Author: Marder, Anton
Title: Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung der Mineralquelle zu Ründeroth.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Cöln. Bachem.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 164; Heinsius 7(2): 59; Kayser 4: 27.
HI Number: \34139\
Title: Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung der Mineralquelle zu Ründeroth.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Cöln. Bachem.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 164; Heinsius 7(2): 59; Kayser 4: 27.
HI Number: \34139\
Author: Mariti, Giovanni, 1736-1806 //
Title: Viaggio da Gerusalemme per la costa della Soria.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Livorno. T. Masi.
Date: 1787.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Reported: BM; MH; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Soulsby 1890; Hulth 102; NUC 362: NM 0226389; review in Phys. Ökon. Biblioth. 15(4): 543. 1789 >>4MLP 1186<<4.
HI Number: \10765\
Title: Viaggio da Gerusalemme per la costa della Soria.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Livorno. T. Masi.
Date: 1787.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Reported: BM; MH; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Soulsby 1890; Hulth 102; NUC 362: NM 0226389; review in Phys. Ökon. Biblioth. 15(4): 543. 1789 >>4MLP 1186<<4.
HI Number: \10765\
Author: Mariti, Giovanni, 1736-1806 //
Title: Odeporico o sia itinerario per le colline pisane.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Firenze. Giovacchino Pagani.
Date: 1797-1799.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tomo I (- Tomo II).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Copies: GOET-UB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Saccardo [1]: 103-104; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 16: 893.
HI Number: \17746\
Title: Odeporico o sia itinerario per le colline pisane.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Firenze. Giovacchino Pagani.
Date: 1797-1799.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Tomo I (- Tomo II).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Copies: GOET-UB
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Saccardo [1]: 103-104; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 16: 893.
HI Number: \17746\
Author: Marmora, Giuseppe Alberto Ferrero de la, 1789-1863
Title: Voyage en Sardaigne, ou description statistique, physique et politique de cette île, avec des recherches sur les productions naturelles et ses antiquités.
Edition: Seconde édition, revue et augmentée.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Arthus Bertrand. :: Turin. Joseph Bocca.
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (atlas).
Volumation: 2 vols. (Première partie only in this edition) (1 vol. text + 1 vol. atlas).
Illustrations: 10 BW plates.
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Brunet 3: 785; Engelmann 636; Graesse 4: 83; Ekama 527; Reviews in Nouv. Ann. Voyages Sci. Séogr. 85([25]); 302-330. 1 pl. 1840 [Mar.] >>4MLP 3531<<4; Isis (Oken) [35](8) : 626-633. 1842 >>4MLP 0655<<4.
HI Number: \17749\
Title: Voyage en Sardaigne, ou description statistique, physique et politique de cette île, avec des recherches sur les productions naturelles et ses antiquités.
Edition: Seconde édition, revue et augmentée.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Arthus Bertrand. :: Turin. Joseph Bocca.
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (atlas).
Volumation: 2 vols. (Première partie only in this edition) (1 vol. text + 1 vol. atlas).
Illustrations: 10 BW plates.
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Brunet 3: 785; Engelmann 636; Graesse 4: 83; Ekama 527; Reviews in Nouv. Ann. Voyages Sci. Séogr. 85([25]); 302-330. 1 pl. 1840 [Mar.] >>4MLP 3531<<4; Isis (Oken) [35](8) : 626-633. 1842 >>4MLP 0655<<4.
HI Number: \17749\
Author: Marmora, Giuseppe Alberto Ferrero de la, 1789-1863
Title: Voyage en Sardaigne de 1819 à 1825, ou description statistique, physique et politique de cette île, avec des recherches sur les productions naturelles et ses antiquités.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Delaforest (Première partie); Arthus Bertrand (Seconde partie) :: Turin. Frères Bocca (Troisième partie).
Date: 1826-1827.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (atlas vols.).
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 3 divisions; 4 vols text + 3 vols. atlas): Premiere partie [Text + Atlas]; Seconde partie [Text + Atlas]; Troisième partie [Text. Vol. 1 (- Vol. 2) + Atlas].
Illustrations: 70 MIXD plates (51 BW, 19 partley COL).
Reported: BM (Seconde partie, Troisième partie); BMNH (Troisième partie); DLC; DNLM; ICU; MH (Seconde partie); NN; Teyler (Troisième partie)
Reference / Citation: Ekama 527; NUC 170: NF 0104063; Brunet 3: 785; Graesse 4: 83; reviews in Leipziger Literaturzeitung ("Leipziger Literatur Zeitung") 1828.I(39): 307-309. 1828 [13 Feb.] >>4MLP 0765<<4; Neue Allg. Geogr. Statist. Ephem. 23(2): 55-59. 1827 >>4MLP 3493<<4.
Notes: Title for seconde partie (- Troisie'me partie) reported as: Voyage en Sardaigne, ou, description statistique, ...
HI Number: \17748\
Title: Voyage en Sardaigne de 1819 à 1825, ou description statistique, physique et politique de cette île, avec des recherches sur les productions naturelles et ses antiquités.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Delaforest (Première partie); Arthus Bertrand (Seconde partie) :: Turin. Frères Bocca (Troisième partie).
Date: 1826-1827.
Format: 8º (text) + 2º obl. (atlas vols.).
Volumation: 2 vols. (in 3 divisions; 4 vols text + 3 vols. atlas): Premiere partie [Text + Atlas]; Seconde partie [Text + Atlas]; Troisième partie [Text. Vol. 1 (- Vol. 2) + Atlas].
