Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Leucadendron Fl. Cap. 099 7 as Leucadendrum View this dissertation
Mesembryanthemum spinosum Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Mesembryanthemum splendens Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Aspalathus astroites Fl. Cap. 099 16 View this dissertation
Rhamnus spina christi Fl. Cap. 099 12 View this dissertation
Chironia frutescens Fl. Cap. 099 12 View this dissertation
Ferraria Fl. Cap. 099 9 View this dissertation
Trifolium Fl. Cap. 099 6 View this dissertation
Hermannia althaeaefolia Fl. Cap. 099 16 as althaeifolia View this dissertation
Eranthemum capense Fl. Cap. 099 11 View this dissertation
Mesembryanthemum edule Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Arctopus echinatus Fl. Cap. 099 8 View this dissertation
Phlomis nepetifolia Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Cacalia ficoidea Fl. Cap. 099 17 View this dissertation
Gnaphalium patulum Fl. Cap. 099 17 View this dissertation
Crassula subulata Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Lobelia pinifolia Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Aloe vera Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Othonna coronopifolia Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Blaeria ericoides Fl. Cap. 099 12 View this dissertation
Geranium odoratissimum Fl. Cap. 099 16 View this dissertation
Schoenus capensis Fl. Cap. 099 9 View this dissertation
Cotyledon hemisphaerica Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Leucadendron Fl. Cap. 099 9 as Leucadendrum View this dissertation
Mesembryanthemum stipulaceum Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
