Author: Bennett, George, 1804-1893 //
Title: Notices on the native plants of the island of Rotuma, Southern Pacific Ocean.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-6.
Copies: LINN
Reference / Citation: Cat. LINN 51.
Notes: Paper signed at the end (p. 6) George Bennett, and dated London, 5 Dec. 1831. Headline title (apparently preserved from periodical) reads: Polynesia.
HI Number: \13096\
Title: Notices on the native plants of the island of Rotuma, Southern Pacific Ocean.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-6.
Copies: LINN
Reference / Citation: Cat. LINN 51.
Notes: Paper signed at the end (p. 6) George Bennett, and dated London, 5 Dec. 1831. Headline title (apparently preserved from periodical) reads: Polynesia.
HI Number: \13096\
Author: Bennett, George, 1804-1893 // G. Bennett
Title: Botany of New Zealand; being a description of trees, plants, &c. indigenous to that country.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-7 (8 blank).
Copies: LINN
Reference / Citation: Cat. LINN 51; Announcement in Trans. Linn. Soc. 16(3): 772. 1833 >>4MLP 3796<<4.
Notes: Text printed in 2 columns, consisting of several short papers reprinted simultaneously. The title reported is the headline title on the first column of p. 1. Some of the papers are signed: George Bennett.
HI Number: \19708\
Title: Botany of New Zealand; being a description of trees, plants, &c. indigenous to that country.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [London].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-7 (8 blank).
Copies: LINN
Reference / Citation: Cat. LINN 51; Announcement in Trans. Linn. Soc. 16(3): 772. 1833 >>4MLP 3796<<4.
Notes: Text printed in 2 columns, consisting of several short papers reprinted simultaneously. The title reported is the headline title on the first column of p. 1. Some of the papers are signed: George Bennett.
HI Number: \19708\
Author: Bennett, George, 1804-1893 // George Bennett
Title: Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China; being the journal of a naturalist in those countries, during 1832, 1833, and 1834.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Richard Bentley.
Date: 1834.
Printer: Ibotson and Palmer.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: i-xv (xvi blank), 1-440; [Vol. 2]: i-viii, 1-428.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1 and 2).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: AMD-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL; K; LINN; MB; NcD; NN;; PPAN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 302; Jackson 400; Merrill & Walker 40; Brunet 6: 20497; Desmond57; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 1: 50. 1950.
HI Number: \12239\
Title: Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China; being the journal of a naturalist in those countries, during 1832, 1833, and 1834.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Richard Bentley.
Date: 1834.
Printer: Ibotson and Palmer.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: i-xv (xvi blank), 1-440; [Vol. 2]: i-viii, 1-428.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1 and 2).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: AMD-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL; K; LINN; MB; NcD; NN;; PPAN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 302; Jackson 400; Merrill & Walker 40; Brunet 6: 20497; Desmond57; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 1: 50. 1950.
HI Number: \12239\
Author: Bennett, John Joseph, 1801-1876 // Joannes J. Bennett
Title: Plantae javanicae rariores, descriptae iconibusque illustratae, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, M. D. E siccis descriptiones et characteres plurimarum elaboravit Joannes J. Bennett; observationes structuram et affinitates praesertim respicientes passim adjecit Robertus Brown.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini (= London).
Additional Publisher Info: Gul. H. Allen, et Socii.
Date: 1838/1852[1838-1852].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Richard Taylor.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 4 fasc.).
Pagination: i-viii, i-viii, i-xvi, 1-258, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Illustrations: 51 BW or 51 MIXD (48 COL + 3 BW) plates (including 1 map).
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: BM; BMNH; BP-BM; C; G; GOET-UB; JE; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; S-KVA; W
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; Teyler; U
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 613; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 468; Jackson 396; Krüger 176; Lowndes 2: 1122; Graesse 1: 336; Brunet 3: 340; Merrill & Walker 40; Nissen 934; Sitwell & Blunt 49; Desmond 57, 322; TL-2 1: 418; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 1: 244. 1950.
Editor/Contributor: Horsfield, Thomas, 1773-1859 (Prospectus, pp. v-viii. 1852; written in 3rd person, but authorship assigned to him on p. v; Postscript [third set of pagination] pp. i-xvi. 1852).
