Original Linnaean Dissertations - Browse
Respondent: Christian Emmanuel Hoppius (1736–?)
Title: ... in qua Anthropomorpha ...
Date of Defense: 6 September 1760
Paginations: [vi], [1], 2-16, 1 plate
Lidén Title: Anthropomorpha.
Soulsby Title: Anthrop.
Drake Title: Anthropomorpha.
Abstract: An account of four species of the genus Simia, considered by Linnaeus to include most apes and monkeys (restricted by later authors to the chimpanzee). Much of the data are from literature accounts, later known to be erroneous. The dissertation generated dissension among some theologians for its alliance of humans with the apes.
Respondent: Christian Fredrik Rosenthal (1740–1810)
Title: Flora Belgica, ...
Date of Defense: 15 October 1760
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-23
Lidén Title: Flora belgica.
Soulsby Title: Fl. Belg.
Drake Title: Flora Belgica.
Abstract: Essay based on Jan Commelin's (1629-1692) Catalogus plantarum indigenarum, 1709 and David de Gorter's (1717-1783) Flora Gebro-Zutphanica, 1745-1747.
Respondent: Pehr Jerlin (1739–1773)
Title: Macellum olitorium, ...
Date of Defense: {20} December 1760
Paginations: [v], [1], 7-23, [1]
Lidén Title: Macellum olitorium.
Soulsby Title: Mac. olit.
Drake Title: Macellum Olitorium.
Note: Three copies have day supplied in manuscript; one copy has day left blank. Also, p. 8 misnumbered 6 in all four copies.
Abstract: An essay on 77 species of plants native to Sweden or commonly cultivated there and useful as culinary vegetables, providing for each: data on parts eaten, preparation for eating, taste, nutritional value, and growth duration.
Respondent: Henrik Ullmark (1740–1771)
Title: Prolepsis Plantarum, ...
Date of Defense: 22 December 1760
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-22
Lidén Title: Prolepsis plantarum.
Soulsby Title: Prol. pl. 1760
Drake Title: Prolepsis Plantarum.
Abstract: An essay on the ontogeny of the flower, from time of bud initiation to anthesis. Linnaeus conceived the flower bud, the reproduction unit of higher plants, to be analagous with animal sexual anatomy, and held that for trees, six years were required for complete bud formation. Without supporting evidence, he adduced that in the first year medullary and cortical material are produced; in the second, the bud scales are formed; in the third, the floral cup of perianth; in the fourth, the petals; in the fifth, the stamens; and in the sixth, the pistil (gynoecium). Includes a dedication by Adam Kuhn, Linnaeus' only pupil from America.
Respondent: Jacob Printz (1740–1779)
Title: Plantae rariores Africanae, ...
Date of Defense: {22} December 1760
Paginations: [ii], [1], 4-28
Lidén Title: Plantae rariores africanae.
Soulsby Title: Pl. rar. Afr.
Drake Title: Plantae Rariores Africanae.
Note: One copy has day supplied in manuscript; two copies have day left blank.
Abstract: Describes 100 South African plants, based on a collection sent from the Cape of Good Hope. Also includes a list of African plants, intended as a supplement to the dissertation defended by Carl Henriksson Wänman, Flora Capensis.
Respondent: Eric Vigelius (1730–after 1797)
Title: Diaeta acidularis, ...
Date of Defense: 18 February 1761
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-12
Lidén Title: Diaeta acidularis.
Soulsby Title: Diaet. acid.
Drake Title: Diaeta Acidularis.
Abstract: An essay on some human diseases and their treatment with mineral waters.
Respondent: Olof Reinhold Alander (b. 1739)
Title: ... sistens Inebriantia, ...
Date of Defense: {7 April} 1761 {1762}
Paginations: [vi], [1], 8-26
Lidén Title: Inebriantia.
Soulsby Title: Inebr.
Drake Title: Inebriantia.
Note: Two copies have day and month supplied in manuscript and year corrected in manuscript; one copy lacks day and month.
Abstract: The term "inebriant" is used in this dissertation in the broadest sense, for any drug that was known to be a narcotic or intoxicant. The thesis is an account of both natural and artificial intoxicants.
Respondent: Henric Sparschuch (1742–1786)
Title: ... in qua Potus Coffee leviter adumbratur, ...
Date of Defense: 16 December 1761
Paginations: [ii], [1], 2-18, 1 plate
Lidén Title: Potus coffeae.
Soulsby Title: Pot. coff.
Drake Title: Potus Coffeae.
Abstract: A medico-botanical study of coffee as a beverage, of the coffee plant (Coffea arabica L.), and of the harvesting and preparation of coffee beans. An historical review of the use of the beverage is given, noting that Europe's first "coffee house" was opened in Marseilles in 1671. The preparation of different kinds of coffee, utilizing many other ground seeds as flavorants, is described.The account treats it to be more important for medicinal usage than as a beverage, noting it to be an anti-aphrodisiac, noxious to mental illnesses, and responsible for excessive flatulence and indigestion (allegedly sometimes fatal) when ingested to excess. Linnaeus reported that headaches are frequently relieved by drinking coffee.
Respondent: Johan Gustaf Acrel (1741–1801)
Title: ... de Morsura Serpentum, ...
Date of Defense: 16 June 1762
Paginations: [iv], [1], 2-19, [1] (1 figure)
Lidén Title: Morsura serpentum.
Soulsby Title: Mors. serp.
Drake Title: Morsura Serpentum.
Abstract: A medico-zoological study of venomous snakes and snakebite poisoning. The skeletal and muscular anatomy of snakes' heads are discussed and figured. The symptoms of snakebites are given for many species, together with treatments for same. The uses of strychine and Polygala senega as antidotes, as well as olive oil, are documented.
Respondent: Johan Elmgren (1740–1794)
Title: Termini Botanici, ...
Date of Defense: 22 June 1762
Paginations: [iii], [1], 5-32
Lidén Title: Termini botanici.
Soulsby Title: Term. bot.
Drake Title: Termini Botanici.
Abstract: A classified glossary, with explanatory notes, of 673 latin terms used by Linnaeus in his plant descriptions. The work, which was the first of its kind, was widely translated and re-published.