Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Homo caudatus vulgo dictus Anthrop. 111 9 View this dissertation
Homo nocturnus Anthrop. 111 11 View this dissertation
Homo sylvestris Anthrop. 111 7 View this dissertation
Papio Anthrop. 111 5 View this dissertation
Pyrus sylvestris Anthrop. 111 3 View this dissertation
Simia Anthrop. 111 02ff. View this dissertation
Simia ecaudata ferruginea, capite lacertisque pilis reversis Anthrop. 111 7 View this dissertation
Simia ecaudata subtus nuda abdomine gibboso Anthrop. 111 8 View this dissertation
Cercopithecus Anthrop. 111 5 View this dissertation