Coauthor(s): Brown, Robert, 1773-1858 // Robertus Brown
Notes: Cancelled title-page (published with fasc. 1) is similar, but gives the name of the senior author as: Ionnes Bennett. The imprint (bookdealers) differs: Gul. H. Allen, et Socii (Londini); Black, Armstrong, et Socii (Lipsiae); S. et I. Luchtmans (Lugduni Batavorum); J. B. Bailliere (Parisiis). 1838. Reference in the title is to the collector of the specimens, Thomas Horsfield. For dates of publication of fascicles, see Stearn, W. T. in Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 4: CLXIX. 1954 (repeated in TL-2).
HI Number: \00374\
Title: Plantae javanicae rariores, descriptae iconibusque illustratae, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, M. D. E siccis descriptiones et characteres plurimarum elaboravit Joannes J. Bennett; observationes structuram et affinitates praesertim respicientes passim adjecit Robertus Brown.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini (= London).
Additional Publisher Info: Gul. H. Allen, et Socii.
Date: 1838/1852[1838-1852].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Richard Taylor.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 4 fasc.).
Pagination: i-viii, i-viii, i-xvi, 1-258, 1st-2nd unnumb. p. (2nd p. blank).
Illustrations: 51 BW or 51 MIXD (48 COL + 3 BW) plates (including 1 map).
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: BM; BMNH; BP-BM; C; G; GOET-UB; JE; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; S-KVA; W
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; Teyler; U
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 613; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 468; Jackson 396; Krüger 176; Lowndes 2: 1122; Graesse 1: 336; Brunet 3: 340; Merrill & Walker 40; Nissen 934; Sitwell & Blunt 49; Desmond 57, 322; TL-2 1: 418; Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 1: 244. 1950.
Editor/Contributor: Horsfield, Thomas, 1773-1859 (Prospectus, pp. v-viii. 1852; written in 3rd person, but authorship assigned to him on p. v; Postscript [third set of pagination] pp. i-xvi. 1852).
Coauthor(s): Brown, Robert, 1773-1858 // Robertus Brown
Notes: Cancelled title-page (published with fasc. 1) is similar, but gives the name of the senior author as: Ionnes Bennett. The imprint (bookdealers) differs: Gul. H. Allen, et Socii (Londini); Black, Armstrong, et Socii (Lipsiae); S. et I. Luchtmans (Lugduni Batavorum); J. B. Bailliere (Parisiis). 1838. Reference in the title is to the collector of the specimens, Thomas Horsfield. For dates of publication of fascicles, see Stearn, W. T. in Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Flora malesiana I. 4: CLXIX. 1954 (repeated in TL-2).
HI Number: \00374\
Author: Benoist, -- (Madame) // Mme. ***
Title: Herbier élémentaire, ou recueil des gravures au trait ombré, contenant la collection complète des plantes utiles, agréables et usuelles, qui croissent sans aucune culture aux environs de Paris dans le rayon de 8-12 myriamètres, soigneusement dessinées d'après nature, classées d'après le systéme de Linné, pour facilité de l'étude de botanique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Clamant frères; Galignani; Renouard.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: 15 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 714; Barbier 2: 614; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 85; Dierbach 175; Miltitz 129; Krüger 144; Review in Asklepieion 1(59): 933. 1811 [24 July] >>4MLP 2868<<4.
Notes: Barbier cites format as 8$; perhaps this is an indication for the existence of yet another edition, also published in Paris in 1811.
HI Number: \07134\
Title: Herbier élémentaire, ou recueil des gravures au trait ombré, contenant la collection complète des plantes utiles, agréables et usuelles, qui croissent sans aucune culture aux environs de Paris dans le rayon de 8-12 myriamètres, soigneusement dessinées d'après nature, classées d'après le systéme de Linné, pour facilité de l'étude de botanique.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Clamant frères; Galignani; Renouard.
Date: 1811.
Format: 2º.
Volumation: 1 fasc. only.
Illustrations: 15 BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 714; Barbier 2: 614; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 85; Dierbach 175; Miltitz 129; Krüger 144; Review in Asklepieion 1(59): 933. 1811 [24 July] >>4MLP 2868<<4.
Notes: Barbier cites format as 8$; perhaps this is an indication for the existence of yet another edition, also published in Paris in 1811.
