Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809
Title: Tvänne resor fran Ostindien till Americas nordvästra kust åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stockholm. J. S. Ekmanson.
Date: 1797.
Format: 12º.
Translator: Ödmann, Samuel Lorentz, 1750-1829 (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Sabin 11: 550; NUC 372: NM 0388365.
HI Number: \24190\
Title: Tvänne resor fran Ostindien till Americas nordvästra kust åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stockholm. J. S. Ekmanson.
Date: 1797.
Format: 12º.
Translator: Ödmann, Samuel Lorentz, 1750-1829 (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Sabin 11: 550; NUC 372: NM 0388365.
HI Number: \24190\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the north west coast of America. To which ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526.
HI Number: \24184\
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the north west coast of America. To which ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates.
Reference / Citation: Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526.
HI Number: \24184\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809
Title: Viaggi dalla China all coste nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Prima versione italiana ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Torino.
Date: 1797-1798.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates.
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: ICN
Reference / Citation: NUC 372: NM 0388368; Graesse 4: 459.
HI Number: \24188\
Title: Viaggi dalla China all coste nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Prima versione italiana ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Torino.
Date: 1797-1798.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates.
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: ICN
Reference / Citation: NUC 372: NM 0388368; Graesse 4: 459.
HI Number: \24188\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // G. Meares
Title: Viaggi dalla China alla costa nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Seconda edizione italiana corretta ed accresciuta, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Napoli.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Giuseppe Policarpo Merande; Luigi Coltellini.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Tomo primo (- Tomo quarto).
Illustrations: 17 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of John Meares and 7 maps).
Translator: (Abridged translation from the English, HI 24181).
Copies: PPAP
Reported: CtY; MiU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 11: 550; NUC 372: NM 0388367.
HI Number: \24187\
Title: Viaggi dalla China alla costa nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Seconda edizione italiana corretta ed accresciuta, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Napoli.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Giuseppe Policarpo Merande; Luigi Coltellini.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Tomo primo (- Tomo quarto).
Illustrations: 17 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of John Meares and 7 maps).
Translator: (Abridged translation from the English, HI 24181).
Copies: PPAP
Reported: CtY; MiU
Reference / Citation: Sabin 11: 550; NUC 372: NM 0388367.
HI Number: \24187\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // G. Meares
Title: Viaggi dalla China alla costa nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Prima traduzione italiana arricchita di note istoriche-scientis fiche di vedute, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Firenze. G. Pagani.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates (including portraits and maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: CtY; DLC; NN
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; NUC 372: NM 0388356; announcement in Antologia Romana 22(41): 321-328. 1796 [Apr.] >>4MLP 3938<<4.
HI Number: \24186\
Title: Viaggi dalla China alla costa nord-ovest d' America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789.
Edition: Prima traduzione italiana arricchita di note istoriche-scientis fiche di vedute, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Firenze. G. Pagani.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.
Illustrations: BW plates (including portraits and maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: CtY; DLC; NN
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; NUC 372: NM 0388356; announcement in Antologia Romana 22(41): 321-328. 1796 [Apr.] >>4MLP 3938<<4.
HI Number: \24186\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // J. Meares
Title: Voyages de la Chine a la côte nord-ouest d'Amérique, faits dans les années 1788 et 1789; précédés de la relation d'un autre voyage exécute en 1786 sur le vaisseau le Nootka, parti du Bengale; d'un recueil d'observations sur la probabilité d'un passage nord-ouest; et d'un traité abrégé du commerce entre la côte nord-ouest et la Chine, etc. etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. F. Buisson.
Date: An'e(.)delaRépublique(=1794/1795).
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (plate vol.).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. plates): Tome premier (- Tome troisième) + Collection de cartes géographiques.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including 1 portrait of John Meares and maps).
Translator: Billecocq, Jean Baptiste Louis Joseph (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Copies: BM; BR-BR; CtY; DLC; ICN; MB; MH; MiU; NN; NNC
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Brunet 3: 1563; Sabin 11: 549-550; Fournier 229.
HI Number: \24185\
Title: Voyages de la Chine a la côte nord-ouest d'Amérique, faits dans les années 1788 et 1789; précédés de la relation d'un autre voyage exécute en 1786 sur le vaisseau le Nootka, parti du Bengale; d'un recueil d'observations sur la probabilité d'un passage nord-ouest; et d'un traité abrégé du commerce entre la côte nord-ouest et la Chine, etc. etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. F. Buisson.
Date: An'e(.)delaRépublique(=1794/1795).
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (plate vol.).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. plates): Tome premier (- Tome troisième) + Collection de cartes géographiques.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including 1 portrait of John Meares and maps).
