Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Cucumis anguria Fl. Jam. 105 21 View this dissertation
Cucumis chate Fl. Palaest. 070 30 as cate View this dissertation
Cucumis chate Fr. escul. 127 16 View this dissertation
Cucumis colocynthis Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Cucumis colocynthis Fl. Palaest. 070 30 View this dissertation
Cucumis colocynthis Med. purg. 181 10 View this dissertation
Cucumis dudaim Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Cucumis dudaim Fl. Palaest. 070 30 View this dissertation
Cucumis dudaim Fr. escul. 127 16 View this dissertation
Cucumis flexuosus Fl. Palaest. 070 30 View this dissertation
Cucumis flos passionis dictus, hederaceo folio, flore ex luteo viridanti Passifl. 008 16 View this dissertation
Cucumis flos passionis dictus pentaphyllus, flore clavato Passifl. 008 22 View this dissertation
Cucumis flos passionis dictus triphyllus, flore roseo clavato Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Cucumis flos passionis quajavas, folio majori Passifl. 008 25 View this dissertation
Cucumis flos passionis quajavas, folio minori Passifl. 008 8 View this dissertation
Cucumis foliis cordatis, quinquelobis, denticulatis, obtusis; pomis globosis, spinoso-muricatis Cent. 1 pl. 065 33 View this dissertation
Cucumis foliis multifidis, pomis globosis glabris Med. purg. 181 10 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Pl. officin. 052 13 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Fl. Palaest. 070 30 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Fl. Jam. 105 21 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Fl. Jam. 105 24 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Fr. escul. 127 15 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Hort. cul. 132 16 View this dissertation
Cucumis murinus Herb. Amboin. 057 24 View this dissertation
