Author: Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich, 1770-1824 // J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller
Title: Neue Methode von natürlichen Pflanzenabdrücken in- und ausländischer Gewächse zur Demonstration der botanischen Kunstsprache in Schulen, so wie auch zum Selbstunterrichte für Freunde der Pflanzenkunde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Akademische Buchhandlung.
Date: 1809.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 1 part only: 1. Heft.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-36.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: JE-UB (lacks plates).
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3513; Krieg 1: 276; TL 2: 2112; Miltitz 38; Krüger 118; Dochnahl 61; Fischer, Gutenberg Jahrb. 1933: p. 199 (no. 9). 1933.
Notes: Unfinished work. Plates are nature prints.
HI Number: \02233\
Title: Neue Methode von natürlichen Pflanzenabdrücken in- und ausländischer Gewächse zur Demonstration der botanischen Kunstsprache in Schulen, so wie auch zum Selbstunterrichte für Freunde der Pflanzenkunde.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Akademische Buchhandlung.
Date: 1809.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 1 part only: 1. Heft.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-36.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: JE-UB (lacks plates).
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3513; Krieg 1: 276; TL 2: 2112; Miltitz 38; Krüger 118; Dochnahl 61; Fischer, Gutenberg Jahrb. 1933: p. 199 (no. 9). 1933.
Notes: Unfinished work. Plates are nature prints.
HI Number: \02233\
Author: Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich, 1770-1824 // J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller
Title: Systematisches Verzeichniss wilder Pflanzen die in der Nähe und umliegenden Gegend von Jena wachsen nebst Bemerkung ihres Wohnorts, ihrer Blüthezeit, Fruchtreife und ihres Nutzens für angehende Aerzte, Apotheker, Technologen, Oekonomen, Gartenliebhaber, etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Akademische Buchhandlung ("in der akademischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1803.
Format: 8º.
Copies: B
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-UB;; GOET-UB; P-BC
Reported: B; BM; BMNH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3511; Krüger 160; Miltitz 166; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 375; Heinsius 2: 172; Kayser 2: 245; TL-2 1: 2111.
HI Number: \02231\
Title: Systematisches Verzeichniss wilder Pflanzen die in der Nähe und umliegenden Gegend von Jena wachsen nebst Bemerkung ihres Wohnorts, ihrer Blüthezeit, Fruchtreife und ihres Nutzens für angehende Aerzte, Apotheker, Technologen, Oekonomen, Gartenliebhaber, etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Jena. Akademische Buchhandlung ("in der akademischen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1803.
Format: 8º.
Copies: B
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-UB;; GOET-UB; P-BC
Reported: B; BM; BMNH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3511; Krüger 160; Miltitz 166; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 375; Heinsius 2: 172; Kayser 2: 245; TL-2 1: 2111.
HI Number: \02231\
Author: Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich, 1770-1824 // J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller
Title: Diagnose der bekanntesten, besonders europäischen Pflanzengattungen nach dem berbesserten Linneischen Systeme zum analytischen Gebrauche für seine Vorlesungen so wie auch zum Selbstunterricht entworfen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Eisenberg. Johann Wilhelm Schöne
Date: 1811.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH
Reported: NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3515; Jackson 226; Miltitz 40; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 349; 5: 18; Soulsby 796a; Heinsius 5: 218; Kayser 2: 425; TL-2 1: 2113.
Editor/Contributor: Gruner, - (Vorrede).
HI Number: \02235\
Title: Diagnose der bekanntesten, besonders europäischen Pflanzengattungen nach dem berbesserten Linneischen Systeme zum analytischen Gebrauche für seine Vorlesungen so wie auch zum Selbstunterricht entworfen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Eisenberg. Johann Wilhelm Schöne
Date: 1811.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH
Reported: NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3515; Jackson 226; Miltitz 40; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 349; 5: 18; Soulsby 796a; Heinsius 5: 218; Kayser 2: 425; TL-2 1: 2113.
