Original Linnaean Dissertations - Browse
Respondent: Carl Henriksson Wänman (1733–1797)
Title: ... de Morbis Nautorum Indiae, ...
Date of Defense: 5 November 1768
Paginations: [i], [1], 3-4
Lidén Title: Morbi nautarum Indiae.
Soulsby Title: Morb. naut.
Drake Title: Morbis Nautarum Indiae.
Abstract: This brief work concerns diseases observed during a voyage to the East Indies.
Respondent: Anders Sparrman (1748–1820)
Title: ... sistens iter in Chinam ...
Date of Defense: 30 November 1768
Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-16
Lidén Title: Iter in Chinam.
Soulsby Title: Iter Chin.
Drake Title: Iter in Chinam.
Abstract: An enumeration of natural history subjects observed by Sparrman during his voyage to China.
Respondent: Carl Johan Luut (1746–1816)
Title: Flora Åkeroensis, ...
Date of Defense: 23 December 1769
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-20
Lidén Title: Flora åkeröensis.
Soulsby Title: Fl. Åker.
Drake Title: Flora Åkeröensis.
Abstract: An enumeration of 478 species of plants on the island of Åkerö, in Lake Yngaren, in the province of Södermandland in southeast Sweden.
Respondent: Johan A. Dahlgren (1744–1797)
Title: ... de Erica ...
Date of Defense: 19 December 1770
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-15, [1], 1 plate
Lidén Title: Erica.
Soulsby Title: Erica
Drake Title: Erica.
Note: P. 14 misnumbered 10.
Abstract: An account of the genus Erica, noting species found in Europe, the tropics and South Africa.
Respondent: Georg Hallenberg (1746–1814)
Title: ... de Dulcamara ...
Date of Defense: 29 May 1771
Paginations: [i], [1], 3-14
Lidén Title: Dulcamara.
Soulsby Title: Dulcamara
Drake Title: Dulcamara.
Abstract: The herb Solanum dulcamara L. (nightshade, or deadly nightshade) was used as an internal medicine and as a heart stimulant by Linnaeus in the Royal Naval Hospital, Stockholm, in 1738.
Respondent: Daniel Henric Söderberg (1750–1781)
Title: Pandora et Flora Rybyensis, ...
Date of Defense: 26 June 1771
Paginations: [iv], [1], 6-23, [1]
Lidén Title: Pandora et flora rybyensis.
Soulsby Title: Pand. fl. Ryb.
Drake Title: Pandora & Flora Rybyensis.
Abstract: A record of the plants and insects observed by Söderberg at Ryby (near Stockholm), the residence of Linnaeus' closest friend, Abraham Bäck (1713-1795).
Respondent: Adolf Murray (1751–1803)
Title: Fundamenta Testaceologiae ...
Date of Defense: 29 June 1771
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-43, tabs. I, II
Lidén Title: Fundamenta testaceologiae.
Soulsby Title: Fund. test.
Drake Title: Fundamenta Testaceologiae.
Abstract: A monograph of mollusks and other shellfish, with details on their structure, terminology, physiology and classification. Includes a history of pre-Linnaean conchology with brief biographical notes on the authors of that literature.
Respondent: Pehr Cornelius Tillaeus (1747–1827)
Title: ... de varia Febrium intermittentium curatione, ...
Date of Defense: 11 December 1771
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-56, [2]
Lidén Title: Febrium intermittentium curatio varia.
Soulsby Title: Febr. interm.
Drake Title: Varia Febrium Intermittentium Curatione.
Abstract: On the causes and cures of intermittent fever.
Respondent: Jonas Ullholm (1746–1819)
Title: Respiratio Diaetetica, ...
Date of Defense: 29 April 1772
Paginations: [ii], [1], 2-26
Lidén Title: Respiratio diaetetica.
Soulsby Title: Resp. diaet.
Drake Title: Respiratio Diaetetica.
Abstract: An essay on the kinds of air alleged to be most beneficial to health, accompanied by an explanation of the respiratory process and the anatomy of the lungs.
Respondent: Ernst Joachim (Magnus) von Heidenstam (1745–1803)
Title: ... de Haemorrhagiis ex Plethora, ...
Date of Defense: 23 May 1772
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-32
Lidén Title: Haemorrhagia ex plethora.
Soulsby Title: Haemor. pleth.
Drake Title: Haemorrhagiis ex Plethora.
Abstract: An essay on bleeding caused by a greater volume of blood in the circulatory sytem than the heart can accommodate and keep in constant circulation.