Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Crucianella fruticosa flore flavescente Fl. Palaest. 070 13 View this dissertation
Crucianella latifolia Fl. Monsp. 074 10 View this dissertation
Crucianella maritima Fl. Monsp. 074 10 View this dissertation
Crucianella monspeliaca Fl. Palaest. 070 13 View this dissertation
Crucianella monspeliaca Fl. Monsp. 074 10 View this dissertation
Crucianella patula Demonstr. pl. 049 4 View this dissertation
Crucianella patula Demonstr. pl. 049 [vii] View this dissertation
Crucianella patula Cent. 1 pl. 065 2 View this dissertation
Crucianella patula, foliis senis, floribus sparsis Demonstr. pl. 049 4 View this dissertation
Crucianella spicata Pl. rar. Afr. 115 6 View this dissertation
Crusta arborum Herb. Amboin. 057 19 View this dissertation
Crusta ollae Herb. Amboin. 057 24 View this dissertation
Cucubalus Splachnum 027 3 View this dissertation
Cucubalus acaulis Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Cucubalus acaulis Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Cucubalus acaulis Fl. alp. 071 17 View this dissertation
Cucubalus acaulis Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Cucubalus acaulis Fl. Monsp. 074 16 View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccatus Calend. fl. 072 [17] error for baccifer? View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer see also C. baccatus View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer Demonstr. pl. 049 12 as bacciferus View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer Fl. Monsp. 074 16 as bacciferus View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 18 View this dissertation
Cucubalus baccifer Fl. Belg. 112 16 View this dissertation
