Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Carpinus betulus Pl. tinct. 097 26 View this dissertation
Rosa Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Actaea spicata Pl. tinct. 097 19 View this dissertation
Lotus corniculata Pl. tinct. 097 10 as corniculatus View this dissertation
Empetrum nigrum Pl. tinct. 097 26 View this dissertation
Carthamus tinctorius Pl. tinct. 097 23 View this dissertation
Rubia tinctorum Pl. tinct. 097 13 View this dissertation
Amaryllis Pl. tinct. 097 5 View this dissertation
Lotus corniculata Pl. tinct. 097 22 View this dissertation
Formica Pl. tinct. 097 29 View this dissertation
Centaurea cyanus Pl. tinct. 097 24 View this dissertation
Rumex acetosa Pl. tinct. 097 16 View this dissertation
Anchusa officinalis Pl. tinct. 097 13 View this dissertation
Lycopodium complanatum Pl. tinct. 097 27 View this dissertation
Fraxinus excelsior Pl. tinct. 097 26 View this dissertation
Galega tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 22 View this dissertation
Centaurea jacea Pl. tinct. 097 24 View this dissertation
Rumex maritimus Pl. tinct. 097 16 View this dissertation
Anemone pulsatilla Pl. tinct. 097 20 View this dissertation
Lycopus europaeus Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Galium boreale Pl. tinct. 097 12 View this dissertation
Chaerophyllum sylvestre Pl. tinct. 097 14 View this dissertation
Salix Pl. tinct. 097 10 View this dissertation
Anthemis tinctoria Pl. tinct. 097 24 View this dissertation
Lycopus europaeus Pl. tinct. 097 11 View this dissertation