Editor/Contributor: Gruner, - (Vorrede).
HI Number: \02235\
Author: Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich, 1770-1824 // J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller
Title: Flora jenensis oder Beschreibung der in der Nähe von Jena und einem grossen Theile des Grossherzogthums Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach und des Herzogthums Altenburg wildwachsenden Pflanzen nebst gena;uer Angabe ihrer Wohnorte, Blüthezeit, Fruchttreife, Dauer und ihres mannichfaltigen Nutzens für angehende Aerzte, Veterinärärzte, Pharmaceuten, Groguisten, Forstmänner, Technologen, Oekonomen, Gartenfreunde, Kaufleute, Maler etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Eisenberg. Schöne ("Im Verlag der Schöneschen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: I. Band.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE; O2NB
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3518; Heinsius 7([1]): 297; Kayser 2: 245; Miltitz 167; TL 2: 2114.
HI Number: \02238\
Title: Flora jenensis oder Beschreibung der in der Nähe von Jena und einem grossen Theile des Grossherzogthums Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach und des Herzogthums Altenburg wildwachsenden Pflanzen nebst gena;uer Angabe ihrer Wohnorte, Blüthezeit, Fruchttreife, Dauer und ihres mannichfaltigen Nutzens für angehende Aerzte, Veterinärärzte, Pharmaceuten, Groguisten, Forstmänner, Technologen, Oekonomen, Gartenfreunde, Kaufleute, Maler etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Eisenberg. Schöne ("Im Verlag der Schöneschen Buchhandlung").
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: I. Band.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; LE; O2NB
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3518; Heinsius 7([1]): 297; Kayser 2: 245; Miltitz 167; TL 2: 2114.
HI Number: \02238\
Author: Graupner, Johann Friedrich //
Title: Afrika's Menschen, Thiere und Gewächse.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zeitz.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols.
Illustrations: 25 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 1: 44; announcement in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 63.I(4): 308. 1801 >>4MLP 1740<<4.
Notes: Earlier edition published under the title: Charakteristik der aussereuropäischen Nationen. Zeitz und Naumburg, 1793 (HI 26341).
HI Number: \25091\
Title: Afrika's Menschen, Thiere und Gewächse.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zeitz.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols.
Illustrations: 25 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 1: 44; announcement in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 63.I(4): 308. 1801 >>4MLP 1740<<4.
Notes: Earlier edition published under the title: Charakteristik der aussereuropäischen Nationen. Zeitz und Naumburg, 1793 (HI 26341).
HI Number: \25091\
Author: Graupner, Johann Friedrich // J. F. G***
Title: Charakteristik der aussereuropäischen Nationen, welche noch wenig bekannt sind. Aus den besten und neuesten Reisebeschreibungen zusammengetragen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zeitz und Naumburg. Gottlob Heinrich Heinse.
Date: 1793.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Erster Theil (- Dritter Theil).
Copies: DR-LB
Reference / Citation: Holzmann & Bohatta 1: 9225, 9239; Kayser 1: 430; Heinsius 1: 528.
Notes: Later edition published under the title: Afrika's Menschen, Thiere und Gewächse. Zeitz, 1801 (HI 25091).
HI Number: \26341\
Title: Charakteristik der aussereuropäischen Nationen, welche noch wenig bekannt sind. Aus den besten und neuesten Reisebeschreibungen zusammengetragen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Zeitz und Naumburg. Gottlob Heinrich Heinse.
Date: 1793.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 3 vols.: Erster Theil (- Dritter Theil).
Copies: DR-LB
Reference / Citation: Holzmann & Bohatta 1: 9225, 9239; Kayser 1: 430; Heinsius 1: 528.
Notes: Later edition published under the title: Afrika's Menschen, Thiere und Gewächse. Zeitz, 1801 (HI 25091).
