Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Delphinium staphisagria Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Ranunculus Nect. fl. 122 11 View this dissertation
Brunfelsia Nect. fl. 122 7 as Brunsfelsia View this dissertation
Monotropa Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Vallisneria Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
Helleborus Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Dictamnus Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
Reaumuria Nect. fl. 122 5 as Reaumaria View this dissertation
Bryonia zeylanica Nect. fl. 122 4 View this dissertation
Butomus Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Morisonia Nect. fl. 122 5 View this dissertation
Viola Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Helleborus Nect. fl. 122 15 View this dissertation
Diosma Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
Reaumuria Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
