Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Melastoma Pl. tinct. 097 18 View this dissertation
Galium boreale Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Coccus Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Santalum album Pl. tinct. 097 16 View this dissertation
Anthyllis vulneraria Pl. tinct. 097 10 as vulneria View this dissertation
Mercurialis perennis Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Galium verum Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Coccus cacti Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Satyrium nigrum Pl. tinct. 097 24 View this dissertation
Anthyllis vulneraria Pl. tinct. 097 22 View this dissertation
Monotropa Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Genipa americana Pl. tinct. 097 13 View this dissertation
Coccus cacti Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Scabiosa succisa Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Aphis Pl. tinct. 097 28 View this dissertation
Morus tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 25 View this dissertation
Genista tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 22 View this dissertation
Coccus ilicis Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Scleranthus perennis Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Arbutus uva-ursi Pl. tinct. 097 17 View this dissertation
Myrica gale Pl. tinct. 097 26 View this dissertation
Glechoma Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Coccus phalaridis Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Senecio jacobaea Pl. tinct. 097 23 as Senesio View this dissertation
Arbutus uva-ursi Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