HI Number: \07134\
Author: Bentham, George, 1800-1884 // George Bentham
Title: Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas Languedoc, avec des notes et observations sur les espèces nouvelles ou peu connues; précédé d'une notice sur un voyage botanique fait dans les Pyrénées pendant l'été de 1825.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Madame Huzard.
Additional Publisher Info: Vieusseux (Toulouse); Mme. Veuve Bergeret (Bordeaux); Garon et Compagnie (Montpellier); Sévalle (Montpellier).
Date: 18\i\Vieusseux(Toulouse);Mme.VeuveBergeret(Bordeaux);GaronetCompagnie(Montpellier);Sévalle(Montpellier).26.
Format: 8º in 4's (except gatherings 1-3 which are in 8º).
Printer: Madame Huzard <née Vallat La Chapelle>.
Pagination: 1-128.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B; B-SB; BP-BM; C; G; LE; MA; MH-HL; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 614; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 408; Jackson 278; Miltitz 131; Krüger 146; Dierbach 172; Desmond 58; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 420.
HI Number: \00375\
Title: Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas Languedoc, avec des notes et observations sur les espèces nouvelles ou peu connues; précédé d'une notice sur un voyage botanique fait dans les Pyrénées pendant l'été de 1825.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Madame Huzard.
Additional Publisher Info: Vieusseux (Toulouse); Mme. Veuve Bergeret (Bordeaux); Garon et Compagnie (Montpellier); Sévalle (Montpellier).
Date: 18\i\Vieusseux(Toulouse);Mme.VeuveBergeret(Bordeaux);GaronetCompagnie(Montpellier);Sévalle(Montpellier).26.
Format: 8º in 4's (except gatherings 1-3 which are in 8º).
Printer: Madame Huzard <née Vallat La Chapelle>.
Pagination: 1-128.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B; B-SB; BP-BM; C; G; LE; MA; MH-HL; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 614; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 408; Jackson 278; Miltitz 131; Krüger 146; Dierbach 172; Desmond 58; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 420.
HI Number: \00375\
Author: Bentham, George, 1800-1884 // George Bentham
Title: Scrophularineae indicae. A synopsis of the east indian Scrophularineae contained in the collections presented by the East India Company to the Linnean Society of London, and in those of Mr. Royle and others; with some general observations on the affinities and sub-divisions of the order.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. James Ridgway and Sons.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: Norman and Skeen.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), 1-57 (58 blank).
Copies: NIC-A
Seen / Located: BMNH; B-SB; C; DSI; G; HBL; LE; MH-HL; P; P-BC; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 617; Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 778; Jackson 384; Merrill & Walker 41; Desmond 59; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 422.
Notes: Introduction (pp. 1-14) in English, with footnotes in Latin; main text (pp. 15-55) in Latin; postscript (pp. 55-57) in English and Latin. Reference in the title is to: Royle, John Forbes, 1799-1858.
HI Number: \00378\
Title: Scrophularineae indicae. A synopsis of the east indian Scrophularineae contained in the collections presented by the East India Company to the Linnean Society of London, and in those of Mr. Royle and others; with some general observations on the affinities and sub-divisions of the order.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. James Ridgway and Sons.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Printer: Norman and Skeen.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), 1-57 (58 blank).
Copies: NIC-A
Seen / Located: BMNH; B-SB; C; DSI; G; HBL; LE; MH-HL; P; P-BC; WU
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 617; Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 778; Jackson 384; Merrill & Walker 41; Desmond 59; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 422.
Notes: Introduction (pp. 1-14) in English, with footnotes in Latin; main text (pp. 15-55) in Latin; postscript (pp. 55-57) in English and Latin. Reference in the title is to: Royle, John Forbes, 1799-1858.
HI Number: \00378\
Author: Bentham, George, 1800-1884 // Georgius Bentham
Title: Commentationes de Leguminosarum generibus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Vindobonae (= Vienna).
Date: 1837.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. P. Sollingerus.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p., 1-78, 5th-6th unnumb. p.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: BMNH; LE; MH-HL; P-BC; WU
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 618; Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 318; Jackson 135; Langman 128; TL-2 1: 423.
Notes: According to Langman, this work is a survey of the family Leguminosae, with descriptions of new genera and species from Brazil and Australia; some Mexican species are also included.
