Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Brunia ciliata Fl. Cap. 099 12 View this dissertation
Alga Fl. Cap. 099 3 View this dissertation
Ruta graveolens Fl. Cap. 099 7 View this dissertation
Crassula coccinea Fl. Cap. 099 8 View this dissertation
Hibiscus trionum Fl. Cap. 099 16 View this dissertation
Xeranthemum spinosum Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Aster fruticosus Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Galega officinalis Fl. Cap. 099 17 View this dissertation
Pisum hortense Fl. Cap. 099 2 View this dissertation
Clutia pulchella Fl. Cap. 099 19 View this dissertation
Gnidia tomentosa Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Sylvanus Fl. Cap. 099 [1] View this dissertation
Erica bruniades Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Medeola asparagoides Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Artemisia aethiopica Fl. Cap. 099 17 View this dissertation
Gethyllis Fl. Cap. 099 6 View this dissertation
Passerina Fl. Cap. 099 8 View this dissertation
Cassine peragua Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Cynomolgos Fl. Cap. 099 [1] View this dissertation
Leucadendron proteoides Fl. Cap. 099 11 as Leucadendrum View this dissertation
Anthericum aloides Fl. Cap. 099 9 View this dissertation
Senecio rigidus Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Ochna jabotapita Fl. Cap. 099 15 as japotapita View this dissertation
Brunia lanuginosa Fl. Cap. 099 12 View this dissertation
Allium sativum Fl. Cap. 099 2 View this dissertation