HI Number: \26341\
Author: Graves, George, 1784-1839 // George Graves
Title: A monograph on the british grasses.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Date: 1822[1822-1823].
Format: 8º.
Printer: W. & S. Graves.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 5 fasc.).
Illustrations: 48 COL or 48 BW plates.
Copies: LINN; O2NB
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BMNH; K; MBH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3519; Desmond 263; Nissen 748; Jackson 239; Lowndes 2: 929; Dierbach 68; Krüger 253-254; Perkins 56; Cleevely, R. J., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 6(6): 491. 1974 [Feb.].
Notes: Unfinished work. Plates not consecutively numbered; no text for plates 40 and 42 published. According to Nissen and Desmond, plates are reduced from Curtis, William: Flora londonensis. A new edition. London. Vols. 1-3, 1817-1826 (HI 01284). While Graves was editor for these vols., it should be noted that the numbers in the present work do not agree with those in Curtis'. In the preface of the present work (p. iv) Graves makes the following statement: "... many of the descriptions will be abridge from the new edition of Flora londonensis, from manuscripts of the late Mr. Curtis, or written expressly for this work; and the figures, as far as the page allows, will be of the natural size, ...". No work is said about the the source of the illustrations.
HI Number: \02239\
Title: A monograph on the british grasses.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Date: 1822[1822-1823].
Format: 8º.
Printer: W. & S. Graves.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 5 fasc.).
Illustrations: 48 COL or 48 BW plates.
Copies: LINN; O2NB
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BMNH; K; MBH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3519; Desmond 263; Nissen 748; Jackson 239; Lowndes 2: 929; Dierbach 68; Krüger 253-254; Perkins 56; Cleevely, R. J., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 6(6): 491. 1974 [Feb.].
Notes: Unfinished work. Plates not consecutively numbered; no text for plates 40 and 42 published. According to Nissen and Desmond, plates are reduced from Curtis, William: Flora londonensis. A new edition. London. Vols. 1-3, 1817-1826 (HI 01284). While Graves was editor for these vols., it should be noted that the numbers in the present work do not agree with those in Curtis'. In the preface of the present work (p. iv) Graves makes the following statement: "... many of the descriptions will be abridge from the new edition of Flora londonensis, from manuscripts of the late Mr. Curtis, or written expressly for this work; and the figures, as far as the page allows, will be of the natural size, ...". No work is said about the the source of the illustrations.
HI Number: \02239\
Author: Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 // Asa Gray
Title: Melanthacearum Americae septentrionalis revisio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Novi-Eboraci (= New York). G. P. Scott.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank; dedication, verso blank), 105-140.
Copies: LINN
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; G; LE; MH-HL; P
Reported: MH; NNHo; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 3847; announcements in Litt.-Ber. Linnaea 1839: 45. 1839 >>4MLP 2638<<4; Jahresber. Königl. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Fortschr. Bot. 1837: 37. 1841 >>4MLP 0741<<4.
HI Number: \07946\
Title: Melanthacearum Americae septentrionalis revisio.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Novi-Eboraci (= New York). G. P. Scott.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º in 4's.
Pagination: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (title-page, verso blank; dedication, verso blank), 105-140.
Copies: LINN
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; G; LE; MH-HL; P
Reported: MH; NNHo; RHS
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 3847; announcements in Litt.-Ber. Linnaea 1839: 45. 1839 >>4MLP 2638<<4; Jahresber. Königl. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Fortschr. Bot. 1837: 37. 1841 >>4MLP 0741<<4.
HI Number: \07946\
Author: Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 // Asa Gray
Title: A monograph of the north american species of Rhynchospora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [New York].
Date: s.d.[1835].
Format: 8º in 4's.
Pagination: 1st unnumb. p. (half-title, verso blank), 191-219 (Rhynchospora), 220-235 (New plants of New York).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Stafleu 429; TL 2: 2120.
