Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Bellis perennis Fl. Angl. 056 22 View this dissertation
Saxifraga nivalis Fl. Angl. 056 15 View this dissertation
Aira aquatica Fl. Angl. 056 10 View this dissertation
Hieracium pulmonaria angustifolia Fl. Angl. 056 27 View this dissertation
Vicia faba Fl. Angl. 056 21 View this dissertation
Panicum dactylon Fl. Angl. 056 10 View this dissertation
Centaurea cyanus Fl. Angl. 056 22 View this dissertation
Crepis tectorum Fl. Angl. 056 21 View this dissertation
Sorbus aucuparia Fl. Angl. 056 17 View this dissertation
Lychnis Fl. Angl. 056 6 View this dissertation
Asplenium adiantum nigrum Fl. Angl. 056 25 View this dissertation
Potentilla fruticosa Fl. Angl. 056 5 View this dissertation
Euphorbia segetalis Fl. Angl. 056 16 View this dissertation
Vaccinium vitis idaea Fl. Angl. 056 15 View this dissertation