Illustrations: 70 MIXD plates (51 BW, 19 partley COL).
Reported: BM (Seconde partie, Troisième partie); BMNH (Troisième partie); DLC; DNLM; ICU; MH (Seconde partie); NN; Teyler (Troisième partie)
Reference / Citation: Ekama 527; NUC 170: NF 0104063; Brunet 3: 785; Graesse 4: 83; reviews in Leipziger Literaturzeitung ("Leipziger Literatur Zeitung") 1828.I(39): 307-309. 1828 [13 Feb.] >>4MLP 0765<<4; Neue Allg. Geogr. Statist. Ephem. 23(2): 55-59. 1827 >>4MLP 3493<<4.
Notes: Title for seconde partie (- Troisie'me partie) reported as: Voyage en Sardaigne, ou, description statistique, ...
HI Number: \17748\
Author: Marschall von Bieberstein, Friedrich August, 1768-1826
Title: Flora taurico-caucasica.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Tübingae (= Tübingen).
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: Vol. 1 only in this edition.
Reference / Citation: Brunet 3: 1472; Graesse 4: 416.
HI Number: \34116\
Title: Flora taurico-caucasica.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Tübingae (= Tübingen).
Date: 1816.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: Vol. 1 only in this edition.
Reference / Citation: Brunet 3: 1472; Graesse 4: 416.
HI Number: \34116\
Author: Marschall von Bieberstein, Friedrich August, 1768-1826 // Fridericus Marschall a Bieberstein
Title: Flora taurico-caucasica exhibens stirpes phaenogamas, in Chersoneso taurica et regionibus caucasicis sponte crescentes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Charkoviae [Kharkov]. [Auctor].
Date: 1808-1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typis academicis.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tomus I (- Tomus III).
Copies: HBL; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H; H-UB; IRL; LE; MiU; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN; NNHo; Regensburg, RBG; RHS; Teyler (lacks vol. 3) \s\ Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5831; Bradley 1: 368; Junk, Rara 217; Kayser 4: 33; Jackson 328; Lipschitz, Fontes 1303; Trautvetter 122; Stafleu 791.
HI Number: \03602\
Title: Flora taurico-caucasica exhibens stirpes phaenogamas, in Chersoneso taurica et regionibus caucasicis sponte crescentes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Charkoviae [Kharkov]. [Auctor].
Date: 1808-1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Typis academicis.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Tomus I (- Tomus III).
Copies: HBL; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; H; H-UB; IRL; LE; MiU; O2NB; P; P-BC; W; WU
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN; NNHo; Regensburg, RBG; RHS; Teyler (lacks vol. 3) \s\ Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5831; Bradley 1: 368; Junk, Rara 217; Kayser 4: 33; Jackson 328; Lipschitz, Fontes 1303; Trautvetter 122; Stafleu 791.
HI Number: \03602\
Author: Marschall von Bieberstein, Friedrich August, 1768-1826 // Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein
Title: Beschreibung der Länder zwischen den Flüssen Terek und Kur am Caspischen Meere. Mit einem botanischen Anhang.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Frankfurt am Main. Friedrich Esslinger.
Date: 1800.
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: LE; P-BC; Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5830; Trautvetter 119; Bradley 1: 360; Kayser 4: 33; Heinsius 1: 312; Junk, Rara 217.
HI Number: \03601\
Title: Beschreibung der Länder zwischen den Flüssen Terek und Kur am Caspischen Meere. Mit einem botanischen Anhang.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Frankfurt am Main. Friedrich Esslinger.
Date: 1800.
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: LE; P-BC; Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 5830; Trautvetter 119; Bradley 1: 360; Kayser 4: 33; Heinsius 1: 312; Junk, Rara 217.
HI Number: \03601\
Author: Martin, Benjamin, 1704-1782 // Benjamin Martin
Title: The natural history of England; or, a description of each particular county, in regard to the curious productions of nature and art.
Reference / Citation:
HI Number: \12524\a
Title: The natural history of England; or, a description of each particular county, in regard to the curious productions of nature and art.
Reference / Citation:
HI Number: \12524\a
Author: Martin, Matthew, 1748-1838 // Matthew Martin
Title: The Aurelian's vade mecum, containing an english alphabetical, and Linnaean systematical catalogue of plants, affording nourishment of butterflies, hawk-moths, and moths, in the state of caterpillar. With the Linnaean, and some of the best approved english names of the insects.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Exeter.
Additional Publisher Info: B. White and Son (London); J. Robson (London); Leigh and Sotheby (London); S. Hazard (Bath).
Date: 1785.
Format: 12º.
Printer: R. Trewman.
Copies: LINN
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Jackson 238; Bradley 1: 395; Lowndes 2: 1490-1491; Soulsby 1227; Henrey 1014.
HI Number: \10158\
Title: The Aurelian's vade mecum, containing an english alphabetical, and Linnaean systematical catalogue of plants, affording nourishment of butterflies, hawk-moths, and moths, in the state of caterpillar. With the Linnaean, and some of the best approved english names of the insects.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Exeter.
Additional Publisher Info: B. White and Son (London); J. Robson (London); Leigh and Sotheby (London); S. Hazard (Bath).
Date: 1785.
Format: 12º.
Printer: R. Trewman.
Copies: LINN
Reported: BM; BMNH
Reference / Citation: Jackson 238; Bradley 1: 395; Lowndes 2: 1490-1491; Soulsby 1227; Henrey 1014.
HI Number: \10158\