HI Number: \00379\
Title: Commentationes de Leguminosarum generibus.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Vindobonae (= Vienna).
Date: 1837.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. P. Sollingerus.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p., 1-78, 5th-6th unnumb. p.
Copies: G
Seen / Located: BMNH; LE; MH-HL; P-BC; WU
Reported: K; LINN; MBH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 618; Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 318; Jackson 135; Langman 128; TL-2 1: 423.
Notes: According to Langman, this work is a survey of the family Leguminosae, with descriptions of new genera and species from Brazil and Australia; some Mexican species are also included.
HI Number: \00379\
Author: Bentham, George, 1800-1884 // Georgius Bentham
Title: Plantae Hartwegianae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini (= London). Guilielmus Pamplin.
Date: 1839/1857[1839-1857].
Format: 8º in 4's.
Volumation: 1 vol. (published in fascicles; each fascicle often consisting of one gathering only; exact number of fascicles yet to be established).
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), i-ii (original title-page, verso blank; cancelled), iii-iv, 5-393 (394 blank).
Copies: BMNH; HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BP-BM; C; G; GOET-UB (incomplete); MH-HL; NIC-A; NIC-BH; W
Reported: BM; BR; CtY; CU; DNAL; DSI; ICJ; K; L; LINN; LZ-UB (incomplete); MBH; MiU; MoSB; NN; NNHor; NYBG; PPAN; PPAP; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 619; Langman 128; León 80 (no. I); Sabin 2: 72; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 331; Desmond 59; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 424; McVaugh, R.: Introduction to the facsimile reprint of George Bentham's 'Plantae Hartwegianae'. Lehre, J. Cramer, 1970, 1st unnumb. p., pp. 1-102; Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 19(3): 422. 1970 [June]; Manitz, H., Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 24(4): 501. 1975.
Notes: 1 vol. (published in fascicles; each fascicle often consisting of one gathering only; exact number of fascicles yet to be established). Second (cancelled) title-page reads: Plantas Hartwegianas imprimis mexicanas adjectis nonnullis Grahamianis lenumerat novasque describit .. Londini, 1839. Text in Latin; a few notes by W. J. Hooker (pp. 54-55) in English. Text divisions: Plantae Hartwegianae (pp. 5-112; includes: Enumeratio systematica stirpium supra commemoratum mexicanarum necnon guatemalensium, pp. 98-112); Plantarum Hartwegianarum section altera (pp. 113-283; includes: Enumeratio systematica stirpium in parte secunda commemoratarum columbianarum necnon jamaicensium, pp. 267-283); Plantarum Hartwegianarum section tertia (pp. 285-342; treats plants of Mexico and California); Emendanda et corrigenda (pp. 343-361); Index specierum et synonymorum (pp. 362-393). Altogether 2230 species treated (statement on p. 393); however, various species of ferns are not found in the present work, but in Hooker, William Jackson: Species filicum. 5 vols. London, 1846-1864. Reference in the title (as well as in the alternative title) is to: Hartweg, Karl Theodor, 1812-1871; reference in the alternative title is also to: Graham, George John, 1803-1878. See also Britten, J.: Graham’s Mexican plants. J. Bot. 43(515): 317-318. 1905 [Nov.]. However, in addition to these two main collectors, also plants from other collectors are passingly mentioned. For dates of publication see McVaugh and TL-2. Direction lines on first page of many gatherings report dates, but these dates are the dates of printing and not necessarily those of publication. An alternative way of publication is reported by Manitz; the (incomplete) copy at LZ-UB consists of 3 parts, each including several fascicles; according to McVaugh (p. 14), these parts were distributed by the London publisher and bookdealer William Pamplin, the same publisher who occurs in the imprint of the title-page of 1857 (the original title-page of 1839 does not have a publisher’s imprint). For a list of localities visited see McVaugh, pp. 49-98
HI Number: \00380\
Title: Plantae Hartwegianae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini (= London). Guilielmus Pamplin.
Date: 1839/1857[1839-1857].
Format: 8º in 4's.
Volumation: 1 vol. (published in fascicles; each fascicle often consisting of one gathering only; exact number of fascicles yet to be established).
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), i-ii (original title-page, verso blank; cancelled), iii-iv, 5-393 (394 blank).
