamensa [sic] Grilliana.
Soulsby Title: Surin. Grill.
Drake Title: Surinamensia Grilliana.
Note: P. 24 misnumbered 42. The plate of one of our copies lacks fig. 2.
Abstract: A description of 25 animals, mostly serpents, collected in Surinam and eventually given to M. Grill who gave them to the museum at Uppsala. Includes accounts of the rattlesnake and boa constrictor.
Respondent: Elias Aspelin (1721–1795)
Title: Flora oeconomica, ...
Date of Defense: 25 June 1748
Paginations: [viii], [1], 2-30
Lidén Title: Flora oeconomica.
Soulsby Title: Fl. oecon.
Drake Title: Flora Oeconomica.
Note: P. 19 misnumbered 11.
Abstract: A compilation of the economic uses of some 300 species of Swedish native plants.
Respondent: Olof Andersson Söderberg (1728–1758)
Title: ... de Curiositate Naturali, ...
Date of Defense: {30} June 1748
Paginations: [vi], [1], 2-25, [1]
Lidén Title: Curiositas naturalis.
Soulsby Title: Curios. nat.
Drake Title: Curiositate Naturali.
Note: Both copies have day supplied in manuscript and H.A.M.C. altered to H.P.M.C.
Abstract: An essay encouraging the recognition and study of natural history as a science and not as a frivolous pursuit by amateurs only.
Respondent: Gottfrid Dubois (1723–1790)
Title: ... de Taenia, ...
Date of Defense: {9} December 1748
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-36, 1 plate, title page figure
Lidén Title: Taenia.
Soulsby Title: Taenia
Drake Title: Taenia.
Note: Two copies have day supplied in manuscript; one copy lacks day.
Abstract: An essay on the tapeworm, a parasite in humans, accounting for two species then distinguished, with notes on their morphology, reproduction, and control. Refers to other writers on the subject.
Respondent: Isaac J. Biberg (1726–1804)
Title: ... de OEconomia Naturae, ...
Date of Defense: 4 March 1749
Paginations: [viii], [1], 2-48
Lidén Title: Oeconomia naturae.
Soulsby Title: Oecon. nat.
Drake Title: OEconomia Naturae.
Note: P. 5 misnumbered 7; p. 37 misnumbered 7.
Abstract: An essay on the general composition of the three kingdoms of nature, on the effective balance that exists within each, and among the three as a whole. Points discussed include the formation of soils by erosion of rock and action of water; the dissemination of plants (especially by modifications of seeds and fruits), the ecology of community succession; and, in the animal kingdom, the migration, hibernation, and multigeneric communities of animals and their relation to rarity or commonness of species. The conclusion is made that a balance and harmony of nature exists, and that a correlation exists between reproduction and survival.