Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Areca catechu Pl. tinct. 097 28 as cathecu View this dissertation
Myrica gale Pl. tinct. 097 26 View this dissertation
Gypsophila struthium Pl. tinct. 097 18 View this dissertation
Coccus polonias Pl. tinct. 097 29 as polonicus View this dissertation
Scleranthus perennis Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Senecio jacobaea Pl. tinct. 097 23 as Senesio View this dissertation
Arundo phragmites Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Origanum vulgare Pl. tinct. 097 20 View this dissertation
Haematoxylum campechianum Pl. tinct. 097 17 as Haemathoxylon campechianam View this dissertation
Coccus quercus Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Serratula tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 23 View this dissertation
Asperula tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Orobus niger Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Hieracium Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Coccus salici Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Stachys sylvatica Pl. tinct. 097 20 View this dissertation
Basella rubra Pl. tinct. 097 15 View this dissertation
Pavo Pl. tinct. 097 5 View this dissertation
Hieracium pilosella Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Coccus scleranthi Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Statice Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Berberis vulgaris Pl. tinct. 097 15 View this dissertation
Phytolacca americana Pl. tinct. 097 18 View this dissertation
Hieracium umbellatum Pl. tinct. 097 23 View this dissertation
Coccus ulmi Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