Copies: BMNH; HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BP-BM; C; G; GOET-UB (incomplete); MH-HL; NIC-A; NIC-BH; W
Reported: BM; BR; CtY; CU; DNAL; DSI; ICJ; K; L; LINN; LZ-UB (incomplete); MBH; MiU; MoSB; NN; NNHor; NYBG; PPAN; PPAP; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 619; Langman 128; León 80 (no. I); Sabin 2: 72; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 331; Desmond 59; LGN 1: 414; TL-2 1: 424; McVaugh, R.: Introduction to the facsimile reprint of George Bentham's 'Plantae Hartwegianae'. Lehre, J. Cramer, 1970, 1st unnumb. p., pp. 1-102; Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 19(3): 422. 1970 [June]; Manitz, H., Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 24(4): 501. 1975.
Notes: 1 vol. (published in fascicles; each fascicle often consisting of one gathering only; exact number of fascicles yet to be established). Second (cancelled) title-page reads: Plantas Hartwegianas imprimis mexicanas adjectis nonnullis Grahamianis lenumerat novasque describit .. Londini, 1839. Text in Latin; a few notes by W. J. Hooker (pp. 54-55) in English. Text divisions: Plantae Hartwegianae (pp. 5-112; includes: Enumeratio systematica stirpium supra commemoratum mexicanarum necnon guatemalensium, pp. 98-112); Plantarum Hartwegianarum section altera (pp. 113-283; includes: Enumeratio systematica stirpium in parte secunda commemoratarum columbianarum necnon jamaicensium, pp. 267-283); Plantarum Hartwegianarum section tertia (pp. 285-342; treats plants of Mexico and California); Emendanda et corrigenda (pp. 343-361); Index specierum et synonymorum (pp. 362-393). Altogether 2230 species treated (statement on p. 393); however, various species of ferns are not found in the present work, but in Hooker, William Jackson: Species filicum. 5 vols. London, 1846-1864. Reference in the title (as well as in the alternative title) is to: Hartweg, Karl Theodor, 1812-1871; reference in the alternative title is also to: Graham, George John, 1803-1878. See also Britten, J.: Graham’s Mexican plants. J. Bot. 43(515): 317-318. 1905 [Nov.]. However, in addition to these two main collectors, also plants from other collectors are passingly mentioned. For dates of publication see McVaugh and TL-2. Direction lines on first page of many gatherings report dates, but these dates are the dates of printing and not necessarily those of publication. An alternative way of publication is reported by Manitz; the (incomplete) copy at LZ-UB consists of 3 parts, each including several fascicles; according to McVaugh (p. 14), these parts were distributed by the London publisher and bookdealer William Pamplin, the same publisher who occurs in the imprint of the title-page of 1857 (the original title-page of 1839 does not have a publisher’s imprint). For a list of localities visited see McVaugh, pp. 49-98
HI Number: \00380\
Author: Berchtold, Friedrich von, 1780-1876 //
Title: Oekonomisch-technische Flora Böhmens nach einem ausgedehntern Plane bearbeitet; oder: Systematische Beschreibung der in Böhmen wildwachsenden und kultivirten Gewächse, mit genauer Angabe ihrer Nützlichkeit und Schädlichkeit im Allgemeinen wie im Besondern; dann deren Anwendung und Behandlung in Künsten, Gewerben, Land-, Forst- und Hauswirthschaft.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1836-1841[1836-1843].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Johann Host. Pospischil (vol. 1); Th. Thabor (vol. 2; also vol. 3(2)); Thomas Thabor (vol. 3; also vol. 2(1)); Gottlieb Haase Söhne (contribution: Die Kartoffeln, in vol. 3(2)).
Volumation: 3 vols. (in 2 parts each): Erster Band (- Dritter Band).
Pagination: [Vol. 1(1)]: I-XVI, 1-261 (262 blank), 1st-2nd unnumb. p.; [Vol. 1(2)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 263-508, 5th-12th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 2(1)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 1-298, 5th-6th unnumb. p. (6th p. blank); [Vol. 2(2)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 1-278, 5th-6th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 3(1)]: 1st-6th unnumb. p. (1st, 4th and 6th p. blank), 279-512; [Vol. 3(2)]: 1st-6th unnumb. p. (1st, 4th and 6th p. blank), I-LI (LII blank), 7th-8th unnumb. p. (8th p. blank), I-XVI, 1-574, 9th-12th unnumb. p., 574-577 (error for: 575-578), 13th-14th unnumb. p.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: B (lacks vol. 1(2) and 3(1)); B-SB; JE (vol. 1(1) only); MH-HL
Seen / Located: BP-BM; G; LE; O2NB; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; ICU; IU; NYBG; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 632, 633; Jackson 264; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 90; Futák & Domin 102; Heinsius 9(1); 71; Kayser 7: 81; Krüger 152; TL-2 1: 434.
