Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Hyacinthus Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
Delphinium ajacis Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Ruscus Nect. fl. 122 10 View this dissertation
Berberis Nect. fl. 122 4 View this dissertation
Nigella Nect. fl. 122 15 View this dissertation
Wachendorfia Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
Hybanthus Nect. fl. 122 12 as Hybantus View this dissertation
Delphinium ambiguum Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Ruta Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
Berberis Nect. fl. 122 10 View this dissertation
Oenothera Nect. fl. 122 6 View this dissertation
Winterana Nect. fl. 122 10 View this dissertation
Hydrophyllum Nect. fl. 122 11 View this dissertation
Delphinium consolida Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Sarracenia Nect. fl. 122 5 View this dissertation
Bignonia Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
Olax Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Zygophyllum Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Hydrophyllum Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Delphinium staphisagria Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Satyrium Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Brunfelsia Nect. fl. 122 7 as Brunsfelsia View this dissertation
Opulus Nect. fl. 122 5 View this dissertation
Hyoscyamus Nect. fl. 122 5 as Hyoschyamus View this dissertation
Dictamnus Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
