Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Tardigradus major Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 2 View this dissertation
Tatou juvenis seu armodillus minor americanus Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 3 View this dissertation
Tatou seu armodillo americanus Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 3 View this dissertation
Tatue brasiliensicus Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 3 View this dissertation
Taurus Oecon. nat. 020 26 View this dissertation
Taurus volans Mat. med. anim. 029 14 View this dissertation
Taxus Fl. oecon. 017 27 View this dissertation
Taxus Oecon. nat. 020 15 View this dissertation
Taxus Gem. arb. 024 9 View this dissertation
Taxus Gem. arb. 024 32 View this dissertation
Taxus Mat. med. anim. 029 4 View this dissertation
Taxus Arb. Svec. 101 30 View this dissertation
Taxus Aer habit. 106 20 View this dissertation
Taxus Nom. bot. 107 19 View this dissertation
Taxus arborea Pan Svec. 026 [37, as 39] View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Demonstr. pl. 049 26 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Stat. pl. 055 18 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Fl. Angl. 056 25 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 25 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Arb. Svec. 101 8 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Arb. Svec. 101 13 View this dissertation
Tejuguacu Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
Tejuguacu altera Amphib. Gyll. 005 22 View this dissertation
Telephium imperati Demonstr. pl. 049 9 View this dissertation
Telephium imperati Calend. fl. 072 [15] View this dissertation