Notes: Half-title reads: From the thrid volume of the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New-York. Headline title of second part of pamphlet (p. 220) reads: A notice of some new, rare of otherwise interesting plants, from the northern and western portions of the state of New York. Headline title. Distributed in Apr. 1835, before vol. 3 of the periodical Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New-York was assembled and published. The stock of the loose sheets of this periodical were reprinted in 1836, with some changes. Hence the present pamphlet was never published as a part of Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New-York and forms an independent publication. It differs in its pagination: The explanation of pl. VI is on p. 219 (in the later periodical article on p. 220), and the plants of New York are treated on pp. 220-236 (in the later periodical article on pp. 221-238).
HI Number: \24025\
Title: A monograph of the north american species of Rhynchospora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [New York].
Date: s.d.[1835].
Format: 8º in 4's.
Pagination: 1st unnumb. p. (half-title, verso blank), 191-219 (Rhynchospora), 220-235 (New plants of New York).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Stafleu 429; TL 2: 2120.
Notes: Half-title reads: From the thrid volume of the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New-York. Headline title of second part of pamphlet (p. 220) reads: A notice of some new, rare of otherwise interesting plants, from the northern and western portions of the state of New York. Headline title. Distributed in Apr. 1835, before vol. 3 of the periodical Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New-York was assembled and published. The stock of the loose sheets of this periodical were reprinted in 1836, with some changes. Hence the present pamphlet was never published as a part of Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New-York and forms an independent publication. It differs in its pagination: The explanation of pl. VI is on p. 219 (in the later periodical article on p. 220), and the plants of New York are treated on pp. 220-236 (in the later periodical article on pp. 221-238).
HI Number: \24025\
Author: Gray, Samuel Frederick, 1766-1828 // Samuel Frederick Gray
Title: A natural arrangement of british plants, according to their relations to each other, as pointed out by Jussieu, de Candolle, Brown, &c. including those cultivated for use; with an introduction to botany, in which the terms newly introduced are explained.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy.
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Printer: C. Baldwin.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 21 COL or 21 BW plates (including frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Copies: H-UB; HBL
Seen / Located: C; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; O2NB; W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3533; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 397; Desmond 264, 265; Dierbach 183; Lindau & Sydow 1: 10328; Lowndes 2: 931; Miltitz 138; Krüger 130; Brunet 6: 5179; Sayre 65; Jackson 234; TL-2 1: 2134; Rogers, D. P., Mycologia 33: 568-570. 1941; 43: 376-378. 1951; Donk, M. A. Taxon 6(9): 252. 1957 [13 Dec.]; Brizicky, G. K., Taxon 18(6): 650. 1969 [Dec.].
Notes: References in the title are to: Jussieu Antoine Laurent, 1748-1836; Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841; and to: Brown, Robert, 1773-1859.
HI Number: \02242\
Title: A natural arrangement of british plants, according to their relations to each other, as pointed out by Jussieu, de Candolle, Brown, &c. including those cultivated for use; with an introduction to botany, in which the terms newly introduced are explained.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy.
Date: 1821.
Format: 8º.
Printer: C. Baldwin.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 21 COL or 21 BW plates (including frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Copies: H-UB; HBL
Seen / Located: C; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-FH; MH-HL; O2NB; W
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3533; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 397; Desmond 264, 265; Dierbach 183; Lindau & Sydow 1: 10328; Lowndes 2: 931; Miltitz 138; Krüger 130; Brunet 6: 5179; Sayre 65; Jackson 234; TL-2 1: 2134; Rogers, D. P., Mycologia 33: 568-570. 1941; 43: 376-378. 1951; Donk, M. A. Taxon 6(9): 252. 1957 [13 Dec.]; Brizicky, G. K., Taxon 18(6): 650. 1969 [Dec.].
Notes: References in the title are to: Jussieu Antoine Laurent, 1748-1836; Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841; and to: Brown, Robert, 1773-1859.
HI Number: \02242\