Translator: Billecocq, Jean Baptiste Louis Joseph (Translated from the English, HI 24181).
Copies: BM; BR-BR; CtY; DLC; ICN; MB; MH; MiU; NN; NNC
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Brunet 3: 1563; Sabin 11: 549-550; Fournier 229.
HI Number: \24185\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // John Meares
Title: Des Kapitains John Meares und des Kapitains William Douglas Reisen nach der Nordwestküste von Amerika, in den Jahren 1788 bis 1789.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Voss ("In der Vossischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1796.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 9 BW plates (including 2 portraits and 2 maps).
Translator: Forster, Johann Georg Adam (Translated extract from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Sabin 11: 550; Kayser 2: 364; Heinsius 2: 955.
Editor/Contributor: Forster, Johann Georg Adam, 1754-1794.
HI Number: \24189\
Title: Des Kapitains John Meares und des Kapitains William Douglas Reisen nach der Nordwestküste von Amerika, in den Jahren 1788 bis 1789.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Voss ("In der Vossischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1796.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 9 BW plates (including 2 portraits and 2 maps).
Translator: Forster, Johann Georg Adam (Translated extract from the English, HI 24181).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Sabin 11: 550; Kayser 2: 364; Heinsius 2: 955.
Editor/Contributor: Forster, Johann Georg Adam, 1754-1794.
HI Number: \24189\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // John Meares
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the north west coast of America. To which are prefixed, an introductory narrative of a voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka; observations on the probable existence of a north west passage; and some account of the trade between the north west coast of America and China; and the latter country and Great Britain.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Walter.
Date: 1790.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Logographic Press.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including frontisp.: portrait of John Meares, and 10 maps).
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL KJ; IU; MB; MH; MiU-C; NIC; NN; NNC; PPL; ViU; WIS
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526-1527; Sabin 11: 549; Brunet 3: 1563; Fournier 227 (erroneously as "229;" gives date incorrectly as 1791).
Editor/Contributor: Combe, William, 1741-1823.
HI Number: \24181\
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the north west coast of America. To which are prefixed, an introductory narrative of a voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka; observations on the probable existence of a north west passage; and some account of the trade between the north west coast of America and China; and the latter country and Great Britain.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Walter.
Date: 1790.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Logographic Press.
Illustrations: 28 BW plates (including frontisp.: portrait of John Meares, and 10 maps).
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; DLC; E-UL KJ; IU; MB; MH; MiU-C; NIC; NN; NNC; PPL; ViU; WIS
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526-1527; Sabin 11: 549; Brunet 3: 1563; Fournier 227 (erroneously as "229;" gives date incorrectly as 1791).
Editor/Contributor: Combe, William, 1741-1823.
HI Number: \24181\
Author: Meares, John, 1756?-1809 // John Meares
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the N. W. coast of America: with an introductory narrative of a voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka. To which are annexed, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Walter.
Date: 1791.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Logographic Press.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 14 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of John Meares, and 9 maps).
Copies: CU
Reported: CtY; DLC; MB; MH; PPL; ViU
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526; Sabin 11: 549; Brunet 3: 1563; Fournier 229.
HI Number: \24183\
Title: Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the N. W. coast of America: with an introductory narrative of a voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka. To which are annexed, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Walter.
Date: 1791.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Logographic Press.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 14 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of John Meares, and 9 maps).
Copies: CU
Reported: CtY; DLC; MB; MH; PPL; ViU
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 29; Graesse 4: 459; Lowndes 2: 1526; Sabin 11: 549; Brunet 3: 1563; Fournier 229.
HI Number: \24183\
Author: Meese, David, 1723-1770 // David Meese
Title: Het XIX classe van de Genera plantarum van de Heer Carolus Linnaeus, Syngenesia genaamt Opgeheldert ... Als meede de beschryving en afbeelding van een zeldzame en zonderlinge zee-plant.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leeuwarden. H. A. de Chalmot.
Date: 1761.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL-S; LE
Reported: BM; DNAL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6049; Haller 2: 493; BWN 5: 159; Soulsby 303; Miltitz 268.
HI Number: \03719\
Title: Het XIX classe van de Genera plantarum van de Heer Carolus Linnaeus, Syngenesia genaamt Opgeheldert ... Als meede de beschryving en afbeelding van een zeldzame en zonderlinge zee-plant.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leeuwarden. H. A. de Chalmot.
Date: 1761.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 8 BW plates.
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; HBL-S; LE
Reported: BM; DNAL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 6049; Haller 2: 493; BWN 5: 159; Soulsby 303; Miltitz 268.
HI Number: \03719\