Coauthor(s): Seidl, Wenzel Benno, 1773-1842 (vol. 1(1)) // Opiz, Phillip Maximilian, 1787-1858 (vols. 1(2)-3(2)) // Oekonomisch-technische Flora Bo2hmens Nach einem ausgedehntern Plane bearbeitet; oder: Systematische Beschreibung der in Bo2hmen wildwachsenden und kultivirten Gewa2schse, mit genauer Angabe ihrer Nützlichkeit und Scha2dlichkeit im Allgemeinen wie im Besondern; dann deren Anwendung und Behandlung in Künsten, Gewerben, Land-, Forst- und Hauswirthschaft.
Notes: Second title-page for vol. 3(2), verso, facing the recto part title for vol. 3(2), reads: Deutschlands Nachtschattenarten. <Solanen Linné’s.> Deren Nützlichkeit und Schädlichkeit; mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kartoffeln oder Erdäpfeln. <Solanum tuberosum Linné.> Prag, 1843. Unfinished work (only Linnaean classes I-IV and part of class V treated). Author’s names given on part-titles only: F Graf von Berchtold (vols. 1(1)-3(2)); Friedrich Graf Berchtold (title-page of contribution: Die Kartoffeln); Wenzel Beeno Seidl (vol. 1(1)): P. M. Opiz (vols. 1(2)-3(2)). Two title-pages each for vols. 1(1)-2(2). Both title-pages for vol. 1 dated 1836; the first title-page for vol. 2, facing the part title for vol. 2(1), dated 1838, the second one, facing the part title for vol. 2(2), dated 1839. Title-page for vol. 3, verso, facing the recto part title for vol. 3(1), dated 1841. In vol. 3(2): [second set of pagination] I-XVI, 1-574. 2 pls. 1843, is found the following special contribution by Friedrich von Berchtold, a preprint of which was published separately in 1842: Die Kartoffeln. <Solanum tuberosum C. Bauh.> Deren Geschichte, Charakteristik, Nützlichkeit, Schädlichkeit, Kultur, Krankheiten etc., mit ausführlichen Angaben ihren industriellen Anwendung. Monographisch bearbeitet nauch Jassnüger, Pfaff, Viborg, Ptsche, Bertuch &c. und eigenen Ansichten. Prag. 1842. For other partial reprints or preprints see: Berchtold, Friedrich von & Opiz, Philipp Maximilian: Die Dipsaceen Böhiems. Prag, 1838 (HI 14372); Berchtold, Friedrich von & Fieber, Franz Xaver: Die Potamogeta Böhmens Prag, 1838 (HI 10184); Berchtold, Friedrich von & Pfund, Johannes Daniel Christian: Monographiae generis Verbasci prodromus. – Deutschlands Bärtlinge oder Wollkräuter <Königskerzen>. Prag, 1840 (HI 13345); Berchtold, Friedrich von Fieber, Franz Xaver: Die Echien Böhmens. Prag, 1841.
HI Number: \00382\
Title: Oekonomisch-technische Flora Böhmens nach einem ausgedehntern Plane bearbeitet; oder: Systematische Beschreibung der in Böhmen wildwachsenden und kultivirten Gewächse, mit genauer Angabe ihrer Nützlichkeit und Schädlichkeit im Allgemeinen wie im Besondern; dann deren Anwendung und Behandlung in Künsten, Gewerben, Land-, Forst- und Hauswirthschaft.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag.
Date: 1836-1841[1836-1843].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Johann Host. Pospischil (vol. 1); Th. Thabor (vol. 2; also vol. 3(2)); Thomas Thabor (vol. 3; also vol. 2(1)); Gottlieb Haase Söhne (contribution: Die Kartoffeln, in vol. 3(2)).
