Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration

Vojtech, Anna

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
5 (1983)
87. Hemp Nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit)
China ink and watercolor  39.7 × 27.7 cm.
Lent by the artist

Photo Credit, Portrait: Daniel Villeneuve
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1983)
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 5th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Additional artwork by this artist can be found in our permanent collection here

Volas, Barbara

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
9 (1998)
Cabbage          1997
Charcoal          47 × 46 cm.
Hunt Institute collection

Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 9th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Portrait credit: Jerry Costanzo
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1998)

Volas, Barbara

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
9 (1998)
Bok choy         1997
Charcoal          53.5 × 50 cm.
Hunt Institute collection
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 9th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Portrait credit: Jerry Costanzo
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1998)

Volpato, Silvana

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
15 (2016)
Pera ‘volpina, bergamotta e madernassa’; Pyrus communis [Pyrus communis Linnaeus, Rosaceae] 2011
Watercolor on illustration board 36.5 × 51 cm
Hunt Institute collection
Portrait credit: Marcello Ferraro
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2016)

Volpe, Richard

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
3 (1972)

von Below, Irma (Mrs. Irma Kerr)

Artist Biographical Record: 
South Africa
International Year: 
2 (1968)

Vorobik, Linda

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
8 (1995)
New species of Cyathea: C. praeceps, C. neblinae, C. liesneri          1988
Pen-and-ink    36 × 28 cm
Hunt Institute collection, gift of Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley
Portrait credit: Delores Foss
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1995)

Vos, Jan-Roeland

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
10 (2001)
Still Life with Butterfly     1999
Watercolor     43 × 74.5 cm
Lent by the artist
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2001)

Waddington, Geri

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
12 (2007)
Acanthus         2002
Wood engraving
Image: 17.5 × 12.5 cm            Paper: 25.5 × 18 cm    Edition: 31/100
Hunt Institute collection
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2007)

Wagener, Richard

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
10 (2001)
Gymnocalycium ragonesei     1994
Wood engraving     25.5 × 19.5 cm
Hunt Institute collection

Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 10th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Portrait credit: Erica Wagener
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2001)
