Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Tenthredo rosae Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 12 View this dissertation
Tenthredo rufipes Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 12 View this dissertation
Tenthredo rumicis Pand. insect. 093 13 View this dissertation
Tenthredo salicis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 37 as salicina View this dissertation
Tenthredo salicis Pand. insect. 093 21 View this dissertation
Tenthredo scrophulariae Hosp. insect. fl. 043 27 View this dissertation
Tenthredo scrophulariae Pand. insect. 093 16 as scophulariae View this dissertation
Tenthredo scrophulariae Polit. nat. 109 8 View this dissertation
Tenthredo ulmi Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Tenthredo viridis Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 12 View this dissertation
Tenthredo viridis Esca avium 174 8 View this dissertation
Tenthredo vitellinae Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 12 View this dissertation
Teramnus Fl. Jam. 105 27 View this dissertation
Terebinthina Spons. pl. 012 52 View this dissertation
Terebinthina Vir. pl. 013 7 as Therebintina View this dissertation
Terebinthina Herb. Amboin. 057 28 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Pl. escul. 035 3 as Therebintus View this dissertation
Terebinthus Mirac. insect. 045 15 as Terebintus View this dissertation
Terebinthus Fl. alp. 071 25 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Pl. tinct. 097 28 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Opobals. 135 6 View this dissertation
Terebinthus major, betulae cortice, fructu triangulare Betula 001 5 View this dissertation
Terebinthus maxima Pl. Jam. 102 10 View this dissertation
