Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Fumaria cucullaria Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Sauvagesia Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
Clutia Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Orchis spicornis Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Amomum Nect. fl. 122 10 View this dissertation
Lamium Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Winterana Nect. fl. 122 10 View this dissertation
Galeopsis Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Sedum Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Collinsonia Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Pancratium Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Anchusa Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Lathraea Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Zygophyllum Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Garidella Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Sedum Nect. fl. 122 15 View this dissertation
Comarum Nect. fl. 122 6 View this dissertation
Parnassia Nect. fl. 122 13 View this dissertation
Andrachne Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Laurus Nect. fl. 122 7 View this dissertation
Garidella Nect. fl. 122 15 View this dissertation
Sesamum Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
Commelina Nect. fl. 122 9 View this dissertation
Passiflora Nect. fl. 122 4 View this dissertation
Antirrhinum Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