Volumation: 3 vols. (in 2 parts each): Erster Band (- Dritter Band).
Pagination: [Vol. 1(1)]: I-XVI, 1-261 (262 blank), 1st-2nd unnumb. p.; [Vol. 1(2)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 263-508, 5th-12th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 2(1)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 1-298, 5th-6th unnumb. p. (6th p. blank); [Vol. 2(2)]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (1st and 4th p. blank), 1-278, 5th-6th unnumb. p.; [Vol. 3(1)]: 1st-6th unnumb. p. (1st, 4th and 6th p. blank), 279-512; [Vol. 3(2)]: 1st-6th unnumb. p. (1st, 4th and 6th p. blank), I-LI (LII blank), 7th-8th unnumb. p. (8th p. blank), I-XVI, 1-574, 9th-12th unnumb. p., 574-577 (error for: 575-578), 13th-14th unnumb. p.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates.
Copies: B (lacks vol. 1(2) and 3(1)); B-SB; JE (vol. 1(1) only); MH-HL
Seen / Located: BP-BM; G; LE; O2NB; W
Reported: BM; BMNH; ICU; IU; NYBG; Regensburg, RBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 632, 633; Jackson 264; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 90; Futák & Domin 102; Heinsius 9(1); 71; Kayser 7: 81; Krüger 152; TL-2 1: 434.
Coauthor(s): Seidl, Wenzel Benno, 1773-1842 (vol. 1(1)) // Opiz, Phillip Maximilian, 1787-1858 (vols. 1(2)-3(2)) // Oekonomisch-technische Flora Bo2hmens Nach einem ausgedehntern Plane bearbeitet; oder: Systematische Beschreibung der in Bo2hmen wildwachsenden und kultivirten Gewa2schse, mit genauer Angabe ihrer Nützlichkeit und Scha2dlichkeit im Allgemeinen wie im Besondern; dann deren Anwendung und Behandlung in Künsten, Gewerben, Land-, Forst- und Hauswirthschaft.
Notes: Second title-page for vol. 3(2), verso, facing the recto part title for vol. 3(2), reads: Deutschlands Nachtschattenarten. <Solanen Linné’s.> Deren Nützlichkeit und Schädlichkeit; mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kartoffeln oder Erdäpfeln. <Solanum tuberosum Linné.> Prag, 1843. Unfinished work (only Linnaean classes I-IV and part of class V treated). Author’s names given on part-titles only: F Graf von Berchtold (vols. 1(1)-3(2)); Friedrich Graf Berchtold (title-page of contribution: Die Kartoffeln); Wenzel Beeno Seidl (vol. 1(1)): P. M. Opiz (vols. 1(2)-3(2)). Two title-pages each for vols. 1(1)-2(2). Both title-pages for vol. 1 dated 1836; the first title-page for vol. 2, facing the part title for vol. 2(1), dated 1838, the second one, facing the part title for vol. 2(2), dated 1839. Title-page for vol. 3, verso, facing the recto part title for vol. 3(1), dated 1841. In vol. 3(2): [second set of pagination] I-XVI, 1-574. 2 pls. 1843, is found the following special contribution by Friedrich von Berchtold, a preprint of which was published separately in 1842: Die Kartoffeln. <Solanum tuberosum C. Bauh.> Deren Geschichte, Charakteristik, Nützlichkeit, Schädlichkeit, Kultur, Krankheiten etc., mit ausführlichen Angaben ihren industriellen Anwendung. Monographisch bearbeitet nauch Jassnüger, Pfaff, Viborg, Ptsche, Bertuch &c. und eigenen Ansichten. Prag. 1842. For other partial reprints or preprints see: Berchtold, Friedrich von & Opiz, Philipp Maximilian: Die Dipsaceen Böhiems. Prag, 1838 (HI 14372); Berchtold, Friedrich von & Fieber, Franz Xaver: Die Potamogeta Böhmens Prag, 1838 (HI 10184); Berchtold, Friedrich von & Pfund, Johannes Daniel Christian: Monographiae generis Verbasci prodromus. – Deutschlands Bärtlinge oder Wollkräuter <Königskerzen>. Prag, 1840 (HI 13345); Berchtold, Friedrich von Fieber, Franz Xaver: Die Echien Böhmens. Prag, 1841.
HI Number: \00382\