Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Oxalis purpurea Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Lobelia erinoides Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Senecio lanatus Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Canis aureus Fl. Cap. 099 [1] View this dissertation
Anthemis capensis Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Naja Fl. Cap. 099 [1] View this dissertation
Lachnaea eriocephala Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Rumex vesicarius Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Brassica oleracea Fl. Cap. 099 2 View this dissertation
Adonis capensis Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Xeranthemum sesamoides Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Crassula arborescens portlandicae facie Fl. Cap. 099 8 View this dissertation
Euphorbia mauritanica Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Pinus abies Fl. Cap. 099 2 View this dissertation
Asparagus refractus Fl. Cap. 099 9 View this dissertation
Hebenstretia dentata Fl. Cap. 099 16 View this dissertation
Struthio Fl. Cap. 099 [1] as Strutio View this dissertation
Cliffortia polygonifolia Fl. Cap. 099 19 View this dissertation
Drosera capensis Fl. Cap. 099 13 View this dissertation
Mesembryanthemum calamiforme Fl. Cap. 099 15 View this dissertation
Gnaphalium grandiflorum Fl. Cap. 099 17 View this dissertation
Arnica coronopifolia Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Oxalis versicolor Fl. Cap. 099 14 View this dissertation
Lobelia erinus Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
Senecio linifolius Fl. Cap. 099 18 View this dissertation
