Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Alsine media Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Rumex acutus Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Arenaria rubra Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Convallaria majalis Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Pimpinella saxifraga Fl. Angl. 056 13 View this dissertation
Sedum telephium Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Campanula latifolia Fl. Angl. 056 12 View this dissertation
Juncus pilosus Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Campanula patula Fl. Angl. 056 12 View this dissertation
Juncus squarrosus Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Eriophorum vaginatum Fl. Angl. 056 10 View this dissertation
Aegopodium podagraria Fl. Angl. 056 13 View this dissertation
Ranunculus lingua Fl. Angl. 056 18 View this dissertation
Tilia europaea Fl. Angl. 056 17 View this dissertation
Mentha aquatica Fl. Angl. 056 18 View this dissertation
Chenopodium murale Fl. Angl. 056 13 View this dissertation
Gnaphalium uliginosum Fl. Angl. 056 22 View this dissertation
Scandix anthriscus Fl. Angl. 056 13 View this dissertation
Hippuris vulgaris Fl. Angl. 056 9 View this dissertation
Viola Fl. Angl. 056 6 View this dissertation
Papaver medium Fl. Angl. 056 17 View this dissertation
Drosera rotundifolia Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Spergula pentandra Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Brassica erucastrum Fl. Angl. 056 20 View this dissertation
Lycopodium clavatum Fl. Angl. 056 25 View this dissertation
